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Everything posted by wholehole

  1. Just brilliant. I always liked the "ENFORCER OF JUSTICE" badge they slapped on the box
  2. Anytime this evening, free all day/night tomorrow, or after around 9-ish on weeknights.
  3. wholehole

    Dead Space 3

    I doubt it'll be on Steam on release, there's nothing on there currently to allow you to pre-order. GMG says Origin only. EA seem intent on pushing their Origin service and ignoring every other delivery service available. So much for choice, although I guess it'll allow them to charge a bit more .
  4. wholehole

    Dead Space 3

    They've already started to sell Steam wallet codes. Got a £25 gift voucher for Christmas, went straight in and switched it to Steam money, didn't even bother to look at what they had on sale.
  5. Agreed on the healing robot, once you start pumping points into that and it recharges mana as well, it's a beast. Hardcore? Could be interesting... Never done that before so would totally be up for it. What difficulty did you have in mind? I'm assuming either normal or veteran. First preference would be an Embermage for me. Unless anyone else wants that class ofc, wouldn't be too fussed about playing an Outlander instead.
  6. wholehole

    Dead Space 3

    Same here. I'll be very tempted, But I want to play the first two once more prior to the release so hopefully it'll stop me from playing the demo.
  7. wholehole

    Dead Space 3

    Out on the 15th for anyone with an Origin account. Just go here and log in - https://demo.deadspace.com/
  8. This. Loved the first game to bits, but this is just I played some Diablo III shortly before playing this last night and the difference is amazing. I love me some D3 for it's atmosphere and gameplay, but T2 is so much faster and more fun it doesn't matter that's it's slightly looser and less concerned with balance. Playing an Engineer currently, couldn't resist the combination of a moustachio'd old gentleman sporting googles and a massive wrench. Not really looked at any builds or anything, just placing points and skills whereever I feel for now. If I'm on and you guys decide to do some multi, give me a nudge.
  9. wholehole

    E3 2013

    Someone's a bit eager. Also, milliseconds If it is in fact a new console, do we think it'll be ready for christmas over here, or will we have to wait until 2014 as we usually do?
  10. wholehole


    Found out about this earlier on after thumbing through a GTM in WH Smiths. From the few screenshots I saw it certainly captures the feel of the original game, I just hope it plays a bit better.
  11. Currently playing: Chrono Trigger Tales of Graces f Torchlight 2 Stalled part way through (and need to finish): Hitman: Absolution Primordia Halo 4 Still quite a bit to plow through before Dead Space 3, I also want to replay the first two games but that shouldn't take long.
  12. Jeez, can't quite believe that Elite: Dangerous actually got funded. Cutting it a bit fine!
  13. wholehole


    You can find out how many cubes you have via the pause menu. Should be the last couple of screens after the maps and stuff showing the cubes and anti-cubes. Sounds like you're making good progress with it all. Finding the monolith in the forest is the game changer. Once you've worked it out and are armed with that info, you can pretty much work everything else out with relative ease.
  14. Anyone played The Room on IOS yet? It's a puzzle box game wherein you're presented with a series of boxes you have to open via various puzzles on each of it's sides. It has an almost Lovecraftian feel to it once you get a further in and the small nuggets of story (as well as the background audio) you uncover along the way remind me a lot of Amnesia. The first chapter (out of four) is free, £1.49 to play the rest.
  15. wholehole


    Dude. Dude. After reading that I wish I was you. Going into that game completely fresh not knowing a thing about it and piecing everything together from scratch. I still have a notebook full of random scribblings and half-solved puzzles, just looking back through it makes me feel all warm inside. It's such a beautiful game on so many levels. You can play it as a quirky platformer and still have fun with it, or jump head first into the rabbit hole and not climb out until every single puzzle is solved. I fell so deep into that game at one point I thought it'd send me mental, but it was totally worth it for the pay-off and satisfaction of solving everything. Easily one of the best game experiences I had this year. I'm glad you have a bunch of people in the same boat as theorising was a big part of the experience when it was released.
  16. Got a spare Steam key for Cave Story+ if anyone wants it. Let me know below and I'll pop it in a PM.
  17. 360: http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/hitman-absolution/10460617.html PS3: http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/ps3/hitman-absolution/10460615.html
  18. wholehole

    TV Shows

    I wish Blood & Chrome had been aired on the TV as originally intended. Far too awesome to be relegated to YouTube. Re-watching Arrested Development on Netflix currently
  19. My main complaint with the game was that the new systems they put in and were shouting about; The hunting and homestead stuff, were totally pointless. They should have really had a chat with the guys on Far Cry 3 for how to implement hunting properly. The fact that the Captain Kidd missions were better than anything in the entire game says alot. The rest was just okay, still going swiftly downhill since AC2 and Brotherhood.
  20. I really want them to have a long chat about The Walking Dead but I know it won't happen for a while. They should probably think about doing spoilercasts or something for this stuff, but I can't see them adding any new productions for a while. Ed, the only thing you possibly need to know about the ME3 stuff is that you should play the From Ashes DLC as soon as the mission is available in the game and play the Leviathan DLC before completing the game, along with the new ending, of course. Brad went on at length about how much more sense it made playing it in that combination this far after release.
  21. wholehole

    Dark Souls 2

    I'm assuming this is because the petition for the PC version worked? It may work again for the WiiU, but I can't see it being released along the 360/PS3 and PC versions. I'd be very surprised if the PC version was even released at the same time. The WiiU is going to face this kind of thing constantly when it comes to ports. If they have to add in extra functionality for the Gamepad it ceases to be a straight port which means extra development time and cost that they may not recoup from sales on that platform.
  22. Yeah, I've noticed Steam's screenshots can be a little poor. They don't ever match what I'm seeing on screen 100%. I'll check Fraps out.Here's a couple of Hitman and Skyrim shots I found whilst having a look through my Steam folder:
  23. Very cool indeed. I keep meaning to take some screenshots of the sunsets in FC3 as the warm orange light reflecting off the foliage and your gun is just beautiful at times. I'll take some if I remember tonight. Do you use 3rd party software for your screenshots or just an in-game keybind, DM? I usually use a shortcut through Steam but FC3 doesn't use it unfortunately. Also, that alleyway shot from Dishonored is excellent, Craymen!
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