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The Kickstarter Thread

Sly Reflex

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Ice Pick Lodge are kickstarting a remake of Pathologic.



The original Pathologic was a hugely interesting and weird game, but technically fairly iffy and very low budget. It wasn't an easy game to play. It also had a great series of write ups in Rock, Paper Shotgun. Some of the best games writing I've seen.


part 1

part 2

part 3

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  • 2 weeks later...
Torment: Tides of Numenera, the highly anticipated Kickstarter-funded follow-up to Planescape: Torment, has finally revealed its first gameplay footage in a new video.

Developed by inXile, who is currently busy wrapping up the last minute details on Wasteland 2, this spiritual successor set a record for being the highest-funded game on Kickstarter after it raised nearly $4.2 million from 83K backers in April 2013.

Based on this first look, Tides of Numenera certainly seems heavy on text, just like fans like it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but why not have both? This latest Torment adventure certainly seems to have its cake and eat it too in that regard.

Torment: Tides of Numenera is a long ways off, however, and inXile isn't expecting to wrap it up until Q4 2015. Have patience!



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I was not sure where to put this. I was going to make a thread call State of Indie Development or State of Kickstarter, but honestly could not be bothered to. Anyway, Total Biscuit brings up a lot of good points on Kicker Starter and Early Access games in his newest episode of content patch. 


<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gAd8Ls8Mwl4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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to give people the gist, if they don't already know, Double Fine had a game on Steam Early Access (Spacebase DF9). It is currently at alpha 0.6 stage, but is soon to get a full release, so 1.0 stage. Double Fine have decided to stop development on the game, they're leaving it to the community to add the features they aren't going to

People are understandably unhappy with this, particularly as Double Fine made a point of saying that they weren't some fly-by-night developer who would run off with people's money leaving the game unfinished. Schafer has released a statement saying that they haven't done that, they are finishing the game and are giving people about a months notice. Personally jumping from 0.6 to 1.0, not including loads of features, and then only doing bug-fixing after release does kind of fit that description, not entirely, but enough that I wouldn't be proud of myself. Add to that they went so over budget on a point & click, one that raised an inordinate amount of money they had to split it in to 2 parts and release one to fund the other, and had 2 kickstarters running at the same time, you can see why people might be annoyed with DF

edit: to add a bit of balance, because I wasn't trying to make a point when I started writing :lol:

double fine have said they stopped development because the game simply wasn't bringing in enough money. Now, that's their own fault for relying on early access, but it doesn't make sense for them to keep throwing money at it. They did get 400k of investment, but apparently that money went to pay off investors (according to gaf, so who actually knows)

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Totalbiscuit knows dick about the business of game development, so I don't put a great amount of stock in what he says about that kind of thing. I agree with some of the points, he's speaking out of his hole on others.

This isn't the first Early Access game that's gotten into trouble, but compared to some that ran into difficulties, went radio silent and stopped, or got taken of Steam completely, etc; trying their best to get a 1.0 version out and giving people access to the code for modding is probably as good as you could hope for.

The steam forums for Spacebase had a list of the old 'desired' feature list and the list of features that got into the game and it seems a fair amount did get done:

Feature list proposed


* citizens have hunger need and must eat food to satisfy it

* food replicator object that can be built in any zone

* citizens can use food replicator to fulfill hunger need, but its like vending machine food, adequate but not great

* small matter cost (1-2) each time someone uses a food replicator

** 0 matter = replicators stop working

** improperly maintained food replicators produce bad food that makes people sick?

* replicator food comes in wrappers, produces waste (litter carryable) (if/when carryable object concept is added)

* garden zones where plants, ie real food, is grown in hydroponic trays by citizens with botanist duty

* plants in gardens produce small amounts of extra oxygen

* citizens who spend time in garden zones have happy thoughts, increasing morale

* plants grow from seedlings to full-sized plants ready for harvest

* plants have a health, if it reaches zero the plant dies

* citizens on botanist duty maintain plant health, much as techs maintain machines

* botanists harvest fully grown plants and deliver them to pub fridges for preparation

* bartenders at pubs cook food into meals, which nourish citizens more and make them happy

* concept of different dishes?

