DisturbedSwan Posted April 7, 2015 Share Posted April 7, 2015 Anyone else been playing this? I was a massive fan of the first game, had an absolute ton of fun with it, incredibly addictive, visceral and with a bloody incredible soundtrack. The 2nd game I'm not having quite as much fun with...it seems a bit more stop-start than the first game where you could just get in the groove and be at it for hours, they've also tried to do a lot more story stuff in the 2nd one so there's a load of dialogue this time around, and loads of skippable cutscenes. The music is just as good as the first game, but the level design doesn't feel anywhere near as good to me, the first games levels just felt so tight and well designed around the games controls, but it feels in the HM2 that the levels have been chopped and changed to fit the narrative rather than the other way round, it is still decent though and after the initial hour and a half of frustration and bewilderment I am having a lot of fun with it now. I'm about 5 hours in, so probably not got too much longer to go, definitely feel the difficulty ramping up at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyKurosaki Posted April 7, 2015 Share Posted April 7, 2015 I've started it, but not got very far yet. Never finished the first one either, got a bit much for me about halfway through. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hendo Posted April 7, 2015 Share Posted April 7, 2015 I passed on it because I heard pretty much what the first post covers - not as good as the first, too long, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craymen Edge Posted April 7, 2015 Share Posted April 7, 2015 I'm on the final act, but I've been playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity recently so haven't touched it for a week. They've captured the dirty, fucked-up, strung-out halucinatory feeling of the first one. The story is a little hard to follow, and I'm hoping the multiple threads come together and make some kind of sense at the end. The game wasn't going to have the same impact the second time around, but the action is still really good. I've quite enjoyed the way different characters have differing abilities which makes you adapt your approach to the game. The levels seem larger than I remember them being in the first one, which can make it seem harder because you have to survive longer, and have to go through more enemies. The unfortunate result of the levels being bigger is that a few times I've been gunned down by enemies I had no idea were there, even after scrolling my view as far as it would go. There are also a few too many of those big guys you need a gun to take down for more liking. So far there hasn't been anything as bad as the hospital stealth level in the first game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisturbedSwan Posted April 7, 2015 Author Share Posted April 7, 2015 Just played another hour of this and I'm on the verge of sacking it off I think, I just find it uber cheap and frustrating at times, don't remember this from the first game at all (it was a long time ago admittedly) the level design is just absolute garbage at times, there's nothing worse than spending 20+ minutes clearing a floor, thinking you're nearly there, then you get shot across the room from some goon you couldn't even see, even with long aim on, it is just absolute bollocks. At times it can be really good though, the entirety of Act 3 I enjoyed quite a bit, there was a moment on a Boat in Act 2 though which was mindbogglingly frustrating, with guys with machine guns hiding behind barrels and you had to try to sneak upto a machine gun, then kill them, using shipping containers as cover, it was SO f**king annoying it was unreal. I just reached Act 4 and thought I was near the end but there's another TWO acts after this, f**ks sake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spatular Posted April 8, 2015 Share Posted April 8, 2015 I purchased this as I liked the first one, but played the first level and wasn't interested in playing any more, maybe it's too soon for me to go back to it, and reading stuff like the above doesn't exactly make me want to go back to it either! Some day, maybe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisturbedSwan Posted April 11, 2015 Author Share Posted April 11, 2015 Struggled through to the 6th Act, from about 2 hours in I really couldn't be arsed to play anymore but soldiered on and am on the final act now (I think), just want to get it finished with. Also, whoever thought Sniping in a Hotline Miami game would be a good idea needs to have a good long look in the mirror Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisturbedSwan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Share Posted April 12, 2015 Upto Act 6, Scene 23 now, SO hope I'm near the end or I'm gonna flip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DisturbedSwan Posted April 12, 2015 Author Share Posted April 12, 2015 Finished this yesterday. A massive disappointment, takes almost everything I loved about the first game and manages to distort the experience into a frustrating, archaic, annoying mess of a game. The first 2 hours are an extremely difficult introduction to the game, with the developers having you switch characters multiple times and having to get to grips with the sequels new focus on guns and levels that are far too large than they need to be, I wanted to give up at this point but kept on slogging through it, it felt like such a chore. The middle-half introduces a few more new mechanics and characters, the level designs stay at their extra-large sizing and the frustration levels rise, the last two acts are surprisingly good and go back to the small, tight levels made for arcade-mayhem but its too late at this point to save the game. The level design is the main source of frustration in the game, the levels just do not need to be this big, some of them are ridiculously large and the new focus on guns does not suit the game at all, who the fuck wants to snipe in a Hotline Miami game?! I really don't have a clue what the devs were thinking, the level design is complete garbage in comparison to the original HM. In addition What I loved so much about the original game was that you could get yourself in this zone, listening to the pulsating soundtrack, the hypnotic mix of the ultra-violence and the addicting levels of gameplay and plough on through, you had the freedom to adapt your game slightly with the masks which gave a sense of freedom to the proceedings and enable you to play the game at the same pace and style that you want, in HM2 the masks actually restrict what you do, taking away that freedom and instead locking you into a certain play style in order to finish a level. The only thing it gets right is the soundtrack which is just as good, if not better, than the original game, but everything else the Devs just get so so so so wrong its unreal. Really can't recommend this unless it goes sub-£3 on Steam at some point, avoid. 5/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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