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Guitar M-06 / Jam Sessions


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il Postino just handed me this bad mother, and so far so good. The sound quality is pretty good, but you've going to need speakers becaue the DS' are just too quiet.

There's some songs in the booklet, but the titles and all the lyrics are in some foreign language or something which makes it a bit difficult to work out what's what. Menu wise, it all seems straight forward initially, the chords are on the top screen, and can be changed using the L/R buttons, or the face buttons. There's a start menu type thing where shenanigans can happen, fortunately these all have images so you can navigate around them to a point. You can alter the octave you're playing at, and what chord set (could be the key, not too sure) you start with.

Unfortunatley there's some parts that are bastard tricky to work out. It took me a bit of pissing around to work out how to make my own chord set, but once you work it out it's quite open. Trying to chance mid song (using the face buttons) is impossible, unless you can strum by holding the stylus in your mouth.

Also, the touchscreen misses some strums, at first I figured it was just my screen protecter, but I took that off and still have to hold my stylus upside down to increase the registering.

All in all I'm impressed, it's a shame you cant play individual notes, but it's a cool little novelty game. I should have a song mastered this weekend too

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a test guide I did Stu for Bitparade.co.uk. it's not very good and is far too long, and there's some mistakes, and you probably already know all the stuff i say on it. Basically it's shit and theres better guides on youtube, but as its not being used...

There's some added hotness at the end that makes it worth the watch

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Depends on your definition of hotness, though.


Found some more info on the translated version, and figured it might as well go here.

With sound digitally remastered from an acoustic guitar, players can strum along on the touch-screen using a simple interface, and as well as playing along to songs you'll also be able to record your performances.

This, Ubi believes, ought to prove indispensable to musicians, who should be able to write, play and record their music anywhere that inspiration hits them.

Of course there will be a collection of existing songs to play along to from "yesterday and today's hottest artists" (details to be announced), as well as a free-play mode, and a tutorial so you can get your head round it all.

Ubisoft's John Parks reckons it has "limitless potential to entertain". "Basically, it's a guitar in your pocket but that's just the beginning," he says.

"It's a chance for people who have never thought of themselves as 'musically inclined' to jump right in and play through entire songs, compose their own music and sing along with friends."

Is there anything to play along with on the original, Ben?

Also, couple of screenshots - linky

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I didnt think the menus were too bad, but you cant tell what the songs are, nor play along whilst they are playing. Basically you need to know the songs on there already, more likely with the new version I suppose, but it'd be nice if they fixed that whole system

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I thought this was pretty good for a vitual guitar. I've used many synth based virtual instruments in my time working at studios, and I have to say this isn't half bad. Yeah its quite basic, but I think thats what they were trying to go for, so anyone can pick up and play a half decent song. It even has a ear trainer, a kinda gues the note game, which I found really good for pitch training. It really is a good tool for learning note and keys, With a little practice ANYONE could play a half decent song. It also makes quite an excellent note pad for working out songs or writing your own. I can't count the amount of times I had a decent riff or melody going through my head and being pissed off I've not got a guitar to hand to work it out (so many lost classic songs I could of made a mint out of) now hopefully I'll have my DS with me when those times arise. The 'play along with a song' bits was fun too, a nice way to learn too, help you learn the relationships between chords. The menu system isn't that bad. As its all in Jap some bits needed a bit of working out. The two dissapointments if found were, you can't change the sound of the guitar, having no electric distorted guitar was a big error in my book and Its a shame you can't play single notes (as far as I can tell) As far as the accuracy of your strumming, you can set the amount of attack and the area of input from the stylus. These probably loads more in those settings but some of it didn't make a lot of sense in Jap. I'd say this is worth getting deffinately if it gets a US release. A great learning tool for anyone who doesn't have a clue about music, and a good virtual instrument for those who wanna jam on the go, or just to work out some new chord patterns.

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  • 5 months later...

Everyone seems to have forgotten about this, but I was in Tesco after work and I spotted this so I thought I'd pick it up.

Might even take it along to band practice and plug it in the amps! :laugh:

I'll let you know how i get on - I'll have to get some videos recorded. :)

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naked videos? :huh:

It does seem to have come out lacking the fanfare it deserves, especially with all the stuff they've added. I'm selling my old one (if it doesnt go this time I might just keep it) ready to pick this up, but it looks like it's going to have to wait, maybe till christmas.

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Me band practice was cancelled (though I seem to have lost the big-to-tiny jack socket that I'd need) so I've had a proper play now and I like it, but it seems to be missing something that I'm not sure I can put my finger on.

I think it's gameplay!

It seems to be more of a tool, but it hints that there's something more there, and I would've liked some kind of challenge in there.

It's packed full of features, theme skins, options and all that, but it falls down on a bit of gameplay.

I think a sequel could improve it pretty well, maybe even add wifi, different instruments, downloadable tunes (unlikely), etc.

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