** how do bartenders/patrons decide which dish is cooked?

** immigrants bring recipes for new dishes?

* citizens sit at a pub table and eat

* citizens have food preferences

** eating a preferred food makes them very happy, eating a strongly disliked food makes them a bit unhappy


* citizens visibly carry around arbitrary sprite/3D objects

* containers can hold other things

* citizens can stash stuff in an inventory, shown in a new inspector tab

* when people arrive, they have a suitcase (container with their stuff in it)

* players build shelves for people to put their stuff on

* a single item of stuff can have multiple tags describing it, eg purple, terran, fuzzy, punk rock, etc. citizens have affinities for these tags

* citizens trade stuff with each other, trying to get stuff they like more

* roaming traders will visit the base to trade new stuff with people

* litter objects that citizens with low neatness personality throw away

* janitors / people with high neatness pick up litter

* janitors clean up bloodstains and other cosmetic damage

* people gibbed by monsters turn into bits, which janitors must clean up


* reactor zone with fusion reactor object that produces power

* rooms must be adjacent to a room with a working reactor to be powered

* unpowered rooms go dark (emergency lighting) and objects in them dont function

* reactors only produce X power, then you have to build another

* factor new need for reactors into starting matter allotment

* maybe make the Base Seed object serves as a low-output reactor to help players get started


* minimap display of base in lower right corner

* separate viz mode toggles for minimap vs main view


* a permanent timestamped list of important base events: citizen joined, citizen died, ship docked, first zone of each type created

* in-game screenshot key that pops up a write a caption for this screenshot box, screenshot + caption is added to the timestamped list

* base history is stored locally in save dir as HTML + linked images, each base has its own dir

* base history is also mirrored on a hosted server somewhere, players can easily link their base histories


* auto-show stats screen after base fails, ie everyone dies, game over state

stats to show:

* Matter spent

* Derelicts

* Hostile docking

* Total docks

* Non-hostile docks

* Docking requests denied, accepted, forced

* Room temp

* Raiders killed

* Monsters killed


* UI for navigating multiple levels

* rendering tech for showing multiple levels

* build gravshafts to allow citizens to travel between levels

* ability to build railings for safety?


* a log message can have any number of tags, citizens select an especially appropriate one (but avoid repeating themselves)


* depending on their duty and/or zone type, this can mean different things:

** assign a security-duty citizen to a room to have them guard it

** assign any citizen to a residence to have them use it as their quarters

* normally, a citizen will claim an unused bed and the area around it

** citizens decorate their living space with their stuff (see stuff above)

* people protect their spaces / become annoyed when strangers or unfriendly people intrude


* option in front/pause menu

* loads Box.sav as starting map, as opposed to normal DeepSpace.sav

* only display once hint flag for tutorialish / first time messages


* build at least two teleport pad objects to create a functioning teleporter

* UI for selecting which teleporter goes where (dynamically changeable)

* teleporter accidents: poorly maintained teleporters could hurt/kill people, scramble their brains (personality change), turn them evil (goatee Spock)


* meteors strike bases, punching holes in the hull, depressurizing rooms, damaging people and things

** not as harsh as in the Amnesia Fortnight 2012 version, promise :]

* shield generators generate shielding to repel meteor strikes (gives technicians stuff to do in space)


* confirm + cancel for roster screen

* custom viz for Construct mode desaturate colors except for amber building color?

* shift-space = max speed

* up/down arrows in room centers showing whether room O2 is rising or lowering

* object condition viz mode: color-code objects by condition, highlight technicians? do same when a technician is selected?

* allow zoom in beyond min_zoom, spring back to normal min_zoom after a few seconds

* make ability to rename citizens once only

* no power icon over unpowered rooms (once power system exists)

* little lines showing where someone is pathing to

* cutaway mode should work on asteroids

* support Mac trackpad gestures


* (very expensive?) object you can build that calls for rescue people / immigrants to show up and save your base


* when your first oxygenated room comes online, base is considered established and prompts you for a name


* built in savegame sharing!

* mod support!

