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Everything posted by Rikzilla

  1. I agree with DC. I think the fan entitlement on display since the announcement has been embarrassing to say the least. That bloke who asked the April Fools question needs to check himself. ActiBlizzard are free to do what they want with their own IP, and at the end of the day it is just a spin-off. I don’t play mobile games so probably won’t ay this either.
  2. Ha, I forgot I wrote that. I was top ten drunk last night so I take no responsibility for my absolute savagery. Also, welcome.
  3. People actually live in Skegness? I thought that just existed in poor peoples holidays.
  4. Shame it’s only the first game. Paying £30 for a 4 hour game is gonna be a piss take.
  5. Technically it was 40p because Giana Sisters came with it ?
  6. I’ve heard Wales will be doing the same for Ian Watkins.
  7. Yeah it’s EU, was playing Locks Quest earlier.
  8. Simon isn't from Yorkshire, he's from Penzance and massively in denial of his extreme southerness.
  9. Name says it all really. I just picked up Locks Quest for 81p, which isn’t bad considering it’s £15 on the PlayStation Store. Also has Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, and Battle Chasers as well as a tonne of others I’m not too fussed about. Might be worth a look though.
  10. @DifferentClass I’ll second The Guest. It’s one of my all time favourite movies, fantasticly visceral homage to pretty much every genre from the 80’s.
  11. It’s Halloween week so it’s the perfect time to get spooky and talk about what we think are the best horror movies. They can be new, old, popular, or underrated gems, it’s all good. I’ll kick it off by talking about... Happy Death Day College student, Tree, is forced to relive her own murder over and over again until she solves it. It’s basically Groundhog Day with murders, and is one of the best modern slasher movies I’ve seen in recent years. It isn’t scary or particularly gory, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. Tree is a fantastic character with actual development, and the movie itself is so self aware you’d be forgiven for thinking it was by Wes Craven. It sits up there with Scream for me as one of the best slasher movies of our time, and is another great example of why Blum House is the best thing that’s happened to modern horror movies.
  12. I’m glad it’s been pushed back. An extra 6 months development time can only be a good thing, especially if it reduces crunch.
  13. Daredevil season 3. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. ?
  14. @Jimbo Xiii Man, Alive 2007 is the reason I have a Daft Punk tattoo. It’s an absolute masterpiece.
  15. Been on a huge Faith No More binge today. Been one of my favourites since I was a kid and they seem to just get better every time I listen to them.
  16. @Nag I'm gonna wait to do the New Game + too. Probably next year some time to be honest.
  17. DLC done. More of the same but honestly after not playing the game for a month I don’t mind. Cheeky fuckers have added more trophies to the thing now (hardest difficulty and new game plus playthroughs). Story was fun and I’m looking forward to part two in November:
  18. @BlakeyYeah, same. I spent a few months working on Colonial Marines and oh man, that was difficult. Then the news of the funding scam leaked and since then I just can't bring myself to support the cunt.
  19. So off the top of my head and in no particular order: 1. Final Fantasy VII 2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3. Splinter Cell: Conviction 4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 5. Devil May Cry 3 6. Pong 7. Persona 4: Golden 8. Pokemon Red 9. Beyond Good & Evil 10. Spider-Man (PS4) Honourable mentions: Gregory Horror Show, DmC: Devil May Cry. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Ratchet & Clank 3 I hate trying to choose 10 or even 20 of my favourite games so this list will probably change a bit if I sit down and really think about it. [EDIT] It changed...
  20. Started playing the first DLC yesterday and really enjoying it. More of the same, which is great, and I'm enjoying the stories. Was weird going back after a month though and realising I'd forgotten how to be awesome at it.
  21. All boycotting will do is stop those guys and girls who broke their backs making the thing from getting their bonuses. Having said that I still refuse to play any of the Borderlands games because I think Randy Pitchford is a cunt. We're actually arch enemies. He doesn't know this yet, but we are. Not that I'll be buying this either.
  22. Yeah I donated too and it didn’t come up. The live donation tracking was a mess, but they were pulling it from the official donation site and that was taking forever to refresh.
  23. @DANGERMAN Total came to just north of £61k. A few studios jumped in and gave a tonne which was nice. You missed a hilarious moment during the FIFA 19 part, the kids all ate scotch bonnets and get rekt. Pieface drank so much milk afterward he threw up. The creme brulee bit confused me too to be honest. I think the point was trying to eat it without using your hands but whatever, definitely more a reward than a forfeit.
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