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Casual gaming will make consoles "extinct"


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The rise of casual gaming will see games consoles go "extinct", boldly claims digital marketing company ClickZ.

Speaking on its website the company states that there is a lack of innovation on the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii, going as far as calling the current generation of hardware a "giant leap backwards".

"We are entering a future that many in the game industry are still denying and fighting against. We are watching the icon of gaming, the console, quickly and ungraciously bow to the internet," the site reads. "As difficult as it may be to lose our cultural icon of game play, we must. Gaming is undergoing a major transition.

"Those who have spent time in the game industry are very familiar with the five-year cycle. Every five years, console manufacturers release the next-generation systems. Historically, we have embraced the console's definitions of next-generation gaming and quickly adapted. But this time, the cycle is much different: the consoles are facing competition and extinction.

"Don't you see the innovation, the rich graphics, the evolution that Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii are facilitating? I can't either. Arguably, the consoles have taken a giant leap backwards.

"The essence of gaming is the game experience it delivers," claims ClickZ. "Unfortunately, in the race to overtake the film and music industries, the console sector has neglected this principle."

According to the company a game experience can, and does, lose players when it becomes "too real".

"Consumers have evolved and changed platforms. They've left the comfort of the living room, big-screen TV, and game console," says the site. "They've changed and consoles haven't changed enough. Consumers are online, socialising and having digital experiences that meet their needs, connect them with others, and don't cost a thing. They're sitting at the computer, entering virtual worlds and social networks as the TV collects dust.

"Why would they disconnect, walk to another room, and turn on another device? The internet is delivering all they seek in one package."

So, load of rubbish or do these marketing men have a point? We reckon they're probably talking in their own interests here, what with them making money off of Bejewelled and the like. We might've listened if it said casual gaming on consoles was taking over...


What do people think then, load of nonsense, or are the good people at ClickZ speaking sense.

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What a load of nonsense. Gamers socialise on the internet, and still play tons of games. In fact, people's hobbies lead them to becoming involved in that subject on the net, arguably enhancing their experience, not replacing it as suggested.

As for lack of innovation, what about the Wii? It's unlike any console ever made in that everyone wants a go, and probably because of Nintendo more people are playing games than ever before.

They even say that the new consoles aren't delivering 'rich graphics'. What utter bullshit. Have they seen games released recently?

I simply cannot even comprehend that they can believe this is true.

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This is stupid. FACT

I suppose there is some truth in what its saying, there has been a massive boom in people playing things like yahoo games, but I think the stats gathered in this case are very misleading. I have once or twice played yahoo games, however Ive never done it rather than playing on a console game.

What Clickz are saying is that people are playing random internet games RATHER than playing on a console, which just isnt true. I sense a bid to get more attention to some shit company.

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Yeah this is purely a case of them wanting to get investment or making some sort of declaration of intent. All the rise of browser games shows is that gaming has expanded. Our generation grew up with games and think nothing of them as an acceptable way to spend time, they're on our phones, our tvs, our mp3 players and our pcs, if you're stuck for a way to kill time in work then something casual is the way to go rather than setting up a 360 (although theres a couple here who have done that).

Browser games will no more kill consoles than bombjack killed Steam

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Agreed, it's just PR bullshit.

I wanted to be prepared to have my mind blown about this console generation, but instead it's bullshit "facts". Like, these machines aren't a marked step-up in performance? They're missing out on online? Lack of innovation?

Ok, where on the PS2, Dreamcast, Gamecube or xbox could you check the weather, news, download and watch new films, download and play new games, download and play demos?

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