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smallofbooty last won the day on February 7 2019

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About smallofbooty

  • Birthday September 30

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  1. And it's helpful to watch a few back to back to stay up to speed as there is a lot of time jumping, and cleverness (in a really good way). Watched too far apart and it could be easy to lose your way and lose interest in the whole thing, which would be a shame.
  2. Dark (which I told you all to watch 2 years ago) Perfume Russian Doll Suburra Blood on Rome The Good Place Black Mirror Criminal (UK and the rest) The Last Kingdom Stranger Things Queen's Gambit Mindhunter Maniac ... and many more.
  3. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    Interesting review on the Guardian website which pretty much mirrors comments made by a number of people on here: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/aug/27/high-score-review-history-of-video-games-fails-to-top-the-leaderboard-netflix?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  4. Well inner space is where you go for your hallucinatory journey of chemical discovery and outer space is real rockets, planets and shit. Just wasn't sure which one you are travelling through at the moment.
  5. Was that Inner Space travel or Outer Space travel @Hendo
  6. So I'm trying Disney out but am vastly underwhelmed at the moment . I was keen to watch the Mandalorian, but five episodes in and it's really pedestrian. Just very flat. If it wasnt for the little green feller there'd be no character or charm at all. There's no tension or sense of story and the whole Star Wars world just seems endlessly the same, wherever you go and whatever the time period. Marvel films are just like watching paint dry for me, really boring stuff. And with that, im struggling to find anything to watch which I havent already seen. Proper disappointing.
  7. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    Watched it on iPlayer. Devs is just great. Watch it everyone. I urge you. Also watching Gangs Of London, which is a Sky thing. It's by Gareth Evans who did the Raid, and it's good. There's a murderous London pub brawl early on and it's got all the Evans' hallmarks.
  8. Agreed, @mfnickif normal is bad or wrong. If "legal" is unfair and unjust. It doesn't make it right or acceptable. It should be called out and argued for something better - better for one group benefits all of us, as we then all expect and argue for something better too. No point living in a world where we aspire to the lowest common denominator.
  9. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    Indeed, Good Omens is clever and lovely. Just watched Homecoming on Prime which is a 10 part series (episodes are around 35 minutes) with Julia Roberts. I'd ignored it for ages but it's excellent and produced /directed by Sam Email of Mr Robot fame. It's a very different type of story but has some of the same sensibilities as Mr Robot.
  10. Just finished the third series of Castlevania. Wow, what a ride. It's slow paced, with meandering multiple plot lines then bangs it all together over an extended cliffhanger ending that sets series 4 up perfectly. Beautiful, smart writing from Ellis (probably one of the finest living comic writers) dipping into multiple worlds, philosophy, morality and psychedelia. And big stars now doing the voice acting (well) such as Bill Nighy and Jason Isaacs. Also maintains that world weary dry humour, and great hearing British and regional accents, rather than an Americanised cast.
  11. I couldn't decide whether his voice was sexy calming or serial killer creepy.
  12. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    Now Hanna I enjoyed. It was daft but in a good way, with character development and was very "human".
  13. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    I know. I tried two episodes of Treadstone but it was so monumentally dumb that I just sacked it off. Life's way too short. Trying to post in Firefox on your phone is shit. It just merged my Treadstone post with my reply to Blakey.
  14. smallofbooty

    TV Shows

    Sorry @blakey I don't seem to be getting my notifications as I should, so missed your reply. I think my point is that the Holocaust is not light entertainment, and never will be or should be.
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