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Everything posted by mfnick

  1. PSA - don’t get this on Xbox. There’s a really noticeable input delay. Thought I’d got a setting wrong on TV or something. Kept missing jumps and parries. But nope. Been complained about by a lot of people specifically on Xbox. PS5 and Switch are fine. FFS!! Can’t refund it either since I used a code.
  2. Looking forward to starting this.
  3. The problem with the combat as I’ve said before is I don’t understand half of what’s going on or what I’m capable of doing. I’ve watched quite a few videos and read a lot of idiot guides to it but I still just can’t grasp it. Doesn’t help it takes an age going through all the radial menus checking each ability. Like I say I can admire this game and what it’s doing but just not really for me and I’m past trying really. Also I really didn’t feel like I rushed Act 1. I genuinely don’t know what else I could have done. I had the whole map uncovered and spoke to just about everyone I care across but didnt have any outstanding quests apart from 1 or 2.
  4. Explorer. Seeing as though I wasn’t enjoying the combat I just wanted to take in the story and setting. I spent an about 20-25 hours in act 1 - I actually explored everywhere I thought I could in that first map so I’m not sure how I missed so many quests or how people spend so long there. Act 2 I just really hated the setting but enjoyed the main story quest there so I basically mainlined that in under 10 hours. Act 3 I’ve spent 3ish hours in and just lost interest. I may return to it or just use a guide so I can see what happens but there’s just an overwhelming amount of shit to do in act 3 already & like I say I’ve lost interest so will probably just watch a video or something.
  5. This is what confuses me about this game. The original was a success in making a triple A looking game with minimum budget and a very quick turn around. I remember the press using it as an example of alternative games that could be made to help reduce some of the spiralling AAA game costs and ridiculous development times. This one has become the complete opposite of that. Especially in development time. They’ve become the very thing the original’s development cycle was against.
  6. Meh. Kind of interested in Hellblade. Been showing it for so long though I’m just not really bothered anymore. Wouldn’t normally be bothered about an Indiana Jones game, but got my eye on it purely because of Machinegames. But nothing shown got me excited.
  7. 30+ hours in, reached act 3 and I’m done with it now. I’ve been enjoying my time with it for the most part but it never got it hooks in me properly. I can admire everything it’s doing but I can’t says I’ve loved anything about it. I still don’t understand the majority of what’s going on and even though I’m winning battles I still don’t understand what I’m doing half the time. & now I’ve reached act 3 it’s it’s become really overwhelming. There’s just a million little quests and I can’t be arsed anymore. I’ve got too many other games to play which will probably be more my style. Good game but not necessarily for me.
  8. mfnick

    Game in Trouble

    Still majority physical for me - either online or places like Smyths and Curry’s. While I can still buy physical for ~£15 less than on the digital store and able to sell on via eBay or whatever I don’t ever see that changing. Especially these days where I need to watch my pennies more. Even I have started buying more digital though. Sales are a lot better than they used to be (although Sony are getting tighter with their 1st party games) & if its a game I properly hyped for and sure I’ll adore (reviews pending) like Like a Dragon and FFVII Rebirth I’ll get them digitally. I’ve just bought the new Prince of Persia digitally too as I was able to get it for £35 from CDkeys in XSX so I’m happy with that price. I would normally have waited for a sale on that but since it’s already kind of budget and I do want to show support for these smaller, focused titles when they actually do them. That’s the kind of game I’ve been wishing bigger companies would go back to doing inbetween their huge releases. Much more my kind of thing these days. Only thing Ubisoft have done of interest in years.
  9. mfnick

    Random News II

    That’s where I get almost all my films these days. I have gone digital with films just because of the space but also because whenever the next new thing comes out it makes my previous collection useless - I had 100’s of DVD’s - worth pennies now and look fucking terrible on my TV. Blu Rays - same thing but only owned dozens of those. 4k Blu Ray - I own a few of my favourites on this but mostly they’re too expensive and I’m fed up of buying the same things over and over. I will say Apple are known to remove stuff from their service as well though. So I back a lot up just in case - you’re allowed to download them & watch that way. But if they remove it you can’t stream them anymore even if you’ve paid for them. It’s fucking bullshit. Luckily most of the films they’ve done this with are the more unknown I’m not interested in but I still back up just in case.
  10. mfnick

