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Gears of War : Judgement


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Not a rumour, Game Informer have the details but won't budge until Microsoft's press conference goes live.

Rumoured to be developed by People Can Fly.


Usually, we like to reveal the name and final cover art for our upcoming issue's cover story the Thursday before it hits subscribers. This time we're saving the full unveiling of the game's title until Monday during Microsoft's E3 press conference, but we can confirm that our next cover is the new installment in the Gears of War series and is coming to Xbox 360. We figure this news and a glimpse of the shrouded Gears of War cover are least some consolation, as the image raises some interesting questions: Who is in chains, and where?

Take your time trying to decipher clues about the next game in the Gears of War universe, and check back on Monday when we fully pull back the curtain on both (yes, we said "both") of our covers. Also waiting for you on Monday is a teaser trailer jammed with sneak peeks at our month of online Gears of War coverage. As always, you can learn more about Epic's new game in the following weeks with a wealth of online videos, articles, and interviews that will populate our upcoming Gears of War hub, including an exclusive and extensive first look here at Game Informer that hits Monday morning. You don't want to miss it.

An educated guess would say it's a prequel and that's a younger Marcus in chains.

Sly will be busting his nut right now.

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Wait a second... :huh:

EDIT: Looks kind of like Adam Fenix, although I'd be surprised if it was. He wasn't even a combatant Gear when the Locust invaded, I don't think he ever really fought in his armour. It could be Jonathan Harper, but then again I'd have no idea why he'd have cuffs on. Shit, it could be any of the older Gears we never saw in game.

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It's gonna be called Gears of Terminator 2: Judgement Day or something!

UPDATE: The next entry in Epic's Xbox 360 franchise is called Gears of War: Judgement, so says Game Informer.

The US games magazine also offered up a few additional tidbits of info on the title. Series regulars Damon Baird and Augustus "Cole Train" Cole feature, both of whom are depicted in chains on the new issues' twin covers. The back covers show hordes of Locust appearing generally up to no good. See below for a closer look.

As reported earlier today, Bulletstorm developer People Can Fly is thought to be developing the game. A full reveal is expected at Microsoft's E3 press conference on Monday.


So it's going to star Birdo. There is another cover that shows Coltrane so it seems that pair will be the stars.

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There's loads of info coming out from leaked scans that I can't be arsed to type up. The other two people in your squad are a former UIR and a female Onyx Guard. Control scheme has be changed to make the game faster. It has multiplayer that is class based. Beast and horde clash in a vs mode. Or some shit. I don't care enough to read images of that poor a quality. We'll know soon enough.

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So I'm a bit confused.

Going from the cover pics, can we assume that this is not a prequel but is set after the end of the third game? But then the rather large event at the end would kind of stop that from happening, surely? Also, is that the queen in the background looking more human?

Or is this younger Cole and Baird?

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They can pretty much do what they want with the other characters as they really don't have any history at all. They already bollocksed the Onyx Guard lore up by saying that the red haired lady was going to be promoted to one in some cities academy simply because they were off the record and solely at the disposal of the chairman of the COG, they are meant to be so rare that most people don't even believe they exist. I think they made a rod for their own back putting those guys in simply because all Gears stuff will be expected to have some Onyx reference regarding some charcater, and if they were that

Don't forget the the COG would scour conquered and allied lands for soldiers when they were in need, that's what they did with Tai Kaliso and Bai Tak. This UIR guy would be in the same position, so I see no worries there. I actually was surprised that we never saw Miran Trescu or any of his cohorts in GoW3, I mean they have battle armour and everything, there would have been there fighting alongside the COG like they did on Vectes among the current and veteran Gears.

I think the main worry is fucking up Baird and Cole. We've seen so much from them that any misstep or line could seriously fuck up the canon like they did with Barrick. Saying that, they could fix Barricks fuck up in this game so who knows. I guess we'll just have to wait. I think being under arrest is a pretty big deal for characters not to mention further down the timeline. neither Baird or Cole are the sort of person to get caught up in that really so who knows where they are taking it with that. :unsure:

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Leaked article:

With Gears of War: Judgement being set as prequel of the Gears of War Series, it’s only natural that a lot of the hardcore fans are going to be asking a lot questions. Especially Epic’s decision to exclude their most well known protagonist, Marcus Fenix. Epic is also scaling back the lengthy cinematics to inject punchier action, tweaking the controls, and stepping back from Gears of War 3′s new Lambent enemies in favor of overwhelming Locust hordes. They are also incorporating a class-based multiplayer mode.

