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The Kickstarter Thread

Sly Reflex

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added them.

You forgot the first two. ;)

It's going to be interesting to see who or what pops up on Kickstarter for the rest of the year (other than the new Torment game), now that the first rush of games has slowed down.

It looks like Broken Sword in April is going to be the first big title to arrive (not sure about the release date of The Banner Saga, I think it's in beta at the moment), followed by a deluge of games in September/October. :toss:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yu Suzuki, creator of perhaps the video game industry's most famously unfinished franchise, told French reporter Sebastien-Abdelhamid that he has considered crowdfunding to produce a third entry into the Shenmue series.

Sebastien-Abdelhamid is a reporter for French television and he spoke to Suzuki at the Monaco Anime Game Show. He posted on twitter about Suzuki's interest in crowdfunding, and followed up saying that Suzuki has also expressed interest in completing Shenmue's story with an anime or manga series.


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I don't believe it will happen sadly, I doubt it would take the £70million people quote for the first game, but it would probably still require some sort of record sum to be raised. That said for all I know he's got all the assets from the Dreamcast games, some of which was work for a potential 3rd game, he might decide to finish that up and stick it on pc

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What I don't get is, if they can knock out Yakuza games on a fairly regular basis, and from what I understand in terms of structure they are pretty similar, when not just make the bloody thing and have done with it. There does seem to be the demand for it.

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Richard Garriott has launched a kickstarter for Shroud of the Avatar:


Edit: First gameplay footage of Shadowrun Returns!


Aww man. :D

Love the way Shadowrun is shaping up and can't wait to get my hands on it. I do think the game needs it own thread with all the news you been posting.

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One kickstarter that kind of slipped by me was Dead State (an rpg set in a Walking Dead type environment) which was funded last July to the tune of over $300,000. They've recently released a combat demo which gives a good look at the game.


Looks great. Rpg-wise we've now seen fairly comprehensive looks at 3 games - this, Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns. Only Project Eternity is still in hiding, of the big rpgs funded in 2012.

Of course, the rpg renaissance isn't just happening on kickstarter. I'm downloading the alpha demo for Under Rail at the moment which is a game that has been popping up on pc sites fairly regularly. And the mother of all indie rpgs in development is The Age of Decadence - I played the demo yesterday, only for a short while, and i have a feeling the game is going to be incredible.

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  • 2 weeks later...


A new games console which industry experts say could disrupt the industry has begun shipping to customers.

The Ouya costs $99 (£65) and runs on Google's Android operating system.

Games on the system will be a fraction of the cost of traditional console games, more comparable to those found on mobiles and tablets.

However, it may struggle to muscle in on a market dominated by big players such as PlayStation and Xbox, one analyst predicted.

The Ouya was financed using crowdfunding website Kickstarter, where it attracted over $8m (£5.3m) in funding from 63,416 backers.

The company has begun sending out consoles to the first supporters of the project - while other interested gamers can pre-order the device.

The Ouya will look to capitalise on a growing popularity for cheap, often independently produced games.

Mobile devices have eaten into the handheld gaming market, attracting millions of casual gamers who are not prepared to invest in bespoke gaming devices, but are still keen to dabble in gaming.

While traditional platforms, such as Nintendo's DS or Sony's PlayStation Vita, have titles costing in the region of £30-£40, games downloaded from app stores are considerably cheaper, and often free.

Developers on these newer platforms are instead looking to other monetization methods, such as in-game upgrades.

The Ouya is the first major attempt to bring that same kind of disruption to the home gaming industry, says gaming analyst Piers Harding-Rolls, from IHS.

"The space of TV gaming is getting to that point where it's the one area that hasn't been significantly disrupted," he told the BBC.

"Ouya will get other companies involved in the space, looking at it more intently.

"It will get the existing console companies to be more aggressive in their business models, opening up their distribution channels."

While Ouya is the first major launch of this style of gaming device - it will soon have plenty of company.

Gamestick, a UK-based firm, is also developing its own Android-based console.

Nvidia, traditionally a manufacturer of high-end graphical hardware, announced its Project Shield console at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January.

Perhaps an even greater threat comes from Valve, the PC gaming giant which confirmed it was to make its own "Steambox" - a console utilising the already massively popular Steam network to deliver games.

But Ouya is the first, and likely to be the cheapest.

The console, a small cuboid, can be opened up and upgraded if users wish. It uses off-the-shelf components, minimising manufacturing costs.

Speaking to the BBC in January, Ouya chief executive Julie Uhrman said her device will allow smaller players to get stuck into the home gaming industry.

"Console gaming had traditionally been closed to new entrants," she said.

"That's made it very difficult for small developers to bring titles to the television, and really expensive for gamers [to play]."

However, IHS's Mr Harding-Rolls said the console may struggle in its early days if the quality of titles does not meet expectation.

"It's obviously creating a lot of developer interest, as are others in this space, not just the Ouya," he said, adding that some games may just be direct copies of mobile games.

"I think there will be in the first case a lot of porting that goes on which will not necessarily show off the best capabilities of the device."

You know what? I think Ouya is going to do brilliantly for small time coders to get their games out there. It might not be a massive runaway hit but I've a feeling well be hearing a lot about it once people can see what it's capable of bringing to the big screen in peoples living rooms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few more for you Sly:

Torment: Tides of Numenera smashes the record of Project Eternity to be funded to the tune of $4,188,927 (from Kickstarter alone) from over 74,000 backers.

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues raised a total of $1,919,275 on Kickstarter. I backed this myself at a sum I won't mention. Looking forward to the alpha and beta testing!

Divinity: Original Sin has nearly reached its $400,000 goal with 18 days remaining so will certainly be funded.

Also worth mentioning the brilliant looking Shovel Knight which is on its way to doubling its original $75,000 goal with 6 days remaining.

Kickstarter hasn't been quiet for long since Double Fine Adventure was funded just over 12 months ago, will be interesting to see what pops up next...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A.N.N.E a Metroidvania/Shmup mash-up is asking $70K and a 90K stretch goal for a Mac and Linux version. I love to see this on Linux, so hopefully gamesbymo hits that 90K stretch goal. This has all the making to be the next indie hit. 


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FXWMIhH5EQ4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



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