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Gears of War 3


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Looks like it's gonna be announced this week, most likely to be released around this time next year.

What kind of stuff are you guys after or what do you expect?

Again, 4 player co-op would be great but Horde was a nice alternative to that, I hope they expand on Horde. I can't see them doing anything to the competitive multiplayer to make me play it outside of sessions with friends unless they do some decent matchmaking where you won't ever play with people much higher skill level than you.

I hope a few story things get wrapped up and I'm still convinced that they'll properly reveal (rather than hint) that we've been playing as the bad guys all along.

Ideally, I'd like them to wrap up the story for these COG members and then do a spin off game or series of games where we play as the Locust and get a better idea of their standpoint.

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I know loads of players in co-op is very popular at the moment but honestly for Gears I'm quite happy with just the two. It's such a tight close quarters experience that I think four players would just clutter it up and of course it would mean Cole and Baird would have to be with you all the time which would kind of take away from the friendship between Marcus and Dom... For the six people in the world that actually care about it.

Other than that. Bigger better and more bad ass is all we can hope for. Wait, actually, less glitches! I got killed more by glitches that I did bad guys when me and Gag Sly Reflex played it on Insane.

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I'd like to see some flash backs so that the story is fully explained to those who didn't read the comics and books. Aspho Fields

(the origins of the Hammer of Dawn)

needs to be brought up to explain why Marcus was in prison, and why he was the only one left in there when Domonic Santiago

(who is a childhood friend of Marcus, even though they come from very different backgrounds class wise)

came to rescue him.

The reason why he was in prison was because he left his battle post to go save his father in the Pendulum Wars. He was thrown in Prison by Victor Hoffman and left there to rot. Even on Emergence Day when all the other prisoners were enlisted to fight against the Locust, Marcus was left in his cell because Hoffman felt he couldn't rely on Marcus due to him betraying his unit to go save his father.

These flashbacks could cover why Marcus and Dom were such close friends

(Marcus was bullied as a child because of his families wealth and standing and Dom stuck up for him, despite not having a pot to piss in)

and where characters such as Tai and Bernie originate from. Madison Carmine can also be celebrated in this bit seeing as his war heroics saved the day On Emergence Day. The Anya Stroud shit can also be put here.


Remember the end of GoW1? It ended Marcus and Dom killed General RAAM and launched the lightmass bomb into the hollow, blowing up and ending the war with the Locusts. Or they thought it did. After the credits roll (bring in on sucka, this my kinda shit etc), the camara pans back to reveal Skorge riding Hydra who then flies off, presumably to tell the Queen there has been an epic fuck up and RAAM has been killed.

The comics pick up right after the events of GoW1 with new recruit Jace Stratton. The comics depict his training under Marcus and Dom, alongside an old stranded chain smoking hard bastard by the name of Barrack who constantly having fits of coughing from his 200 a day habit

(except it isn't that that's killing him, it's the rustlung from the immulsion fumes that is. In a battle where Delta are stuck between a rock and a hard place, Barrack sacrifices himself to save the others. He has no family and would rather go down fighting than die to the rust lung. More power to him I say, I hope he turns up as a playable character in MP

Jace eventually gets his own squad which can be seen in GoW2. He is voiced by Nolan North. Yes. Nolan North. The events roll round which eventually lead on to...


Of course, it leaves many areas open. How will Clay Carmine die? Is Dizzy Walin alive? What's the deal with the Lambents fighting the normal Locust? What are the connections between the Locust Queen and Adam Fenix? Why does the Locust Queen look Human? What exactly are the Sires? Is Niles still about? Is Skorge really dead? Is Prescott lying to his people about the war on the Locust? Will Hoffman ever forgive Marcus?

Will Anya get back together with Marcus?

Will Madison Carmine show up and save the day, or will he be as feeble as his brothers in combat? Will Jace Stratton get a bigger piece of the action this time? Who are the bad guys in this war? Most of all, Adam Fenix? How does he fit into all this? There is one thing for sure, this game needs to explain a hell of a lot, especially if they are keeping this story to the trilogy.

Gamewise, I'd like to see 4 player co-op in campaign, better matchmaking and more variations on Horde. Like team Horde where teams are split into 2 and have to score the most etc. I'd like to see some modifications to certain games, such as meatflag where there is a time cap on the game before more meatflags are introduced so eventually if a game goes on forever there are than many meatflags on the map that someone has to score. I'd also like to see no vehicle section, as the vehicle sections always suck cock. I think that's about it from me for now. I'll probably think of something else later though, I always do.

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Told you I'd forget. I'd like to see the parts where the squad split up. Like in GoW1 where Baird and Cole go into the sewers of the powerplant. What did they get up to? What did they talk about? Plus if they did this, you would have a reason to play through again to see both sides of the coin. It would be nice to play as Dizzy and Tai when they were left fighting Skorge on Betty. What went so wrong that one ended up missing in action and the other one tortured badly enough to shoot his own chin off?

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I'd also like to see no vehicle section, as the vehicle sections always suck cock. I think that's about it from me for now.

I like the vehicle sections. :(

The one on the first game was a little annoying but it was quite short, I really enjoy the one on the second game, the ice level I think.

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I just finished 2 again early this morning. You know what? After piecing the bits of story together, I wouldn't be surprised if the annoucement was...

...Gears of War 0

Yeah. I know, a bit far fetched, but I can totally see that happening.

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Bit disappointed about missing out on tonight's potential Gears Of War 3 reveal? Us too.

Just as well Edge is reporting a number of details about the title's gameplay, then.

A 'trusted US publishing source' has told the site that the developer's set to shake up the much praised - and imitated - Gears cover system.

New Locust enemies will reportedly have tentacle-like limbs which can reach out to player cover spots, while COGs will carry explosives that can travel beneath the surface to destroy enemy cover locations.

You can forget about pushing around burnt out cars too - mobile cover will come in the form of a hefty mech suit that offers not only protection but also the tools to dish out some carnage.

These cover system innovations will be on offer in both the singleplayer and multiplayer game, according to the site.

The game will also take place in the summer and feature brand new environments for the series, including underwater, so Marcus will have to break out the wetsuit.

Edge also speculates that jungle or foliage-heavy areas could appear in the game, as hinted at by Epic's Unreal Engine 3 demo at GDC in March.

There's no official word yet on Gears 3, so we'll just have to wait and see whether it's on the agenda for Cliff Bleszinski's US TV appearance on Monday night.

Edge has contacted Microsoft for comment.

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Im not really interested in mech suits or anything, just want to finish the story off, really enjoyed the games so far, its great fun co-op! so come on give us 3 and finish it off then give us the prequel so we can see how it all started, then game over move on to the next series.

Just my thoughts.

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