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Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain


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Finally unlocked the FOB online stuff before, which on first impression will be a right pain in the arse.

All the base upgrades are currently getting really expensive and now I have this second online base to upgrade and potentially lose money and items on. Unless the two are completely separate and people can't steal stuff completely and leave me bankrupt.

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Think we must be on almost the exact same missions, Hendo, I've just got the FOB online stuff myself,

You just finished Episode 22 as well I presume?

not sure how much I'm gonna bother with the FOB stuff either, i'd rather spend all my resources upgrading Mother Base than worrying about another one I'm never going to see or visit, I'm sure there's benefits to levelling it up, but I'm just not too fussed either.

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Did you make it rain?

I actually finished that mission with The Man On Fire by getting on the copter just as Miller was telling me to change the weather so I re-did the whole thing and changed the weather before calling the chopper.

I figured it was an optional mission objective and I was right.

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Nope, haven't unlocked that ability yet, my Mother Base stuff is roughly around Level 25 for everything, so I think I have a way to go to unlock the changing weather stuff. For the mission I

Got in a car and drove it into him and managed to barge him in the little resevoir just outside the factory :lol: I thought you had to fight him, so did, but I think you could just leave on a Chopper and then go, I automatically expected a chopper to turn up, before (stupidly) realising I just had to call one in after The Man had dissappeared.

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Yeah, probably, I was really into the side-ops stuff for the first 10 hours or so, but I think doing so many of them was killing my enjoyment of the game as they were all rather repetitive in Afghanistan, and I wanted to make a dent into the ma-hoo-sive story so decided to concentrate on the Story missions for now.

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I had my first negative reaction to a bit of the game which, perhaps not surprisingly, was to do with the FOB.

I had limited time before work to do a mission or two and it forced me to do the invading other people's bases tutorial.

I'm pretty convinced that the FOB's only exist to attempt to make money for Konami so being forced to make one, being forced to do a tutorial on defending and then forced to do a tutorial on attacking has made me not want to touch the thing.

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Almost 40 hours played now, just finished Chapter 1, god that


boss fight was a right pain in the arse, got the ol' heart pumping that one, tried it about 5 or 6 times before Dinner and it kept 1-shotting me with its charge attack over and over, which was especially infuriating as I had almost defeated it every damn time, was incredibly close to rage-quitting at one point and saying bollocks to it, but I decided to persevere, watched a YT vid of someone doing it, employed the YTers tactics in the fight and defeated him on my 2nd try when I came back to it, it's always the way.

Weird how it plays the full credits at the end of Chapter 1, I thought I'd finished it for a minute, then I remembered someone on another forum saying Chapter 2 was shite so I guessed it wasn't all over, I think it would've been just about right to end it at the end of Chapter 1, but I'll persevere and see if my passion for it remains after the epic battle.

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The AI in this is interesting...my favourite moments in this so far (bare in mind i'm not trying to play this particularly stealthily)...

I'm 'infiltrating' a prison to rescue some expert solider, after a couple of attempts which kept getting me slaughtered by snipers, i discover an anti-aircraft gun overlooking the whole thing. I jump in and slaughter nearly every guard there. I hear one of the remaining guards say "We've lost the intruder." As i sit there, in my turret, guns still smoking. I shot him. No chance he's going back to motherbase.

Also had an incident where I was firing at a gunship from a fixed machine gun turret, I stopped, went to Fulton the turret, which alerted a guard i'd missed, standing five feet away behind some crates. Must have had his headphones on i'm guessing.

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Almost 40 hours played now, just finished Chapter 1, god that


boss fight was a right pain in the arse, got the ol' heart pumping that one, tried it about 5 or 6 times before Dinner and it kept 1-shotting me with its charge attack over and over, which was especially infuriating as I had almost defeated it every damn time, was incredibly close to rage-quitting at one point and saying bollocks to it, but I decided to persevere, watched a YT vid of someone doing it, employed the YTers tactics in the fight and defeated him on my 2nd try when I came back to it, it's always the way.

Weird how it plays the full credits at the end of Chapter 1, I thought I'd finished it for a minute, then I remembered Dwarf saying Chapter 2 was shite so I guessed it wasn't all over, I think it would've been just about right to end it at the end of Chapter 1, but I'll persevere and see if my passion for it remains after the epic battle.

I believe I am just about to do this, it's proving tricky getting one up on guards now that they are heavily armoured.
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Played a bit more today, bit of strange experience I must say after the high-octane boss fight of yesterday.

I was just a bit bewildered today, I started my session and just didn't really know what to do, Missions 32 and 33 were both 'Subsistence' and 'Extreme difficulty' versions of missions I'd already done, so I really didn't fancy doing that because I hate replaying missions, and I thought they'd both be annoying as fuck. Tried Mission 32 anyway, and it was just an absolute nightmare, absolutely impossible, no reflex, no guns on you, you have to pick them up once you're in the mission, just absolutely ball-breakingly annoying and hard, for me anyway, so I aborted that, went back and did a few side-ops.

I've been told by others on another forum that you can avoid all the Subsistence/Extreme missions by just doing side-ops, so I think that's what I'm going to do, I just want to get the ending, not fussed about the 'true' ending at all, and if I have to do the majority of the side-ops to achieve this than so be it, I'd rather do that than replay the same missions on higher difficulties/with modifiers.

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That is pretty crazy, don't think I'll get anywhere near that to be honest, just going to try and unlock all the remaining story missions via side-ops and then I'll check-out I think, some sites I've been reading have said that you technically finish the game at the end of Chapter 1, as they call Chapter 2's missions 'post-game' content, which is just weird, and has now confused me a great deal.

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Had to edit my post, I accidentally put the wrong chapter number in.

As I understand it, there's a big reveal in chapter 2 so I wouldn't feel comfortable calling my play through finished right now. Some plot elements have been dealt with but not all. I'm hoping I can burn through it today.

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Question for those who have finished it - do I have to do all of the main missions at the end?

I'm trying to do the remixed levels but I'm only managing some of them. Doing some side-ops seems to open new story missions so I'm gravitating to doing that instead.


I've done the traditional feeling Metal Gear level with the grim murder-all-your-men bit.

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The info I got from another forum, Hendo, is that you don't have to do any of the remixed missions and can unlock the remaining proper 'main missions' by just doing side-ops and listening to any important Casette tape (marked in yellow).

This is what I was doing in my session earlier today, just loads of side-missions and it unlocked some story content back at Mother Base

(Bit with Quiet jumping into the hazardous gas to get the kids necklace back and the Quiet interrogation scene),

some important side-ops involving the

Man on Fire and rescuing Kids

and I also unlocked and completed the proper main Missions 35 and 38.

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