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Everything posted by HandsomeDead

  1. On two occasions I popped this back into my DS then it swiftly got turned off after 20 minutes of cleaning the jungle which was my Town. It's not relaxing picking weed after weed, I can do that in my own garden.
  2. I think plenty of games have them. Tomb Raider Legend Resident Evil 4 No More Heroes (sort of) Dead Head Fred Thats just the ones I own, plenty more QTE action out there.
  3. I've played it for a couple of hours, it does control very well with the PSP layout, it even makes me wonder why I was using so many buttons on the console versions. I hope I finish this because I never completed the others, the last bosses would allways slap me around then I would get angry and vow never to play it again. You don't get as many testosterone fuelled games as you used too so it should be played just to put some hairs on your chest.
  4. Is it just me or are these Halo vids getting quite funny. Look!
  5. I guess Mario Kart Wii will get my vote. A vote will go to Persona 3 too, fooking marvelous game. I don't know what my other vote will go too, Maybe GTA4. We shall see.
  6. HandsomeDead


    I would if inspiration took me, will that fiver I donated not cover it? Yet again if I did do one I would take great joy in verbally destroying Assasins Creed, do you want that on your site?
  7. How can you fuck a duck that's already in the process of frigging itself? ........ Up the?...... Forget it. Yes Illdog, impressive collection...
  8. I see you can send friend requests through the Wii's messenger which is handy. unfortunatly I saw this service as a waste of time before and never bothered with it, now it has the potential to be useful so I've got a "sig" with my Wii code on and I'm gonna be spending some of my weekend adding a bunch of you guys. Moving nicely on topic, I just played a few 150cc races..... I think I like it after all.
  9. I wonder how many of those games will never see the inside of a snuggly DS.
  10. Mitsuru does have that Head Girl from St. Trinians thing going, but enough about Japenese school girls (for now). I've found that this has put some life back into JRPG's, for me atleast. Lost Odyssey is of a high standerd but it's only as good as the games its inspired by. It's just a pity that it's very rough around the edges. As much as I love the style and as much I keep telling me it doesn't matter I have to admit the graphics are poor for a game released so late in the PS2's life. I would of liked some more freedom throughout the school day rather than the game picking a time of day for you for the events to happen, it keeps the pace going but I found the sections outside of Tarturus to be relaxing to play through in an Animal Crossing kind of way, when you were sick of that there is all that dungeon crawling to do but since there's no random battle's fighting only takes place when you want it to so you don't feel like throwing the controller when the screen explodes to indicate a fight when your nearly dead. It has a good battle system too, getting used to not being able to directly control your companions is strange but mastering the indirect commands is where it's at. Essentially, a game that's rough, interesting but more importantly, fun.
  11. I did end up buying this but I had this niggling feeling I wouldn't get into it. But that wasn't the case, I clocked up over 8 hours the weekend after I got it. It is linear but if you don't fancy doing the dungeon crawling then there is the socialising round the school which I normally would find dull, but I don't. Persona 3 has just struck a cord with me and I love it. I'm currently up to floor 25, lvl 12 with a lvl 11 persona and the track club leader wants my body. I'd say I'm not doing that badly. It's strange, I came here to start a thread about this just now too. ....................
  12. I used the wheel first and after two corners I went "pfft, fuck this" and banged in the nunchuck and played it with that. It's quite fun now. I'm about to take it online and my code is 4897 6057 8922.
  13. This forum is missing the the comment I made about Illdog being a inbred chimp for owning Ninja Gaiden and never playing it, so I'm metioning it again because I don't think inbred chimps have a good memory. I think it's best you leave that Death by Degrees alone though.
  14. I don't think I like it as much as I thought I would. The style and the story are great but it has pointless filler and it's only really the boss fights that are fun to do, the genneral fodder you go through to make your way to the boss is a bit meh. The same could be said for Killer7 but there was something in that game that kept me coming back which NMH lacks.
  15. I think they gave Double Dash a similar score and I liked that anyway. I do have reservations about the Wii MK though, mainly with the controls. I've had it pre-ordered for a while so I have some hope it turns out well. The highest scoring game there is The World Ends With You...... What the hell is that??
  16. I'm still going to be playing Lost Odyssey this month(just got on the last disc) and since customs decided to hold on to my copy of No More Heroes I'll be playing that alot this month. Fuck knows what I'll end up voting for then.
  17. I tried using the other SCART socket but both are RGB on mine. I'm going to put NMH on the side till my component lead comes because it looks fucking awful with the composite. I have had alot of fun with what I have played, I'm ranked 9th and I find the combat is deeper than I expected. I don't like the bike though, it looks like a beast yet it feels slow without using turbo and it often power slides in the opposite direction to what I press.:S
  18. My copy has arrived, not on my doorstep, I had to go and pick it up. Anyhow, when I try to play it the screen is all red. I think I did the freeloader thing allright. I'm using a RGB SCART, is that anything to do with it? Actually, if I think about it, the lead that came with the Wii might work.
  19. I'll be holding out for the Pal release, it's a good multiplayer game that will be played to some length and I don't want it ruined by some patch that blocks the Freeloader. You guys will need the practice before I get it anyway.
  20. HandsomeDead

    Pikmin 1&2

    I had Pikmin 2..... S'alright.
  21. Kreuk took this cos she will do anything to get into movies, same with the BEP's fellow. Duncan is using it as payday and I don't know who the others are, but thats cos my movie knowledge is crap, like this film will turn out.
  22. HandsomeDead

    GotM March

    RetroEd wrote: Didn't you say in another thread you had no interest in Okami. What kind of monster are you....
  23. HandsomeDead

    GotM March

    My final list would be. Lost Odyssey N+ Mass Effect Been playing Mass Effect lately because of the new DLC.
  24. Mine still hasn't arrived. I bet its crap anyway!
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