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Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite


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I do prefer movie Gamora to comic Gamora so, so much but looking at that it seems she plays a lot like Dankmeme I mean Deadpool.  I'll take even this Gamora over Deadpool anytime.


Jedah makes me wish there were more Capcom oddities.  Gotta have Gene and Asura in there at some point.

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8 hours ago, Nag said:

Just saw something in an article about Capcom reworking Chun-li for this after an internet backlash.... article didn't say what the backlash was about though...:rolleyes:


Anyone know?


Not just Chun-Li to be honest.




Chris Redfield looks really weird too.  I think it's only Ryu and Captain Marvel that haven't been hit with the ugly stick.


It's a shame it looks so bad because the game itself is looking legit from what I've seen over the last few weeks.

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Capcom just released a new story trailer for upcoming fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.




Capcom's confirmed the 30-strong roster of playable characters who will be in the game at launch (DLC characters include Sigma and Black Panther). They are:



Captain America

Captain Marvel

Doctor Strange



Ghost Rider



Iron Man


Rocket Raccoon





Chris Redfield




Frank West


Mega Man X

Mike Haggar



Nathan Spencer





And Capcom has confirmed all the modes and features in the game. Here they are, in Capcom's words:


Offline modes and features:


Story - puts players at the center of a fierce battle as heroes from both universes come together to stop Ultron Sigma, the combined form of two robotic villains.


Arcade - recreates the classic arcade experience. Keep winning to move forward and confront the final boss in an epic showdown of skills.

Mission - players can do various tutorial missions, or try their hand at advanced character-specific challenges.


Training - set up a training area with various parameters and hone skills to improve fighting abilities.


Vs. Player 2 - go head-to-head against another player locally.


Vs. CPU - play solo against an AI-controlled opponent.


Collection - the Dr. Light Database contains numerous unlockable items, including cut scenes from the story mode, character/stage information, concept artwork and character/stage audio tracks.



Online modes and features:


Ranked Match - battle other players online to advance in the rankings.


Casual Match - battle other players online without the results affecting the rankings.


Beginners League - a special league fought between players of Rank 14 or lower.


Lobby - search for or create a lobby where up to 8 players can engage in simultaneous player-vs-player matches.


Rankings - view the rankings of players from all over the world.


Replay Settings - configure replay settings and view replays.


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Also, they fixed Chun-Li's face for folks who were worried about that:



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This comes out Friday. Bit of backstory: it's a mod/update for MvC Infinite bankrolled my Maximilian and developed by a team of around 40 people over the last 8 months. It's mostly a visual upgrade but they also touched upon gameplay features and certain characters like Thanos got almost complete reworks, too. It's free (suppose they'd get into trouble if it wasn't) and of course exclusive for PC.


It's a pretty cool thing though. MvCI was never a bad game, but launched under horrible circumstances because Capcom's and Marvel's/Disney's relationship went rather sour around that time, so neither company put any kind of money towards post-launch support, meaning the game just died after the initial batch of characters got released. I have it on PS4 so unfortunately can't try this out.

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The outlines look weird I think, as if they don't properly scale with the character and have always the same thickness. But other than that I think at least the characters models look better, MvCI infamously had some rather hideous human characters. Considering it adds gameplay adjustments it would of course be neat if it was up to the player to choose between visual styles, which I think isn't possible.

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