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I think it easy to expand the fiction if they want to. The world and lore is decent enough sci-fi fare. There is a decent amount of mystery and potential stories in that game's lore. It's just the things that happen in the game itself aren't that interesting (narrative-wise), it's just excuses to get you in a different place each time to shoot baddies. And those places are darn cool kill rooms.

And Dead Ghost makes total sense in context of the game. The words themselves don't, obviously, but capital D and G ones in relation to Destiny do.

Got all my Iron Banner stuff, anyway. I had to do the trick spatular posted a little which is annoying as I've managed to get this far without grinding (at least what I define as grinding), so I've now done that which feels dirty.

Anyway, with Iron Banner ending I'm gonna give it another rest, until the DLC, maybe. I've got a backlog building because of this game.

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Mystery is very appropriate. It tells you fuck all. "you've been dead a long time". Have I? What killed me then? Does it matter? No? Ok then.

"We must tell Billy Bollocks about this shit we just found!" Why? Who is he when he's at home? What did we just find? What the flying fuck are you babbling on about?

"Go on our website to read the Grimoire cards!". I've got a better idea Bungie. Fuck off.

Multiplayer is fun, till the grind sets in. But the "story?" hahahahaa, it's bollocks.

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I just mean when you're on patrol and you see a building or a bunch of wrecked cars... on Venus, and I'm like "huh, I wonder who lived here? Humans? How long ago was it?" And things to kind of allude to telling you what happened, but only if you're paying the right kind of attention.

Putting stuff up to read on the accompanying app was a weird choice, mind, but all I'm saying there is stuff in these environments to look at and think about, if you're that way inclined.

Like, what people are saying to you is just sorta framing the world(s). If the world(s) aren't interesting you then fine, but there is stuff there.

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When even Tyrion Lannister sounds like he can't be arsed, you're in trouble.

It just feels a step backwards from Halo. People can say "the story's not up to much" in that. But I've read all the books, and there's some interesting developments, especially the Spartan program itself. All this really has is the Queen and her emo brother. And that robot woman.

A Gamestm comment about "the Traveller is an instantly iconic gaming character" is just ridiculous. It's a big White circle, that says and does nothing. Hardly an icon.

Anyway, for all my negativity, it is a good game. Just not a great one. Rant over :-)

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Played some more. I like it, but damn, the story and concept are god awful. I don't have time to not have time to won't have time to explain to you. If you didn't have time why didn't you help and get the fight over and done with? Why does a robot have feelings for humans? What the fuck is going on?

The Venus stuff, man. No one would ever live on Venus, ever. Even if it could be terraformed the surface wouldn't be cool enough to not kill a human within seconds. One day is more than 100 days long which I'm sure would have implications on living there if you could survive the heat and radiation. The game mentions the ruins are billions of years old. From when? Wouldn't we know about these now? Has it been colonised by others after our current timeline? And then been colonised by humans after it fell into ruins? So something becomes lush, green and inhabitable in such a small window of time? That's nonsense.

Part of me is like "Just accept it, man, this is fantasy" while the other part of me is shouting "BUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLSHHHHIIIIIIT!"

Sci-fi is a weird one, if I don't understand how it works or it's far fetched I just accept it as some marvelous idea that some how works. Here it feels totally wrong though, it feels like they're pissing up my back and telling me it's raining. Very little of it makes the slightest bit of sense.

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I think I totally put conceivable science out of the window when you see that giant and unapologetic allegory for God floating over the vista when you're at The Tower.

And even the Vexx have a goatman-like design to them which I guess is meant to frame them as a devil kind of thing, or at least minions for a greater evil.

That's what Destiny is: it's about warring gods and humanity is stuck in the middle... well, they chose a side, but then the Traveler did 'rescue' them from themselves (something a bit white man about that, too. I wonder if they go there?).

So it's all a bit Greek and/or Roman when it comes to Destiny (see the whole gladiatorial event, the Crucible). And like that culture they weren't that great at actually understanding the world (or in this case, the universe) as it was too inconceivable for them. I think that's the mindset Bungie want to put you in for Destiny. It's had varying degrees of success, obviously, going by the game's reception.

I've forgot my point. But Basically were dealing with Gods and inconceivable knowledge and power. It's okay to be confused.

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Are you just gonna use this thread to fucking whine? Are you Ben now?

Get good or STFU. Be cool like me. Have you seem my stats? Got owned t start with, got savvy, then got awesome. The tools are there so I don't wanna hear it anymore, Sly. Sort your life out, mate. Use that jump.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>I still think it's a load of rubbish. Too much random bull to be truly enjoyable. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4share?src=hash">#PS4share</a> <a href="http://t.co/tJBuBz1i64">pic.twitter.com/tJBuBz1i64</a></p>— Simon  (@Sly_Reflex) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sly_Reflex/status/537394638215446528">November 25, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Got good on my second game. ;)

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