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I've never been very good at focusing on one specific game when there's multiple great titles out at once.

I'm buried deep in Skyrim atm, but now I have Assassin's Creed, and Saint's Row and Skyward Sword are due to turn up by the end of the week. There's also Rayman on the horizon that I don't think i'll be able to resist. Skyrim could theoretically take until the new year and beyond to finish completely, so i'm thinking that once I hit the 40 hour mark i'll give it a rest and move on to something else for a while, i'm just worried that i'll lose momentum and never finish the main story like I did with Oblivion.

So, how do you guys deal with having multiple games to play at once? Do you flit between games on a whim or focus solely on one game to completion, then move on to the next?

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in terms of Skyrim I think I might stop at a certain point. I did with Fallout 3, which backfired as I still havent gone back and still have Slys disc, but in New Vegas (2nd time through) the break did me a favour. I guess that was helped with the dlc which gave me a reason to go back rather than just wanting to go back at some point.

I used to be very sporadic, jumping between games every few days, now I complete most stuff I buy. Partly due to the completed games list I think, but also because having been short of money the past couple of years I've had to get more out of stuff. That said, just thinking about Wii stuff, there's 2 games I havent even opened (Red Steel 2 being one of them) and a bunch sat with 2 hours played.

rpgs in general I tend to bounce in and out of, each one I've completed this year (pokemon, dragon quest) I've done in at least 2 parts.

As for the next couple of weeks. Oddly for me I can afford everything I want, so I could buy zelda this weekend if I wanted to despite having skyrim and mario to play this week (and starfox to finish). I could get Mario kart when that hits, and >>KOF XIII<<, and Marvel, and whatever else. But there's no way I'll play them, as it is Mario will probably get left until christmas, or at least the quiet weeks in december.

oh, and i need to play Rage still, but that might wait for a patch or be a weekend game. Oh and Warhammer, and Bastion, and Saint Row :facepalm:

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When I was younger (we're talking Amiga/PS1 era here) I used to play loads of stuff, but very rarely completed anything... I was far too easily distracted by newer shinier stuff. However my gaming habits have evolved over the last ten years or so...

Nowadays I play for the thrill of completion but yet still find that I have more than a few games on the go at one time. However, I'll kind of restrict big, plot driven games to a maximum of 2 or 3 at anytime... For example, I'm currently working through both Mass Effect 2 & Rage, with RDR Undead Nightmare falling into the "must go back and finsh soon" category... and running alongside those I've also got F1 2011 plus Gears3 multiplayer and a couple of minor XBLA releases that I can dip into if I'm not really in the mood for any of the bigger games...

However, as a result of these stricter habits, I've managed to build up one hell of a backlog to work through, which is why, from the new year, I'm going to attempt to take a year off "buying new games" and will also be cancelling my LoveFilm sub. I've got far too addicted to chasing achievements in this generation and have been ignoring older classics that have yet to even touch the inner workings of my consoles... For every current gen game I play, I'll also be playing a PS1, PS2, Xbox or GameCube game... I'm looking forward to it!

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TBH i just can't afford it, there i said it. Cost is the major factor, ive put everything into paying things off so no surplus for games, next year its a different ball game. But i can afford 1 a month, and lovefilm does the rest for me. I have a list for just games so i get 1 game each time i send one back.

Currently just finished Batman, i have BF3 on the go, and Resistance 3 has just turned up from Lovefilm. My last expense before christmas will be Zelda or Mw3, not decided which yet.

Would love AC but unless they have adapted the fighting system from batman?? im not really interested as previous games lie unfinshed on the shelf.

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I play whatever I feel like playing at the time.

So in the midst of AAA silly season, i've just finished 2009's Batman Arkham Asylum, and then started Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

All interspersed with Hot Laps/painting on Forza 4 (i.e. activity than consumes hours yet contributes nothing toward completion of the game).

It does mean I sometimes I put something aside and then forget to go back to it, but generally I'm happy enough playing this way.

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I've currently got Driver only part finished, because then Gears 3 came out and I wrapped myself up in it (have finished the campaign but still got lots to do in it) then Batman came out so I moved onto that and then after I got halfway through that, Call of Duty came out.

The problem for me is that I can't wait if it's a game I've been looking forward to.

However, I am lucky in that my shift pattern gives me 4 days off and it can turn out that I'll be working the weekend and off during the week when none of my mates are doing anything exciting, so I can dive into videogames for 4 days straight and get them finished. That's the plan, anyway. :unsure:

The other problem is two of those games I need to finish the single player but the other two that I have done already, I'd rather be playing the multiplayer on those.

And then there's downloadable games piling up like Bastion.

I always tell myself I'll pile through them all over Christmas but I always get that "too many games, nothing I want to play" feeling and go out and buy something new instead. :facepalm:

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