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Grand Theft Auto V


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Showing off in front of my hard earned bird.




I stole a Cargobob and we took turns to drop each other from as high as possible.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>Beautiful but unconventional view made capable by <a href="https://twitter.com/andykurosaki">@andykurosaki</a>. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PS4share?src=hash">#PS4share</a> <a href="http://t.co/ak2QUe0A6O">pic.twitter.com/ak2QUe0A6O</a></p>— Simon  (@Sly_Reflex) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sly_Reflex/status/553711406022135808">January 10, 2015</a></blockquote>
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I landed in this pool and wrote my car off.




I used the Cargobob to get it out of the pool but it was unusable so I decided to beat it. It was indestructible.






My wrecked sultan could take the heat.




Brilliant night of pissing about, chock full of random awesomeness and lols. 10/10, would do again.

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Only two words to sum up last nights events: fucking lol. Honestly, was in pain from laughing so much. You think you've seen all the game has to offer. And then something like last night happens. Surfing on the side of a SWAT van, with Sly trying to ram me into any fucker he could. Christ, every collision pretty much killed anyone in his way. Me doing the usual GTA trick: fuck a prostitute, then kill her, kick her corpse, stab her, set her on fire then take photos. As you do.

And man, that Cargobob was mental. Honestly, everyone needs to try being lifted to the highest point in the game, then flung off. You proper shit yourself as you hurtle to the ground at an alarming rate. Almost ranked up doing that. My car survived landing on it's roof. Sly's somehow landed in a pool and became indestructable. Seriously. We kicked it. Set it on fire. Even threw a couple of grenades. Not a fucking thing. Just a shame it wouldn't let you get in, at all.

All finished off with a nice game of golf.Well, which included images of your character mid-dump. And me yelling obscenities on each shot.

Honest to god, a fucking amazing night. It's now earned a place in my "best 2014 multiplayer" list. Playing with Sly has always been bloody fun. This is just mental.

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Me knocking you off the side of the SWAT Van into that womans car, you going through the windscreen and killing her, that's where the uncontrollable laughter started. That and the physics defying smoking.

Also lol at the mugger stabbing you in the back, you retaliating and then getting headshotted by that bouncer outside the Vanilla Unicorn.

Arm wresting also deserves a mention.

Andy took controls of my Buzzard and flew it around for a bit before directly stacking it into the only pylon in the countryside. :lol:

This game, guys. I just can't stop laughing at how insane some of the stuff that happens is. Some of the stuff that happens is like the planets lining up, the chances of them happening again are miniscule.

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Yeah arm wrestling was a laugh. "My wankers cramp!"

As you say, so much of it just happens by pure chance. Did I know I would hang on the side of your SWAT van? No. Did I know how ridiculous I would look leaning back into nothing while smoking? No. But fuck me, once you find something like that, hilarity most definitely ensues.

Buying a Buzzard will be the next thing on my agenda. Besides from utterly pissing about of course.

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It's the most expensive thing in the game anyone is likely to need. It's a massive expenditure, but you've seen yourself how easy it makes a lot of those missions, even the troublesome ones are made a possibility now due to how you can beat the time limit by skipping the traffic. The only ones you can't really use it on are the 18 wheeler steals and drug recovery missions, because you can blow up the thing you're actually needing to take back.

If you play a lot, and I really mean a lot, we're looking at 100's of flight hours here, you're eventually going to save money. I fired a few bullets last night, those were for the guy on the rigging. I used the same $500 body armour for the duration of the night. The start of each mission usually costs me about $1k. Now it's costing me $200 to call the chopper in and have done with it. The biggest saving is the explosives, calling the chopper in is cheaper than buying 1 grenade and is capable of delivering unlimited free explosives. Economically that saving is going to pass on to each player I do missions with as they're going to save on bullets and explosives too. We're only going to get richer as a group by using it. I don't know what the later missions are like in the game, but I'm guessing more choppers wouldn't be a bad thing, it'd be nice to have other people be able to do the flying for a change when we only need 1 in the air.

