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Grand Theft Auto V


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I'm not sure if I want to try porting my online character over (can you go 360 to PS4?) or just start from scratch...

I was told on the other forum that you can't transfer across platforms, which is why I ended up buying the Xbox one version even tho I'd probably have preferred to have bought it on PS4

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I'm not sure if I want to try porting my online character over (can you go 360 to PS4?) or just start from scratch...

I was told on the other forum that you can't transfer across platforms, which is why I ended up buying the Xbox one version even tho I'd probably have preferred to have bought it on PS4

noooooo, you can port it!

i was 360, now I'm ps4 and it went right on over

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I wouldn't say I'm a grump. I just find the massive load-times, and annoying people, a pain in the arse. And working nights means I've littlle time to play online with mates as it is.

for sure

If you play with a group of people then it's easier to avoid the idiots, they've also changed things slightly in that the radar blip changes colour the more aggressive a a player is, makes it easier to swerve the jerks.

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GTA online can be completely ruined by people trolling

however, I've never laughed so hard as the time when a bunch us decided to have a helicopter sumo fight, or a mountain bike death race down mount chiliad, or a 4 man fist fight in the back of a moving van.

like any online game, find the right people and you'l have a blast

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You have to get killed once to get passive mode unlocked. It's pretty fun from what I've played, when you're minding your own business and someone with wanted stars tear through and the choppers and shit are all gunning for them it's pretty amazing.

Trade your copy in, Small. Just say the wrong version was bought for a full refund, as long as you've not opened it you'll be golden.

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The long-awaited Heists for Grand Theft Auto Online arrive early in 2015, Rockstar Games has said.

A first video was shared in an interview-reveal piece with IGN.

Heists had to be rethought so that each aspect - each of the four players' perspectives - was fun and varied to play, hence the hold-up. "... Our initial attempts at Heists turned out to be a lot of fun for one or two players while other players were getting left on the sidelines," Rockstar's mission designer Imran Sarwar explained.

Heists require four players rank 12 or above to begin. The Leader takes the job from Lester and sets everything up, picking a crew, assigning player roles, agreeing cuts and fronting any cash that's needed. They'll need a pad big enough to hold a planning board.

Missions are multi-tiered and require preparation rounds - stealing a getaway car, finding a way into a bank - before the big finales.

There will be five Heist "strands" at launch that involve more than 20 missions, equalling roughly 20 hours of gameplay, Sarwar said. They'll be replayable and there will be rewards for nailing them in certain ways.


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Started playing online. The vs shooting stuff is dogshit. The rest? Great stuff.

Can I get an invite to the MFG crew? Or can you disband the old crew so I can start a new one? Come on owners, stop buggering about, I asked already. You're costing us XP! :P

Seriously though, if you could do that, that would be fantastic Give everyone that is a regular here rights to invite people and change stuff around like the BF4 one, at least that way if the guys at the top lose interest there's always others to pick up the slack.

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I tried to join it but it wasn't clear if I was in or not. It's same with the phone app, I've pissed about trying to get a personalised number plate but I've no idea what the fuck I'm meant to do to get it in game. The Web 2.0 stuff is getting too complicated for it's own good.

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I tried to join it but it wasn't clear if I was in or not. It's same with the phone app, I've pissed about trying to get a personalised number plate but I've no idea what the fuck I'm meant to do to get it in game. The Web 2.0 stuff is getting too complicated for it's own good.

Plz accept my friend request. Pretty sure you're in the crew now like?

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I slung up the MFG logo as our crew logo. It's not perfect, but it's a good enough representation. Sling it on your cars and clothes. MFG's represent!


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>"Sly_Reflex" changed the Crew emblem for: "mfgamers" <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RockstarGames?src=hash">#RockstarGames</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SocialClub?src=hash">#SocialClub</a> <a href="http://t.co/r1RoIEUIWI">http://t.co/r1RoIEUIWI</a> <a href="http://t.co/LGTq3dZ2oy">pic.twitter.com/LGTq3dZ2oy</a></p>— Simon  (@Sly_Reflex) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sly_Reflex/status/547946300277547008">December 25, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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