** mods subdir where user-created scripts patch base game lua files at runtime

** provide uncompiled lua source for gameplay-relevant classes, eg Character.lua, to support modders

** allow PNG sprite sheets lower performance than tex format in exchange for easy moddability


* pub customers get their orders from bartender

* bartenders serve food (once food exists)

* skilled bartenders make people they serve happier

* citizen drunkenness increased by X every drink they have, dwindles to zero slowly (ie blood alcohol)

* drunk citizens more likely to make mistakes while doing duty


* citizens who dislike each other enough will fight

* low risk of actual death, but injury and deepening mutual hatred

* security can stun violent people to calm them down, knocking them unconscious for a bit

* drunk citizens more likely to fight

* low morale citizens far more likely to fight


* when morale is critically low, space madness takes a form depending on personality type:

** sit in bed moping (how to recover?)

** become violent, grabbing a rifle if available, attacking random people


* doctor duty and infirmary zone

* doctors unassigned to an infirmary (see assining people to rooms) patrol the base looking for hurt/sick people

* citizens seek out an infirmary/doctor when hurt or sick (parasite infestation)

* doctors use tricorder-like first aid prop to heal people

** better doctors heal people faster / more fully, bad doctors have a chance to hurt them

* revivabed object for infirmary: only way to detect parasite infestation or cure some diseases


* flood fill with floor tool, works on areas enclosed by walls or asteroid

* build circular room tool drag out a circular area instead of a square

* filled (with floor) vs unfilled (without floor) toggle for box and circle room tools


* skill point distribution algo for generating skill set on citizen spawn nobody will be terrible at everything, if someone is really good at something theyll likely be bad at everything else

* over time, citizens get nicknames, eg Bob Sparky Schmidt

* ability to flag any citizens as hostile / suspicious (security will keep an eye on them)

* citizens have to reach a locker before they can change duty

* citizens become annoyed if their environment is noisy (people passing through or doing stuff) while sleeping or relaxing incentivize building residences that are low-traffic

* watch video activity tied to monitors

* sportsball matches viewable on monitors / in pubs

* high morale = skills go up more quickly

* citizens put on duty-outfit when they go to do duty, remove it when starting certain other tasks (sleeping) or if its been long enough since they last did duty


* people prefer to chat with friends, unless they have high gregarious personality in which case they actively enjoy chatting with strangers (low familiarity)

* people have +/- affinities for objects and rooms with certain qualities, eg red, dark, fluffy

* people have +/- affinities for people with certain qualities (xenophobia/philia, sexual preference, fashion sense)

* people spread gossip about people they dislike, biasing affinity map changes against them

* trends: popular (high aggregate affinity) people influence the affinities of less popular people

* fashion accessories signify social affiliation, eg cliques wear the same kind of thing

* new concepts (topics) are gradually introduced by immigrants and trade, eg a new fasion craze starts when a trader visits the base with slap bracelets


* introverted/extroverted = how much people enjoy solitary vs group activities

* gregarious/shy = how much people enjoy chatting with strangers vs friends

* vindictive/forgiving = how long people hold grudges and whether they act on them

* angry/peaceful = whether people become violent or depressed when morale is low

* neat/messy = whether people pick up litter and spare objects vs throw junk on the floor

* religious preference = whether people prefer to be recycled on death or given a spock funeral


* games

* pubs

* tv shows

* films

* sports

* sports teams

* music albums

* songs


* scientist job

* research lab zone

* blueprints you can only build what you have blueprints for

** scientists can construct blueprints by doing research in labs

** players choose research topics?

** blueprints can also be discovered aboard derelicts or brought by special immigrants

* starting conditions determine what technologies you have access to

* take dead hostiles to research labs to study them and learn to better deal with them

** eventually, how to deactivate killbots and reform them into friendly (still scary lookin) bots


* hangar bay zone where shuttles can dock

** (post stuff update, traders show up here)

* load citizens onto a shuttle and give it a destination friends base

* shuttle leaves, your friend gets a visit request

* if accepted, your citizens disembark inside their base, walk around and have adventures

* eventually, they return to the shuttle and return to your base

* travelers preserve any stuff, gained experience, technology etc that they accrue while visiting another base


* more types of attackers show up in derelicts, docking ships, etc:

** killbots

** murderslugs

* invaders breach base walls and invade from the outside

* exterior base defenses defensive gun batteries, shielding

* build traps to capture or kill invaders:

