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Perfect Dark XBLA?


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I preferred pretty much everything about PD, must be said. co op and playing multi with bots was cool too, but i mean i preferred the levels, the weapons (though you could unlock goldeneye weapons in the firing range), the graphics, everything really. i just thought it was the goldeneye formula improved and made more interesting. plus they included my favourite goldeneye map, complex :D :D :D

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I would like to see some more Rare games get reborn though, especially Blast Corps. :)

Hells yea, Blast Corps was amazing. I finidhed that when it first came out, then i bought it a couple of years ago and wen through it again, amazing stuff.

And Goldeneye wins in a versus PD match but id welcome Perfect Dark to XBLA like i would Carla Gugino to my bed.

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I though PD was better than Goldeneye, it just seemed to take the formula and run with it, plus better weapons.

I'm not sure if I'd want to play it now though. Yes, it rarely left my N64 back in the day but this genre has come a long way since and I can't see it being played over the modern FPS'. Could be fun for a nostalgic stroll I suppose.

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i think the co op youre guaranteed with PD is a big boon. id be a lot more excited about a potential goldeneye xbla port if it was to have co op too. both games suffered from performance issues, i remember smoke effects in goldeneye absolutely wolfbagging the framerate on the n64, so itll be nice if they optimise the game which i am certain they will. what id really like to see developers doing is properly reskinning these games and using higher poly models. i mean i think thats how they make these things, higher quality then reduce it down to what the console can handle so idve thought theyd have lots of higher quality assets in archives from when they made these games in the first place, so it wouldnt be a huge undertaking. im either wrong or theyre tight fisted, both are plausible :D

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some of the best goldeneye mp levels were mixed in with the PD multiplayer levels, such as the almighty COMPLEX. i imagine theyll be on the xbla version as rare have the rights to them. plus the goldeneye guns that were unlockable in the original PD will probably still be there because they werent officialy named or anything, though they were based on real life guns

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