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After bouncing off IDW Transformers after Lost Light and RiD finished and then IDW losing the licencing rights I'd kind've given up on comics... 


Enter Image and Skybound (The Walking Dead and Invincible) who now have publishing duties... I've been hearing some great things about this so I guess I'm back on the trade purchases...




It's more G1 than anything, I grew up with that so I'm more than down for that stuff.🥰

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One of Magneto's best moments


During the Acts of Vengeance storyline. The super villains of various heroes teamed up to defeat their foes together. A sound plan, right? The problem being that one of them was a Nazi and one of them was a Concentration Camp survivor...

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I'm 6/8 issues in to Marvel's G.O.D.S and it's a really cool comic. 


It's a mix of sexy, glamourous US Tv show. Where everyone is gorgeous, quick witted, millionaire, power players. While at the same time are all avatars/pawns of the universes greater gods of magics and destiny, helpless to serve but tire of the mystical machinations which are beyond their understanding. 


The main character, I think is new, called Wyn, who is the single and only avatar of the Powers-That-Be. He is definitely Marvel's attempt at making their own John Constantine. Rouge, magic based, incredibly knowledgeable, hugely powerful, but gets by on deception, manipulation, and using enemies own ambitions and egos against them. 


The only Marvel character who has anything to do in the comic is Dr Strange, who is not underplayed. He is clearly he's own power player and almost the single balance to all the magic factions, yet Wyn is always one step ahead and although not as powerful, sees the greater wheel and has more understanding of the game than Strange has 







It's written by Hickman so it all reads like this. Which after 6 issues means I needed a bit of a break. But I love the mixture of personal grievances and witty, double entendre exchanges between cynical and exhausted characters which the weight of the universe both swallows and rests on. 


Also with Hickman, he takes the chance to add brand new concepts with Marvel and rearranges the whole cosmic order of how things worked. My take is fresh ideas are better than continuity. If you have something cooler than what was before but doesn't fit the lore, than re-write it and do new things. However, I'm not sure I'm totally onboard with what he's doing here, but it's really fun so I don't hate it. It's just really different. 




As much as most of the Disney+ Marvel stuff has sucked. I think this comic would be a really great TV show. There's not much action or fighting in it at all. Most of it is people talking and making deals, even if some of those people are the Living Tribunal 


Got 2 issues to go but want a coffee break before going back to it. I'm glad I didn't read this monthly and got the TPB, though. It's much better reading it in it's entirety, as there are so many names and new ideas it was easy to forget who was who and what was what reading month to month 

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I absolutely love this episode. At 21:35 when they start discussing Uncle Ben, why the Parker’s don’t have money and how ultimately Uncle Ben was very irresponsible gets me every time. My favourite type of humour is always unscripted, free style stuff 

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The story is dumb but look at this glorious 90’s comic art




I’ve seen pages of this before but never read it or paid much attention to it, but it looks so good. These costumes and designs are so feel-good nostalgia 


The one sucky thing about the DC vs Marvel collection is it includes every crossover except Justice League vs Avengers. Like what, surely that’s one of the most important ones 


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