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I just checked the wiki and it says you need to be 43 before you can buy one. Somewhere in the game it tells you what level you need to be, I was a bit worried that I'd end up having the cash but not the level to buy it, but in the end it turned out alright. Just keep playing, saving as much money as possible and it'll be yours eventually. It seems like an absurd amount of money, but it could have been far far worse, it could have been 100's of hours grinding online or slapping real money down for those credit card things.

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To be fair, we could probably turn most missions to hard and get x1.5 the RP and cash. If you put free aim on in the menus you get another RP boost as well, although I don't think I could recommend that for standard jobbing where you have a lot of shooting to do. The snap to target is too handy.

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I scalped my second heavily modded car today, this time it was a Sabre to go along with the heavily modified Gauntlet I found before. I don't even want to drive them really, I'm just grabbing them as trophy vehicles as they're rare as fuck to see premodified ones hanging about the place.

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Yeah yeah yeah, but what have you got the horns set to? That's all I care about ;-)

Got to go in to work early tonight, due to one of my isles on Friday night being given to a fucking useless temp. Honestly, why leave cages practically collapsing, and not condense them down? He's been doing it for 3 months, for fuck's sake.

Anyyyyway, I'll be online mon/tue/wed night till about 9.30 when my mate picks me up. Then I'm night off Thursday/Friday. And on sunday night i'm pissing off on my cruise for 11 nights.

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After tomorrow I'll have everything I deem essential. I have an apartment, a slew of different vehicles for various purposes, a fully stocked arsenal and a chopper.

There's still some things I can get. Two more 10 garage apartments, a plane and a boat are things that are just nice to have. Stuff like a sedan, a sports classic and an SUV will just come as I play. That stuff would just be the icing on the cake though, it'd be lovely to have access to my own gear.

I did all the bridge challenges tonight too. Easy stuff, shouldn't take a competent chopper pilot more than 30 minutes if they're pointed out to you. Next session I'll do the knife flights and see if the game glitches out like Nags did.

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I've only really pissed about in planes, but I got most of the golds in the flight school in both offline and online. The online ones are really hard. There's nothing there that a bit of persaverance wont cure though, they nowhere near as hard as the original flight school things in San Andreas.

I'll get back to you on how hard the knife flights are. I'm guessing most of the fuck about will be lining the runs up and then skirting through.

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flying under the bridges is hard,

especially with low flight skill.

flying helicopters under bridges significantly easier

I tried the online flight school and it was really difficult, specifically following the pack. I tried it again after my skill level popped up to the next mark, and my 'plane kinda magnetically drifted into the spot it was meant to be in.

I believe that your flight skill goes up based on distance covered, get yourself into the lear jet and do some laps of the map. You'll notice the difference flying the stunt plane when you've got yourself some skill nuggets.

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The majority of bridges you could get a Mallard under. There's a few where you're going to need a chopper though, the one in north east Los Santos at the top of the storm drain is a tight hole to get a chopper in and out.

I stopped at that mission, Robo. I found it pretty difficult. All the challenges in the online school are pretty tough, I tried loads of times to get the gold on the one where you have to land the helicopter on the moving flatbed, I found that it was too difficult to get within the gold time limit due to the way the truck moves around that bend. It's dead easy to land on it while it's on the straight.

I don't think the skill being maxed out is going to help Nag, Trevor and Michael should be at the cap for piloting flying vehicles so it's just a case of Nag not being able to get his head around it. Having that other axis to deal with can really mess with some peoples minds.

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can you tinker about with the flight controls like in battlefield? a former work colleage had the left stick for tilting forwards and back for moving forward and back, and felt and right turned the chopper, rather than using the bumpers.

I still haven't passed that follow along flight school mission, there's something about doing that half barrel roll that I just don't seem to be able to do

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I've no idea, I've had no need to go looking for stuff like that as I have the best set up for me in both helicopters and planes.

The knife flights are harder than I was expecting, it's taken me an hour to do 9.


This is the map I'm using. Currently looking for number 10 somewhere in between those tall buildings, I'm just flying loops around them until the bugger unlocks.

I tell you what, I wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't a quick save feature. Fuck going back to the hangar each time you crash, ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

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