    Game in Trouble

    Always been a rip off company. & always been the worst high street store to buy games from. Can’t believe they’ve lasted as long as they have tbh.
  11. mfnick

    Game in Trouble

    Yea I thought they pushed 2nd hand so much because that’s where the majority of their actual profit was. They’d give you £25 for a new game trade in then sell it for something like £45, basically £5 less than brand new.
  12. I do keep thinking about this. But I much prefer using my consoles. Plus the initial outlay for a good PC is incredibly high. The state of PC ports over the last few years has been pretty damn bad too along with that shader compiling stutter issue - that would wind me up no end! Still, I do keep thinking about swapping to PC.
  13. I don’t think it’s happening. Like HD says, they’ve already published other titles on other systems already. For the odd title it makes sense but I still don’t see them releasing things like the next Halo or Fable on other systems. If they do start doing much larger games like that (like the new Indiana Jones and Blade as rumoured) then I do believe it’s the beginning of the end for them in the console market. If that happens it will be terrible IMO. Arrogant Sony are wankers. Sony without competition (Nintendo don’t count, they’re mostly a different market) would be unthinkably bad. If that happens I’ll be very worried about what happens to my huge Xbox game catalogue too. Will that just disappear? It does has me worried to be honest. I’m considering switching back to Sony for my digital purchases as Microsoft are worrying me with this type of talk going about but I’ll wait and see what the official line is going forward.
  14. mfnick

    Nintendo News

    I loved the original but never played the sequel so looking forward to getting stuck in. Still don’t understand why it’s taken so fucking long to get these on there. They were announced ages ago. Most of my hype for it has died down now.
  15. Anyone want them? Cover postage and they’re yours.
  16. Anyone want them? They’ll end up in recycling otherwise. Just cover postage and they’re yours.
  17. That looks so much better to use than the official pad.
  18. Man this Underdark area is a slog. I went to Gymforge too but couldn’t find a way out of it? One of my party members got killed in the night though so that was interesting at least.
  19. 99% of DLC is pretty poor or pointless IMO. Not worth going back to the game for and not worth the prices. They just don’t tend to add much making their inclusion worthwhile, most being a marketing stunt just so they can sell season passes. if I do have a favourite though it’s probably the Driveclub ones. Not only did they give you an ok amount of extra cars but they created new specific championships for you to use the cars in. All for a very reasonable price. One important point though, Expansions now get called DLC. & they’re very different. Now a lot of those are in fact excellent, worth going back to and mostly worth the money. If we include those (as I imagine is in the spirit of the question). There’s a few favourites. The 2 that stand out immediately in my mind are The Ballad of Gay Tony for GTA IV and the LEGO Expansion for FH4. Both are fucking excellent
  20. I agree with everything @AndyKurosakihas said there. However even though I’ve had a couple of moments where I sacked it off, I’ve found myself still banging my head against it and carrying on. So far it feels just about worth it but if anything stops me playing it, it is the fact I’ve no idea what I’m doing most of the time. So far I’m not willing to put it in my top 10 because of it. It’s like people keep saying how many different ways you can approach situations but without proper knowledge on how everything works that just isn’t the case for me.
  21. Seriously? Wow i felt the complete opposite in every way to what you’re saying here - along with the fact I thought this was amazing throughout whereas you’re a bit more lukewarm. But that’s more subjective. Visually though there’s no way AW2 facial animations are better. That’s actually been one of my disappointments with AW2 is how shitty the character faces can look. They look spot on in this. The sandman opening not looking next gen either? Man, I just don’t get it.
  22. Ah fair enough 😂
  23. Isn’t it kind of pointless really scouring prices for stuff if you’re just willing to throw an extra £30 or so away like that on another day? Not having a go btw, just curious.
  24. Good job. You’d have easily got £60+ for Zelda and MK1 alone.
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