** tripwires that can be scripted to doors, other traps, depressurize room, etc

** laser grids

** auto-turrets

** stun nets

* brig zone for storing captured hostiles or violent citizens

** monster domestication/breeding?!?

* greater variety of weapons for citizens to wield

** flamethrower

** gravity gun (flings things/people around)

** plasma cannon (cuts through anything)


* when they die, depending on religious(?) preference each citizen will either be recycled at the matter recycler, or given a spock funeral ie placed in a spacecoffin and sent out an airlock

* either way, a small service may be held with the citizens friends

** attending this service raises their morale, ie if there is no time for a proper ceremony then survivors will have a harder time grieving


* robots join your base as citizens

* states for robots:

** normal subservient to organic life, perform the duty theyre assigned without question, dont have a personality

** rampant gained self-awareness but hate all organic life, they rampage and band together with / produce more killbots

** enlightened sentient after a long enough life, they become sentient, develop personalities, change their names, live normal lives


* ability to pass ordinances: forbid/penalize certain actions, punish or praise people


* write Lua to script control of environment objects, robots, etc


* teleport down to the surface of planet(s) youre orbiting

* discover abandoned bases, alien life, friendly or hostile sentients


* build vast zones that can reconfigure their geometry to provide different entertainment/educational scenarios

* citizen costumes for holodeck scenarios

* holodeck malfunctions:

** glitches that partially reconfigure the geometry of your base, eg half your base is now a medieval castle

** holo-actors can break free and wreak havok in your base, eg cavemen and cowboys are attacking everyone


* props, tiles, costumes for sandbox storytelling in famous sci fi settings: alien, star wars, 2001, etc

List that made it in


* citizens have hunger need and must eat food to satisfy it

* food replicator object that can be built in any zone

* citizens can use food replicator to fulfill hunger need, but its like vending machine food, adequate but not great

* small matter cost (1-2) each time someone uses a food replicator

** 0 matter = replicators stop working

** improperly maintained food replicators produce bad food that makes people sick?

* replicator food comes in wrappers, produces waste (litter carryable) (if/when carryable object concept is added)

* garden zones where plants, ie real food, is grown in hydroponic trays by citizens with botanist duty

* plants in gardens produce small amounts of extra oxygen

* citizens who spend time in garden zones have happy thoughts, increasing morale

* plants grow from seedlings to full-sized plants ready for harvest

* plants have a health, if it reaches zero the plant dies

* citizens on botanist duty maintain plant health, much as techs maintain machines

* botanists harvest fully grown plants and deliver them to pub fridges for preparation

* bartenders at pubs cook food into meals, which nourish citizens more and make them happy

* citizens sit at a pub table and eat

* citizens have food preferences

** eating a preferred food makes them very happy, eating a strongly disliked food makes them a bit unhappy


* citizens visibly carry around arbitrary sprite/3D objects

* containers can hold other things

* citizens can stash stuff in an inventory, shown in a new inspector tab

* when people arrive, they have a suitcase (container with their stuff in it)

* players build shelves for people to put their stuff on

* a single item of stuff can have multiple tags describing it, eg purple, terran, fuzzy, punk rock, etc. citizens have affinities for these tags

* citizens trade stuff with each other, trying to get stuff they like more

* roaming traders will visit the base to trade new stuff with people

* litter objects that citizens with low neatness personality throw away

* janitors / people with high neatness pick up litter

* janitors clean up bloodstains and other cosmetic damage

* people gibbed by monsters turn into bits, which janitors must clean up


* reactor zone with fusion reactor object that produces power

* rooms must be adjacent to a room with a working reactor to be powered

* unpowered rooms go dark (emergency lighting) and objects in them dont function

* reactors only produce X power, then you have to build another

* factor new need for reactors into starting matter allotment


* depending on their duty and/or zone type, this can mean different things:

** assign a security-duty citizen to a room to have them guard it

** assign any citizen to a residence to have them use it as their quarters

* normally, a citizen will claim an unused bed and the area around it

** citizens decorate their living space with their stuff (see stuff above)


* meteors strike bases, punching holes in the hull, depressurizing rooms, damaging people and things

