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Critical Acclaim +: Open Mic

Sly Reflex

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I guess I should give some context to what I'm on about. I live in a semi-desert area of California. I befriended a stray cat with a shit load of fur. One day it was pushing 100 degrees fahrenheit and I did not want him to over heat so I used a #2 guard on my shaver and gave the cat a haircut. I did not know you don't give cats haircuts like give to dogs. :weep::facepalm:

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I actually tried to catch this one as it's one of those games I'd not played beyond trailing it on XBLA when it came out. It was a pure coincidence that Hendo pulled it out so I played it a bit more and I'm still unsure of it.

The biggest thing I think this game gets right are the physics and level design. Because you can be so accurate in controlling Meat Boy they can basically make the levels to the extent where you are threading a needle. The levels can be as sadistic as they want because of how tight everything else is. I mean, I'm looking at other similar games I've played in the last however many years and this certainly has the best platforming. When you look at stuff like N+ and Splosionman they sort of pale in comparison to how Meat controls. There's no randomness or bullshit. I ended up hating both those games in the end because of the inaccuracies I experienced with my time playing

Presentation wise I think it's nice enough. I'm tired of games thinking they can just reference something from the internet or some meme. That's like Peter Kay comedy asking if you remember this or something or other. It's tired and games are packed full of them. It's like the new lens flare/bloom lighting or whatever where it seems to be pushed into fucking everything.

In the small time I've spent with the game I've really enjoyed it. Do I think it's worth all the fuss people make over it? I'm uncertain. I can tell it's a good game but I don't know if i'd rate it as all that. I'd have to finish it before I could come to that conclusion.

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I think a lot of the praise is justified because they are a two person team that have (by all accounts from this thread) made one of the best controlling platform games ever.

Amen. That's why it deserves its praise. Also I do actually like the art style.

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I was going to save this until a bit later to see if there was any more Meat Boy comments, but I think we've said everything that there is to say.

Next game is Portal. What do you think about the hype surrounding this game?

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there's lots of stuff to like about Portal, and I get why people have affection for it, but it's not without its problems. Mainly for me the last hour or so when things change a bit, it stops being fun and interesting and starts being frustrating, the 2nd suffers from the same problem. It does deserve praise for how well written it is though, it's a clever game

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I think this one is a no-brainer. The puzzles are fantastic and like nothing previous (apart from Navicular Drop, obvs) and the whole Glados thing was pretty funny... you know the whole package everyone likes portal for, it's all correct.

Though I must admit, that whole 'the cake is a lie' thing; I never got it. I mean I got it... I knew what it was a reference to and that it's a dumb thing used as a goal and there are those scribblings from mad past test subjects saying it's all bullshit. I just don't know how it turned into a meme.

What it just makes me think is are games so starved of good comedy that this pretty okay joke turned into the thing it did.

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Though I must admit, that whole 'the cake is a lie' thing; I never got it. I mean I got it... I knew what it was a reference to and that it's a dumb thing used as a goal and there are those scribblings from mad past test subjects saying it's all bullshit. I just don't know how it turned into a meme.

What it just makes me think is are games so starved of good comedy that this pretty okay joke turned into the thing it did.

I think it is partially because it is such a nice turn of phrase. Everyone likes cake and if it turns out the cake you wanted is in fact a lie, there is something quite poetically tragic about it.

Yeah, Portal :wub:

I would say this and perhaps Mario Galaxy are the two best games I've played in this current generation of consoles.

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I think it's a brilliant game, but it's really overrated. It's a 10/10 game no doubt, but the way some people go over it you'd think the game cures cancer or prevents Ant and Dec from being on tv.

The cake is a lie I'm a bit lost on too. Is the previous experiment trying to talk themselves out of the promise or something? Why is a giant AI offering me cake? Thinking about it it doesn't really make any sense. Then again I'm making holes in the walls and walking through them, so why am I even trying to pick it apart?

I think players picked up on it same as "Would You Kindly?", it becomes a bit pop culture as people outside of games would have no idea what you're referencing. A bit like Andre the Giant has a Posse for street artists. Do you see?

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