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Everything posted by Rikzilla

  1. I think Sly's a cunt.
  2. To be honest mate I was exactly the same when I started playing it, go back a few pages and you’ll see I fucking hated the game. I was not having a good time at all and was frustrated to almost tears several times so I totally get you. I stuck with it (mostly because I couldn’t afford to not play a game I just spent £50 on AND because I have a FromSoft dedicated YouTube channel) and by the end I fell in love with it. I’m playing through it again and now I completely understand how it wants me to play I’m having a blast, it’s an absolute masterpiece. I really hope it clicks for you guys soon and you start having fun with it, it’d be a real shame if you didn’t.
  3. World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV were both way over 100 for MMO reasons. Monster Hunter 4, 4U, and Generations were several hundred hours each. I miss playing those games. Persona 4: Golden and Persona 5 took over 100 hours each for a regular playthrough and I loved every minute of both of them (I can’t wait for Persona 5:R). Then there’s Halo 3 and Battlefield Bad Company, I must have put 100’s of hours into each of them. They’re probably the best online times I ever had.
  4. Rikzilla

    TV Shows

    In the same way Tales from the Cryptkeeper is Tales from the Crypt.
  5. Rikzilla


    This is 100% not for me. I don't have the patience or the talent to create stuff myself but I can't wait to see what you guys do. Maybe start a thread in the Games section as somewhere to share what you make? I'd honestly love to see what you all come up with.
  6. I don’t do it, mostly because I can’t see the screen.
  7. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Star Wars Show Celebration interview recap
  8. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Adam Driver is awesome. Off screen he runs an organisation to bring performing arts shows to troops, and on screen he’s a fantastic talent. Kylo Ren is my favourite character from the new trilogy and I hope when the movies are over they explore him more in the books and comics. No, I said “most of’ the “old canon” is “utter nonsense”.
  9. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Rey is the clone of Luke’s wanking hand.
  10. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    I’d love a three way battle at the end - light saber battle, ground forces battle, space battle (nice mirror of Return of the Jedi). Palpatine will be a ghost haunting the remains of the Death Star which I am totally down with. A fun horror sequence would be great. I hope we get a Vader/Anakin Force Ghost. I hope Skywalker is the new Force religion based on balance. I hope it isn’t shit.
  11. Well over half way I’d say. He’s my favourite boss of the game.
  12. It's funny how easy this game is once you figure out how to play it. I'm not saying I'm great or anything, it literally took me an entire playthrough to figure it out. I put it on again last night to record some more of our playthrough for the channel and managed to beat Red Eyes Ogre, the mini boss after him, Gyoubo horsey man, and Blazing Bull one after the other on my first try. And that's after a week and a half without playing it. I think that goes to show what an incredibly well designed game it is - the game isn't difficult, you just need to learn how it wants you to play. I think I'll start my road to platinum later today. No save scumming.
  13. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    You keep saying ‘they’ but talking about the pre and post Disney acquisition eras like it’s one thing. Lucas run Lucasfilm and Disney run Lucasfilm are two very different beasts with different people making decisions. Disney has nothing to do with what happened with KotOR, and they’ve left the MMO alone. Have you read the old canon? Most of it is utter nonsense. I think Disney made the right decision scrapping it and cherry picking the best bits. It gave them more freedom to make the sequel trilogy without being confined to 30 years of EU stories and allows them to bring the popular bits back.
  14. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    I don’t see how anyone would think Disney or whoever don’t give a shit about the Old Republic stuff. KotOR III was in development at Obsidian but fell apart, so everything moved to the MMO which has been supported and improved extensively since launch and is the only remaining old EU material to not be scrapped by Disney. Then there’s the fact they made Darth Bain canon with The Clone Wars (making Revan et al canon by proxy) showing the story group want these characters and this setting to be used. From the looks of how things have gone and from some of the stuff that was said during celebration it feels like they were finishing the Skywalker era of stories off as a courtesy to Lucas (same reason they won’t release the original unaltered trilogy), but once it’s out of the way the future is completely open to new eras and settings, so it makes perfect sense for the Old Republic to be explored.
  15. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    There’s been rumours about this for a couple of years now, mostly about the Benioff and Weis (sp?) trilogy of movies being set there. That quote has certainly added fuel to the fire though. There are thousands of years of lore and characters under the Old Republic umbrella that they can pull from if they need to too so it’s certainly an exciting prospect.
  16. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Decided to jump on the Audible free trial yesterday with Thrawn. Enjoying it so far but I’m listening to it before sleeping so have to wind it back because I keep missing parts.
  17. Wasn't particularly impressed with this first episode. It wasn't bad, it was fine, but that was as good as it got for me. I didn't really care for last season either, it just feels like fan service/fan fiction now (and I'm saying this as someone who hasn't read the books), you can really see a drop in quality of the writing since they ran out of source material too pull from. There were some cool moments, but that was it really. Hoping the rest of the season gets better.
  18. My birthday is in the 15th so this is great!
  19. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    I love that video. It’s doing the rounds on twitter because some Instagram Trump woman is slagging it off and insulting the Star Wars fandom.
  20. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Bob Iger came out and said IX is going to be the last movie for a while sometime last year. Something about realising one a year was the completely wrong approach for Star Wars. Better late than never I guess. Just watching the Phantom Menace panel at Celebration, it’s a lot of fun.
  21. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    Honestly I’m fine with that. The reason Star Wars was so special is because there was a good 10/15 years between trilogies. A new Star Wars movie felt like an event, but the Marvel approach kind of diluted it. Granted, I loved Rogue One and thought Solo was fine, but they were unnecessary side stories. I’m glad Solo “failed” (£700+ million is not a failure, but internet’s gotta internet) and Disney decided to change there approach. The Star Wars universe is one I feel will benefit from long form televised storytelling, The Clone Wars and Rebels are proof of that, and throwing out a well thought out developed event movie every couple of years is definitely the way to go.
  22. Rikzilla

    Star Wars

    The panels for The Mandalorian and The Clone Wars were superb. Lots of info and screen shots given for The Mandalorian, but no trailer for the people watching at home. They blacked the screen out and showed it to the people attending the panel exclusively, which I’m fine with seeing as they paid a lot of money to be there it’s nice they can experience something that’s just theirs for a while. Loads of new clips and info about The Clone Wars including the fact that for the big Maul vs Ahsoka duel they actually mo capped Ray Park for Maul which is going to be incredible to see.
  23. Rikzilla

    The Surge

    We’ll be playing this for the channel at some point. Not yet though.
  24. I don’t have a problem with pre-ordering itself, but I refuse to buy into games that hold content hostage behind a pre-order. It’s a crooked practise and it needs to stop.
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