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Twin Peaks


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Well that was certainly something!


I’ve read some theories that, in all honesty, without having read I would be none the wiser what had happened.


One theory I read was that “Billy” that Audrey was pining for was actually another version of Cooper, which was the drunk in the cell that was bleeding.


Another article I read says that the final two parts are meant to be watched at the same time, in perfect sync.



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I wonder who had greatest sway in this, Lynch or Frost. All the huge buckets of Black Lodge lore makes it feel like it was Frost to me.


I really liked the ending, but the way it got there was very frustrating and unsatisfying to me. I think this is probably seen as a weird opinion cause lots of people dont like the ending. But it gave me stuff to think about.



When you hear Sarah call Laura at the end, I think that comes from the Bob fan scene in Fire Walk with Me. Dont know if this is significant but I like to imagine that the evil tracked
'Laura' to her alternate universe self to start tormenting her again, or the two versions joined for a moment or something.



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I rather like the theory that....


....Richard and Linda are really Cooper and Diane in reality, and the whole of Twin Peaks is a dream that various people are having snippets of.

The end is reality after Richard wakes up. Twin Peaks is a dream and the red room is a dream within a dream.

Carrie freaks out after hearing “Laura” because she has had elements of the same dream before.


I’d be willing to bet the theory on watching the last two episodes together is right, certainly sounds like something Lynch would do.

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My understanding of the end 



The plan was to lay a trap for Judy/Sarah using Laura as bait, thats the conversation Cooper has with the Fireman/giant early in the series "it's in our house now". 


When the trap seemingly doesn't work, when the door is opened and it isn't Sarah (the names of the two characters are linked to Judy but I can't remember how) Cooper starts to doubt the plan has worked. It has but what's left up in the air is whether it's worked in Cooper's favour or if he's just done Judy a massive favour 






There is the theory that Cooper pulls Laura from our reality in to one the white Lodge has created. Hence him having the wrong name, Laura having the wrong name, and the diner having the wrong name, that's part of the trap. 


But it means that's Laura never existed to be murdered, we see her body disappear, so he saves Twin Peaks, saves Laura, but dooms himself to life in this false reality 


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I stumbled across a 4 hour plus YouTube video that attempts to explain the whole thing. Only an hour in but it seems to chime with elements of that second theory I posted earlier.


That the whole thing is a meta commentary on TV. Twin Peaks is a TV show that knows it's a TV show, and the end is our actual reality.


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I watched the whole thing. It's worth it, but the shortened version I mention in the spoiler is really what the whole thing is, he just breaks down all the evidence. It takes a while, but it's pretty justified.

When the box set turns up in the new year, I'll certainly be watching again with a different mind set.

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I can simplify some of the things I can remember, but I would recommend setting aside the time and watching it all.


Cooper is a surrogate for the audience, figuring out the clues. The audience is like Nadine keeping away Lynch from his love of the mystery by demanding answers.

The bug moth did not enter Sarah - it’s a metaphor for bland TV violence that started in the ‘50’s. 


Bob and Laura were created at the same time as a reason for Twin Peaks (the show) to exist. Judy is the audience’s appetite for answers. When the audience gets answers, Cooper saves Laura, therefore she never exists, therefore the show doesn’t exist, so we see the actual place where it’s set with the person who owns the house and not the characters.


Lots of phrases said by characters, especially ones in the Black Lodge, talk about electricity - basically just coming out and saying how they are from TV land.

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IMHO some of the purpose of Lynch's work is that it's not to be taken as a linear story but as series of interconnected events, many of which are open ended and there (almost just as art pieces) to generate feeling and emotion in the viewer, and allow the multiple interpretations of the abstract elements.


Therefore, since it's more than just storytelling, interpretations will never be 'correct', nor will they be confirmed by its creators - as we should all be affected differently by what we've seen.

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Yeah, very much in agreement.


I don't think Lynch 'knows' what it all means, but he knows what he felt when making it and wants others to find that same feeling. It's more free form and doesn't work as when you try to substantiate it with a solid theory that explains everything


TP3 is just a bit more challenging cause all the little fragments of narrative are much more loosely held together and pinning it all down is nearly impossible


But this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to rob anyone of the fun of thinking about this stuff

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  • 1 year later...

I've a question and I'm at my wits end, I want to do a rewatch of Twin Peaks but starting from the end of season 2, going into Fire Walk with Me and then The Return. Main reason is I want to actually sit down and see if I can understand this time what 'The Return' was trying to be about cause I remember doing similarily for Mulholland Dr and really enjoying it the second time. 


I can buy Season 2 and The Return on google but I can't get Fire Walk With Me digitally anywhere. Don't really want to do DVD or BluRay (altho I do have the bluray somewhere.... it's just lost)


Seems like you can't buy the movie at all in UK/Ireland? I went and 'found' the movie using 'alternative' methods but it turned out to just be 90 minutes of deleted scenes and not the movie at all


Bah humbug.

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from memory, I think the deleted scenes actually has some important stuff for series 2 in it, but I kind of binged that and Fire Walk before The Return


I've got a box set so I can't help you with watching it, legally, digitally. For some reason, the last time I watched it I streamed it, even though it's in the box set I've got ?‍♂️

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Yeah I have the boxset somewhere, it's the blue one which has a lovely film-grainy remaster of the OG series (better looking than the new series imo).


Really sad I've lost it ?


not soliciting torrent links off anyone btw just was confused that this vital part of the series is kinda hard to find legally all of a sudden

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If I had to guess, Showtime might own it all and there isn't an analogue for them over here. Sky have the rights here, but either don't have the film or don't give a shit about it. But yeah it's odd, I've just checked the Play store and it's not there, you'd think apple and google would have everything

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