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Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

Sly Reflex

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Aye it's good fun.

Took me ages to get my head round the controls, it ends up like a Diablo kind of game but you battle enemies using Street Fighter moves on the right stick.

I've still got a Steam gift for it for anyone that wants it.

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I'm looking at yt videos and pretty much every single one says that the final levels are shite. Also, these people using kbam are banging out 4 and 5 times the amount of spells we can on the pad. Absolute shit.


Look at that fucking bullshit! Look at it and thank your lucky stars you never have to fucking do it!

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Started a guy with kbam controls, the difference is astonishing. Those parties of mobs we danced around earlier on in the game? Just bombard them to death before they can even hit you once. The only damage I'm taking is from my own AoE splash damage.

Whoever came up with the pad controls for this game needs fucking castrating. The spells should have been on face buttons with LT alternating between the 2 sets of 4. That way you can dial them in and have both sticks free for movement, RT to shoot, LB to use on self and RB to AoE. That way pad users have some sort of speed when inputting spells, instead of fucking around with the right stick while even simple mobs gouge stools of shit from your gaping anus like their scooping Ben & Jerry's for a marathon session of watching Lord of the Rings on Bluray.

It's seriously the worst pad integration I've ever seen in a game. I've controlled games better with X-padder that don't have specific pad controls before this.

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I played with my daughter, and she's not quite managed to get the hang of keys and mouse at the same time, so pad is idea for her.

I agree completely though, that it would have made a ton more sense to use the face buttons with a bumper to modify between spells.

There are some "bonus" characters that kinda break the game as well, walking around in near invincible armour wielding an ak-47 meant I often didn't even have to use spell except for spamming out healing to save other people...

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We're nearing the part that started being unfun as a kbam player. It's been like a different game playing on kbam, parts where we spent loads of time kiting and chipping away mobs has now being replaced by slinging death to minor mobs and death by freezing on larger stuff.

I'll have the 99 problems achievement soon too. I think I get it when i've heard Hendo complain about being useless with kbam in about 20 more complaints. :P

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I seriously hate the end of this game, Everything on from the moment they introduce Yeti's is horrific.

This banana sticker is a monument to Hendo finishing a PC game with a keyboard and mouse when he could have been a lazy sod and played with a pad. Well done, H!


I hope the next game's not as stressful as this. I think if my blood pressure gets any higher I'm going to detach my retinas.

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Started where I left off. Initial thoughts were "I should have never have stopped playing this until it was done, because now I'm out of practice". Astonishingly I managed to do what I had left to do in that world and beat the boss relatively painlessly, it's a testament to how well the game controls when you can get a gist of what's going on so quickly.

I'm now up top what the game has dubbed The End. I assume this is the end of the normal game without any of the secrets and dark worlds. I'm not bothered about doing those though, the main game is difficult enough. Just a few more levels out of this world then I can do the boss, wrap this mother up and never play it again, safe in the knowledge tha whenever it comes up in conversation I can say I finished it even though I was proper winging my way through it. A bit like those guys that exploit the fuck out of Dark Souls and then brag they finished that.

Thank fuck dark Souls isn't on the list, because I'd be one of those guys.

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I went back to it and did it in about 5 goes! I actually managed to get over the blade and then died because I shocked myself! :lol:

Just the boss to do now. I can't be arsed doing it tonight, it looks like there's a lot to learn, it's one of those levels that auto scrolls so you can't take your time and learn what can be done under your own duress.

Despite having 29 people who own this game there's only 3 people that have managed to finish it on my steam. That's a pretty shocking ratio.

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I become the 4th person to beat the game on steam out of my friends. It's no wonder people give up, this game is fucking hard. Took me about 50% of the games running time to beat the last 2 levels...

I'm really fucking glad it's over. I know for some people SMB is easy, but it's really pushing what I'm capable of skill wise. I fully respect any fucker that's completed this, it's no mean feat.

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Cave Story+ next. I've played about the first 30 minutes of it before, although I don't remember much about it. I fought a TV and went to a graveyard, beyond that I can't remember a thing. Hopefully it plays as nice as the other indie darling I just finished. I also hope it plays a bit less rough, I feel pretty beat up after the last few games.

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  • Sly Reflex changed the title to Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

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