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Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite


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Will Probably Only Feature Characters From The Cinematic Universe and Be Sony Exclusive Again



An online report has indicated Marvel vs. Capcom 4 is due out in 2017.


Polygon's sources said the crossover fighting game will be unveiled at Sony's PlayStation Experience event this weekend. Eurogamer's own sources corroborated the report.


Polygon reports that unlike previous games in the series, MvC4 won't feature X-Men characters. The game will instead stick to Marvel's cinematic universe.


So, no Sentinel Rocket Punch cheese. No Magneto madness. And no Cyclops Optic Blast. A shame? Perhaps!


But! Expect Groot, Rocket Raccoon and the other scamps from The Guardians of the Galaxy to appear in the game. Oh, and Doctor Strange, too.


Capcom currently has close ties with Sony for its fighting games. Street Fighter 5 launched on PS4 and PC only, and Sony backed the Capcom Pro Tour with marketing and tournament support. With the Capcom Cup 2016 finals set to take place at PlayStation Experience, Marvel vs. Capcom 4 could also be tied up in Sony console exclusivity.



It'll be odd not having the X-men in there as some of those characters are mainstays but I suppose it'll give the Marvel side a different roster then usual.  It'll leave some room for the newer characters like Ms. Marvel and the like, who'd fit really well in this game.  It does make me wonder if Fantastic Four and by extension, Doctor Doom (another often used character) will also be missing if the deal seems to be more with Marvels cinematic arm.


Anyway, just as long as they have Gene from God Hand on the Capcom side this time.  I don't think they've done that yet.

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Have many fond memories of playing MvC3 at Uni with my house mates for days on end, not usually in to fighting games but would probably pick this up, was way easier to get into than SF etc.


I just loved that you could do all the flashy specials easily and it was such a visual treat, going to be weird without a lot of the X-Men characters though as they're staples, but hopefully they replace them well with Thor, Dr Strange et al.

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  • 4 months later...

Story trailer:




And we have a release date already.  It's 19th September, which is much sooner than I thought, especially since they said they don't want a repeat of Street Fighter V.

Maybe it's been cooking for longer than I think, I dunno.


Still waiting for a character to get me super pumped.  Sad they still have Chris Redfield.  I want RE4 Leon in one of these games.

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Yeah, the story demo isn't great.


I think it just plays like an MvC game so it's fun but I can't see the story mode being anything special.  It's monumentally stupid and could have been pulled off better.  They've also got character models that aren't suitable for cinematic cutscenes.  They're good enough for a panned back side-on view for a multicharacter fighting game but you can't have a camera up close, especially if they have a face.  Masked characters still look fine.


But it's a bit on an embarrassment after Dragon Ball FighterZ.


I'd have been into a training mode and an online beta so much more.

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Yeah, maybe the fights against named characters will be better, the AI might be more interesting, but the fights felt like they were over before they got going. The auto attack stuff is a bit much too, the game just plays itself at points 


If they push you to use more skill it might still be decent, but the demo turned me right off ut

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Auto combos have always been crappy.  They're usually in ArcSys games (DBFZ) has them too, apparently) and I wish they wouldn't, so I can't put it all over  MvCI having them. There has to be a better way to make these games more accessible because I think auto combos just teach bad habits and not how to actually play the game. 


As for the difficulty it's the same issue SFV has, but I'm sure in the full game you can crank up the difficulty. 


But overall it didn't show the game off well at all. 

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