When Game Informer spoke to Rod Fergusson, Epic Games’ Director of Production, he had this to say about the changes, “Whevener you grow a franchise, there’s a certain level of betrayal. If you don’t betray the customer a little bit, then it’s not changing enough and people feel like it’s becoming stagnant. But if you betray them too much then you lose them. You’ve always got to keep it fresh. By being outside the Marcus Fenix story, we’re going to have more opportunities to do new things.”

Gears of War 3 marked the unquestionable end of a trilogy. If you played through the game, you understand why Marcus and his crew’s dramatic answer to the Locust and Lambent threat doesn’t leave the door open for a direct sequel. Fortunately for Epic, prequels aren’t limited by such finality. But instead of telling the tale of how Marcus got thrown in Jail at the beginning of Gears of War, Epic chose to focus on another soldier who’s also in hot water for disobeying orders in order to save lives: Damon Baird. Damon Baird is the Gears series’ smart mouthed mechanic. Bestowing leading-man-responsibilities upon the comic relief character who spouts off jerky one-liners may come as a surprise to some. From Epic, it was an easy casting job.

“Baird was a natural choice to us as the hero of the story because he’s a fan favorite,” Fergusson says. “We’ve done surveys, and even with just the fan reaction to Gears 3, it’s clear that Baird is a fun character in and of himself. When you look at the stories we’ve told over the Gears trilogy, everybody else had their moment. The trilogy itself was Marcus’ story, very clearly we told Dom’s story, and even in Gears 3 we have that flashback moment for Cole when got to go to his locker room and he relives his past a little bit. But there’s never been insight to Baird’s character. We felt like this was a great opportunity to look back and see what happened with Baird.”

Judgement begins 15 years before Gears of War, with Baird and the rest of Kilo Squad standing trial for transgression against the Coalition of Governments. The testimonies are being overseen by Colonel Loomis, a by-the-books COG leader who accused the team of desertion, cowardice, trespassing, theft of experimental military technology, and treason. The impetus for this case? When a giant menace threatened humanity, Baird’s good friend Augustus “Cole Train” Cole, newcomers Sofia, and Garron Paduk round out Kilo Squad. The missions are set a short time after E-day, when the Locust first emerged from underground. The Pendulum War were only over a short time before the Locust made their move topside, so Baird and the rest of the COGs are frantically adjusting to the new monstrous threat. Because the gameplay segments of Judgement take place early on in humanity’s fight against the Locust, you face more enemies onscreen than ever before. Lieutenant Baird and the rest of Kilo Squad narrate their versions of the events as players relive them via flashbacks.

“For 79 years, the COG have been fighting a human enemy,” Fergusson explains, “They’ve gotten into the World War II sensibilities of the what is means to fight, what war means. They have this specific way of fighting humans much like America went through from World War II to then having to fight in Vietnam, which was completely different. There were completely different tactics and a completely different enemy. That’s sort of the way we feel this; this war presents a wake-up call to the COG that World War II tactics against a Vietnam-esque enemy won’t work anymore. It’s Baird who has the enlightenment that, ‘You guys are doing this wrong, we need to do it differently.‘”

Judgment is even more focused on non-stop action than Gears of War 3, which included 90 minutes of cinematics. Epic still plans to use short, essential cinematics to break intense gameplay , but the plot is primarily delivered via narration so the player never has to stop moving. You can say goodbye to leisurely radio chats where characters meander slowly through environments with a finger pressed to their ear.

Fergusson elaborated “We wanted to have some more freedom in how we tell stories, there are two main ways we’re doing that. One is embedded storytelling. We’re trying to push a lot of the story into the environment that if you take the time, look around, and see what’s in the environment, you can see the stories play out for you. The other is the idea that because there’s a testimony, we wanted characters to narrate their own part of the puzzle.”

You’ll see an example of this environmental storytelling in a section of the city that was attacked by Locust while the citizens were celebrating the end of The Pendulum War. Destroyed parade floats line the streets, dirty confetti litters the ground, and sagging banners hang from the buildings. But before Kilo Squad encounter this mess, they must defend an important COG landmark and their very history. During the campaign, Baird begins recounting an event that left a COG convoy a flaming mess. Kilo Squad temporarily halts a mission to secure the COG’s Museum of Military Glory after hearing a terrible noise back from the direction of the convoy. “Sounds like something scary just got eaten by something scarier,” Baird exclaims. Whatever beast issued the horrendous cry is gone by the time Kilo makes it back, but numerous Locust forces are swarming the burning remnants of the vehicles.

