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Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

Sly Reflex

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Cities XL is alright. I still don't like how linear it is with unlocks and how some unlocks are out of sequence, but it makes for a relaxing experience because things can't go tits up all at once. The trade thing still sucks though, I can see it being a right old pain in the mangina once all your resources are out, unless further down the unlocks tree there's stuff to mitigate having to put up with that crap.

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I'll throw VVVVVV on for 10 minutes and see if I can be bothered with it. I'm pretty sure I finished it before because the end had a thing where you had to bounce between two lines for ages to progress, I died somewhere in the region of 100 times trying to pass that fucking bit.

Demigod will be the next game I play for a decent chunk of time, unless it's garbage. It looks like some sort of point and click adventure game from what I can gather.

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  • 3 months later...

Played a bit more of Demigod. I've not really spent much time with it but noticing the differences from the MOBA I have played a lot become more apparent. Stuff like towers having an inert ability to heal and having to return to base for multiple reasons make it so that pushes really need to be committed to. If you don't press all your hard work can be undone because towers can be upgraded along an asymmetrical path alongside your own hero's skill tree.

Returning to base is something you need to do. As well as yourself leveling up your 'war effort' does as well. You get gold as the game goes on, but killing creeps, capturing flags and generally being offensive adds to your gold. The War Effort has levels with town skills becoming unlocked and able to be purchased. Stuff like buffing the defense, healing capabilities and damage output of towers and other perks that allow you to make more money/xp. You can even make it so that the creeps come out with their own healers and armenants.

You don't need to return to base to level yourself up. When you get enough XP you can open a tab and put points into whatever skills you want similar to how the War Effort thing is gated off to stop you going for the most powerful thing.

Interestingly you can capture creep spawns so you can force feed the enemy objective creeps point blank. If you happen to lose a creep portal you're pretty much fucked unless the team pulls together and rights the defeat on that flag. Games are still winnable as everything seems to be constantly healing itself, but you're in an uphill struggle once the enemy is able to take those flags regularly.

I would imagine with 10 friends all in the same game it'd be fun for a bit, but longevity wise it'd probably be on its arse after a few hours. Saying that, a few hours would only be a few games, since they seem to go on forever.

Anyway, that's Demigod played.I didn't like it much and it's unfinishable anyway. I'm also adding Dirt 3 to the list which I played a while back. I can't be bothered finishing that because it seems to go on forever.

Next up is Beat Hazard, which I assume is some sort of runner game. If it is it probably won't last long, can't say I'm a fan of those.

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Next up is Beat Hazard, which I assume is some sort of runner game. If it is it probably won't last long, can't say I'm a fan of those.

It's a Twin-stick shooter that procedurally generates the enemy patterns according to the song used for the soundtrack. It was an Xbox 360 Indie game.

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Beat Hazard is actually pretty fun. It's basic, but there's enough there to keep you entertained for 10 minutes at a time. It is never ending though, so I'll probably pick out an album, finish it and then move on, otherwise I'd be playing this forever.

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That's an album down in Beat Hazard. I went with Arctic Monkeys Whatever People say I am...

It did a really good job of building levels out of the album to play against. Dancefloor is basically a boss fight after a bit of an introduction. Perhaps Vampire is a Bit Strong had this cool bit where when the volume went down it fill the screen with enemies making it impossible to clear it because you become underpowered, when the stomp box is kicked and the song kicks in again it turns into a mental all guns blazing clear out where you get revenge on the harassing enemies. The album signed off with a boss battle in the final minute that had to be survived rather than beaten, i thought that was quite cool as well.

So yeah, cool game. If you have a lot of music on your PC and are into twin stick shooters with retina burning explosion displays you could do a lot worse. check it out if you can be bothered.

Next out of the tub of tombola is The Typing of the Dead. This is where my incredibly bad typing kicks me in the dick, I believe.

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This game is properly laden with British pop culture references. Songs, films, tv shows and comedy shows, I don't think they missed anything.

The last boss is mental as well, I know it was going to be off the wall because Kurosaki recommended it, but I wasn't expecting that.

Next up is Anomaly 2.

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  • Sly Reflex changed the title to Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

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