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Everything posted by Maf

  1. Have you seen the Immortal Hulk? I think you should read that book if not, I think it would be up your alley.
  2. Stan Lee was to modern Marvel what Miyamoto is to modern Zelda. Also Stan Lee’s style of writing is let the artists do it and then fill in some word balloons so it makes some kind of sense
  3. Yay! There’s finally, after years, another good Spider-Man comic. Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man written by Tom Taylor and drawn by Juann Cabal. Cool new characters, fun writing, dynamic, clean art and doesn’t feel like it’s lumbered with and trying to justify Dan Slott’s continuity. (That bottom left panel. How beautiful)
  4. Oh I thought he was going to be a producer on all Marvel space stuff
  5. Wonder if he just comes back to do GotG or they put him back in charge of Marvel’s cosmic movies
  6. Maf

    Dark Souls

    It’s almost like the 2nd half of Dark Souls isn’t very good
  7. I’ve seen this artwork before but never knew what the guy’s name was, but Scottie Young is great
  8. Maf

    TV Shows

    Apparently Deathstroke is the new enemy in Season 2 of Titans. Which makes sense considering the long history, having said that they haven’t even finished with Trigon so Deathstroke seems like a big step down Also I hate the name Deathstroke
  9. Maf

    Dark Souls

    Bed of Chaos I think is not affectionately referred to as the “Bed of Bullshit” by a lot of the Dark Souls community
  10. Dc put out a list of the 33(!) variants for Detective Comics #1000 Here is my favourite Here is them all if if you want to see https://www.cbr.com/dc-detective-comics-1000-variant-covers/
  11. I never thought too much about it in the comics but I think in the movies the Cap Marvel costume might be the best Toe to toe with the original Iron Man armour and Cap America’s costume in Age of Ultron Why do characters have to go away or die in Endgame can’t we just have everyone in another big movie? ?
  12. Apparently Marvel has hired a guy to do a Asian led movie, people suspecting Shang-chi. I don’t know anything about this character except he trained both Spider-Man and Domino how to do martial arts and he’s called the Master of Kung-Fu I’m not a martial arts film fanatic by any means but I do love the action in those movies. Put it in a superhero story? I’m down for that
  13. I bet this trailer is the thing that pushes Captain Marvel past a billion, despite the fact she is barely in it.
  14. Maf

    Solar Ash

    Despite a bad start with the game I ended up really loving HLD. And this looks like that again but in 3D. Was maybe looking for something a little more different in colour palette, but still definitely one I’ll be keeping an eye on.
  15. The trailer isn’t bad but it still doesn’t really show anything. I understand it’s a big secret and stuff but you got to show something exciting. What is the deal around them costumes? You know, apart from selling new toys
  16. Brie Larson looks amazing in that poster. Not sure if the current buzz or she’s just hot or even she has the most colourful costume but she looks great Lol but why is Thor the only one looking the other way? They’re like “I see incoming trouble” and Thor is like “Look at those hotdogs”
  17. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. I heard it was doing good, too. Dwarf you one-armed idiot
  18. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    Where you getting that from? I was under the impression it did really well
  19. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    I think what you’re describing is Hell and Hell? I did the one hit thing on DmC and it was super easy. Took like 4 hours to finish the game. I never went for the Hell and Hell though, that’s just punishment for the sake of it
  20. Maf

    Borderlands 3

    It’s more a pop at Destiny and Anthem than putting Borderlands on a pedestal
  21. Maf

    Borderlands 3

    Yay, finally a good shlooter
  22. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    Isn’t the Heaven and Hell mode where everybody dies in one hit? Or was that just in DmC?
  23. Well it’s animated so primarily aimed at kids, which at this point Marvel movies have been around longer than 10 year olds, so, think it goes hand in hand that people watching it either grew up with or very deeply invested in it and both those groups will know the movies inside and out Frankly if it’s not canon I don’t care. I’ve never cared about the What If’s or the Elseworld stuff
  24. Marvel are doing an animated What If series on there new streaming service Also March 20th Marvel will officially own Fox, and 4000 people are out of jobs
  25. Maf

    Devil May Cry 5

    DMC5 is better because Dante can switch styles without going to a menu
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