** not as harsh as in the Amnesia Fortnight 2012 version, promise :]


* when your first oxygenated room comes online, base is considered established and prompts you for a name


* pub customers get their orders from bartender

* bartenders serve food (once food exists)

* skilled bartenders make people they serve happier


* citizens who dislike each other enough will fight

* low risk of actual death, but injury and deepening mutual hatred

* security can stun violent people to calm them down, knocking them unconscious for a bit

* drunk citizens more likely to fight

* low morale citizens far more likely to fight


* doctor duty and infirmary zone

* doctors unassigned to an infirmary (see assining people to rooms) patrol the base looking for hurt/sick people

* citizens seek out an infirmary/doctor when hurt or sick (parasite infestation)

* doctors use tricorder-like first aid prop to heal people

** better doctors heal people faster / more fully, bad doctors have a chance to hurt them

* revivabed object for infirmary: only way to detect parasite infestation or cure some diseases


* flood fill with floor tool, works on areas enclosed by walls or asteroid

* filled (with floor) vs unfilled (without floor) toggle for box and circle room tools


* skill point distribution algo for generating skill set on citizen spawn nobody will be terrible at everything, if someone is really good at something theyll likely be bad at everything else

* ability to flag any citizens as hostile / suspicious (security will keep an eye on them)

* high morale = skills go up more quickly


* people prefer to chat with friends, unless they have high gregarious personality in which case they actively enjoy chatting with strangers (low familiarity)

* people have +/- affinities for objects and rooms with certain qualities, eg red, dark, fluffy

* people have +/- affinities for people with certain qualities (xenophobia/philia, sexual preference, fashion sense)

* people spread gossip about people they dislike, biasing affinity map changes against them

* trends: popular (high aggregate affinity) people influence the affinities of less popular people

* fashion accessories signify social affiliation, eg cliques wear the same kind of thing

* new concepts (topics) are gradually introduced by immigrants and trade, eg a new fasion craze starts when a trader visits the base with slap bracelets


* introverted/extroverted = how much people enjoy solitary vs group activities

* gregarious/shy = how much people enjoy chatting with strangers vs friends

* vindictive/forgiving = how long people hold grudges and whether they act on them

* angry/peaceful = whether people become violent or depressed when morale is low

* neat/messy = whether people pick up litter and spare objects vs throw junk on the floor


* games

* pubs

* tv shows

* films

* sports

* sports teams

* music albums

* songs


* scientist job

* research lab zone

* blueprints you can only build what you have blueprints for

** scientists can construct blueprints by doing research in labs

** players choose research topics?

** blueprints can also be discovered aboard derelicts or brought by special immigrants

* starting conditions determine what technologies you have access to

* take dead hostiles to research labs to study them and learn to better deal with them

** eventually, how to deactivate killbots and reform them into friendly (still scary lookin) bots


* more types of attackers show up in derelicts, docking ships, etc:

** killbots

** murderslugs

* invaders breach base walls and invade from the outside

* exterior base defenses defensive gun batteries, shielding

* build traps to capture or kill invaders:

** auto-turrets

* brig zone for storing captured hostiles or violent citizens

It's a shame it wasn't making enough to sustain development, and that it won't progress further, but some of the responses to it are verging on the fucking ridiculous. I've seen a fair few people who don't understand the $400k investment thing, accusing DF of using funds it could have used for development to pay off investors instead. The $400k came from the indie fund, and paid for the initial development that got it into shape to go into Steam Early Access, they repaid it with profits from the first 2 weeks sales.

I don't get involved in Early Access games for the most part because I think it's stupid. There are so many games out there, why play one that's not finished. Even stupider are people who buy unfinished games, apparently without any idea what they're actually doing, and then complain when they're not perfect.

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Some high profile Kickstarter projects are coming to fruition - Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Broken Age - but not all make it this far. Author Neal Stephenson last week announced thecancellation of his sword fighting project Clang, which raised the $500k it needed in 2012 - but went on to run out of funds. A similar fate befell Yogscast-themed game Yogsventureearlier this year.

When things like that happen, the people who backed the project are sometimes kept in the dark. That's why Kickstarter updated its Terms of Use to provide guidelines for what should happen if such a thing occurs.

