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Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

Sly Reflex

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I've had a run of 3 games I didn't care for, which is fine, I knew when I started that occasionally I'd end up with games I didn't like. The whole point of this was to spend at least a little time on everything I have that I've never ever played. If they are bad games or I don't like them then so be it, it's sort of worth it to find the stuff I've enjoyed but never got around to playing because I like to play games regularly when I find one I like.

I'm still playing other stuff in between doing these games, I just don't post about it because I've already said as much as I'm going to on those games.

I'm going to soldier on for as long as I can with this. I'd be surprised if I played everything in the list. If I do you guys should have a whip round and buy me something nice to mark the first time someone has ever killed their steam backlogue. ;)

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It's a cross with 2 entrances on each spur, the void is smack in the middle. I seem to remember using blockades to spiral the enemies into walking miles, but I'll be fucked if I can even come close to affording to be able to do that.

It's actually been pretty easy because we did all these levels in OMD!2 so I've just followed the same plans we did back then, but this last level is just something else. :blink:

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Done it! :D

The other 2 people that did it on my friends list must have really scraped it, I managed to hold off mostly everything apart from a few strays that I couldn't stop while I was trying to block up holes in my defences and I still managed to dominate the scoreboards at the end. Stupidly difficult level as the downtime it gives you isn't enough to build up a sufficient defence from what I can see.

I much prefered OMD!2, but I still think this is a good game.

Next up is Reus. Bought it in the summer sale because I thought the screenshots were interesting, but other than that I have no idea what to expect. Again.

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I'm not sure how I'm going to explain Reus. It's sort of like a Populous type game where you need to place specific things together so that your humans can build stuff which in turn unlocks more things.

It's quite chilled out so far, ironically it strikes me as the type of game that would work well on touch screen gadgets, except I sort of like this. At least for now I do, all that could change.

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Yeah, I forgot to nudge the game volume down when I started, there's points where I get drowned out. I think all the 'odd' games that get pulled out I'll do a video on if I have time to. Hopefully they won't be 30 minutes in size either, I edited as much as I could out of Reus while trying to make it still make sense if you were following what was happening. I'll know for next time.

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Reus is like an onion. You start peeling away at one part of it and then the game spins out and makes it so that you're juggling 2 onions and trying to peel them at the same time. No doubt before long a 3rd onion is thrown into the mix and then things really kick off and before you know it you're trying to juggle peel 3 onions, spin several plates and do an impressive card trick at the same time. The thing is, it's all so sedate that it's totally fine that you're having to do that. Projects either get completed or failed, at worst you lose a town and have to start over from that particular area with a new settler. All you are burning is time, but that doesn't matter because of the sedate nature of the game.

It's a real kick back and just sort of chill out and relax game, at times working out what parameters you need to hit is like fiddling with a small Chinese puzzle you get from a Christmas cracker. If you manipulate and methodically go through everything systematically you're eventually going to work out what the games asking in the prerequisites in building whatever project they've decided to build.

It'd work really well as a phone game this. Just the general nature, how it controls and how long session last make it ideal for killing 30 minutes. You don't even really need to pay it your undivided attention either, despite loads of things going off.

I like it.

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I'm finishing up with Reus tonight, I think it just goes on forever. I won't uninstall it, I'll probably keep digging into it whenever I have a spare 30 minutes to kill.

I chucked the games in the tub that I think I'll enjoy or have not played at some point.

I drew a game for this week. Jack Lumber. I think I got that from a humble mobile bundle, so it might get fucked off quite quickly.

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It's Fruit Ninja with added shit. I will admit, it's got great presentation, but not enough to make me want to keep playing. I'll do a vid if anyone want's to see what the fuck it's about.

I just pulled a replacement. Scribblenauts Unlimited. Liked the previous game on DS.

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  • Sly Reflex changed the title to Sly's St(r)eam Tombola Thread: DOOM 2016

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