“We’re really excited to bring the scare of the Locust back,” Fergusson says. “After fighting the Locust for six years they became the Germans in a World War II game, they became very familiar. We want to bring back the sweaty palmed, tense nature of the gameplay, but also how the characters react to the Locust.”

While Baird and his crew react with dismay as the Locust close in, the ensuing battle should sound familiar to fans. Soldiers slam-up against waist-high cover, blasting away enemies as they pile out of Emergence holes (E-holes) in force. Judgement returns the combat to it’s roots, evidenced by the need to seal E-holes by lobbing grenades into them. Chucking explosives is now much easier thanks to the game’s new first-person shooter-style control scheme. Players use the left shoulder button to quickly toss a grenade, swap between primary weapons using the Y Button, and hold it down draw their pistol. These may sound like extreme alterations to hardcore fans, but removing the clumsy D-pad from weapon selection is a welcome change.

Fergusson details, “We allowed for the evolving gameplay to impact the controls, one of the things you notice when you play Judgment’s campaign & multiplayer is the gameplay is much faster. With higher lethality you don’t want to stand up out of cover, wind up a grenade, and throw it. You’re dead before you finish the first spin.”

Kilo Squad eventually beats back the imminent Locust threat and continues towards the museum. On the way back they spot a glowing skull icon emblazoned on a wall. Examining it cues up an optional modifier, called a declassified testimony, for the next fight. Accepting these bonus challenges causes the narrating character to recall a specific detail that wouldn’t otherwise be mentioned. In this instance, Baird remembers normal wretches didn’t attack Kilo Squad; it was combustible, imulsion-infused Dark Wretches.

“Enemy variety is especially going to be a challenge in the prequel,” Fergusson says. “Over the previous three games we’ve built up this huge repertoire of creatures and we don’t want to get of it. But at the same time we don’t want to break the canon. One of the great things with declassified testimonies is that you can have secrets in the world that weren’t known because they were classified.”

While Epic isn’t talking about the specific incentives players receive for accepting declassified missions, completing these modifiers scores you in-game rewards that impact gameplay. Failing to satisfy the new challenge now results in game over. Game Informer’s team struggled against waves of exploding nuisances, and slowly but steadily fights its way up a long arrow staircase. Handling the sheer number of Wrethes would be difficult even without the added volatity. They found luck with a strategy involving Baird and Paduk picking off the little buggers with longshots while they chase Cole and Sofia. After fending off the Wretches, they take on a new challenge – clearing our droves of Locust in front of the Museum within four minutes. During their first attempt, they huddle together behind one side of the museum’s huge stairway. An uncomfortable number of hulking, grenade -launching Boomers emerged from the E-holes. They managed to take out a few before one nabs the entire squad with one well placed round. Hardcore difficulty is hard. They attempted this same mission again, but this time Boomers were replaced with quick, pesky Tickers and Therons wielding Torque Bows. They fought to claim a mounted turret in the middle of the museum’s stairway and spread out. The tactic worked, and they managed to turn the last foe into jelly with a mere two seconds on the clock.

“One of the pillars of the game is high replayability, and that’s part of what we call the Smart Spawn System, or S3,” Fergusson points out, “Basically it looks at how you’re playing and it will adapt. It see if you’ve played a section before and it’s mixes up the enemy variety.”

The AI system will take into account player movement, position, and even the difficultly setting when orchestrating enemy attacks. Changing the difficulty in past Gears games only affected player and enemy health, but in Judgement it will alter the amount of Locust that enter the fray.

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Epic were lazy with the DLC for GoW3. At worst they could have reskinned every single level ever to have appeared in the Gears games and given us multiplayer characters past and present that were canon and fought in the Locust war. They fell way short of that though, that gave us some new maps, some remade ones and coughed out a few MP skins, but most of them were fucking alt costumes and more disgustingly recoloured versions of exclusive preorder skins. They could have gone so much further. I would have happily bought another season pass if they were to put extra characters and levels out.

On topic, I think this'll be alright. I'm hoping the multi is as interesting as L4D, although I'd like to see how it actually works before getting excited or disappointed.

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Changed the Longshot into a semi auto. Really should have been the UIR semi auto Helena Stroud gave Bernie as a bribe to move companies. Would have made more sense given the person that is using it.

I think it looks pretty good though, although it looks like you are forced to play with 1 of each of Kilo. Hopefully they have a few cameos so that you can play as different characters in a specific class, but it wouldn't really bother me too much. They have basically taken the MOBA route with Overrun.

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