"For the overwhelming majority of projects, it's pretty simple: creators finish the work they planned, backers are happy and nobody sweats the details. But there are exceptions,"the company wrote. "Sometimes problems come up, projects don't go according to plan, and people wind up in the dark about what's supposed to happen next. So we're spelling it out - what's expected from backers, what's expected from creators and what needs to happen if a project runs into trouble."

The new guidelines state that, if the unfortunate happens, "every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers" should be made.

  • "A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:
  • -they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
  • -they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that's communicated to backers;
  • -they're able to demonstrate that they've used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
  • -they've been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
  • -they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form.
  • "The creator is solely responsible for fulfilling the promises made in their project. If they're unable to satisfy the terms of this agreement, they may be subject to legal action by backers."

These new terms echo those which were in place, but are more strongly worded. That final term is key: "The creator is solely responsible for fulfilling the promises made in their project. If they're unable to satisfy the terms of this agreement, they may be subject to legal action by backers."

Of course, Kickstarter insists it is not liable for undelivered products. It remains to be seen how a court would react if a suit was brought against a creator by disgruntled backers.


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  • 2 weeks later...
The first instalment of Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn - will be released 21st October on PC and Mac.

This is the first of five episodes; the second will apparently not be far behind.

Book One tells the tale of two people - Zoe Castillo and Kian Alvane - and takes place across three worlds. Kian's a warrior and must escape from prison topless, and Zoe's clothed and in a futuristic world. Mind you, in reality, she's in a coma.

Dreamfall Chapters came out of Kickstarter, and is helmed by Ragnar Tornquist, who led development on The Longest Journey 15 years ago. He's a tall man with curly hair.

What we've seen so far of Dreamfall Chapters shows sumptuous settings, an intriguing story and your choices that will shape it.


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A bunch of folks from Irrational have just launched a Kickstarter for a game called The Black Glove. I don't really understand it.


<iframe width="480" height="360" src="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/theblackglove/the-black-glove/widget/video.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>


I'm also not sure how possible it is for a team of 16+ people to make a game looking like that on $550,000 unless they've got some external funding from somewhere, or have developed most of the game already.

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Backed. I don't know what that is but it looks like something I would like to play. Thanks for posting!

Can one of the mods look back on some of the updates I posted on the previous page and update the first page? There have been more cool successful games that I would like to post about but my last posts were ignored...grumble grumble.

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Backed. I don't know what that is but it looks like something I would like to play. Thanks for posting!

Can one of the mods look back on some of the updates I posted on the previous page and update the first page? There have been more cool successful games that I would like to post about but my last posts were ignored...grumble grumble.

you say one of the mods, but it's only me that does it, and I actively resent kickstarter

also the last person you asked to do it was Sly :lol:

I will do it, but later when I'm not busy


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:P What Star Citizen's grey market or that Eurogamer is doing a hard hitting piece of journalism?

To be serious I think Star Citizen has the potential to be the next EVE Online in regards to virtual economies. Ship prices in SC are ridiculous from both from the legitimate storefront and from the grey market.

Elite Dangerous has wallet friendly prices of $3.50 to $5.00

Thank you for sharing that link as I barely go to EG or is sister site USG. It was a good read.

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RF make me a list of what needs adding and removing and I'll do it later today

Cool beans. To add:

Aegis Defenders



Heart Forth, Alicia

Last Life

Moon Hunters



Now released:

Among the Sleep

Divinity: Original Sin

Double Fine Adventure (Broken Age)

Planetary Annihilation


Shovel Knight

Tex Murphy

Wasteland 2

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  • 1 month later...

Now released:

Among the Sleep

Dead State

Divinity: Original Sin

Double Fine Adventure (Broken Age)

Dreamfall Chapters

Planetary Annihilation


Shovel Knight

Tex Murphy

Wasteland 2

Those can all be moved to the released list.

You might want to add The Flame in the Flood which Craymen mentioned above and Thimbleweed Park.

Not a game, but for fans of Earthbound, Fangamer (the creators of the Mother 3 handbook) have succesfully kickstarted an Earthbound handbook.

Also, the first footage of Amplitude:

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