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Little Inferno


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Made by the team that did World of Goo and the guy who was behind Henry Hatsworth. You can tell the World of Goo thing by the art style and sense of humour, a mile off.


It's a little bizarre. It's a sandbox game with no fail state but there is a running narrative and story.

You order objects which you place in your fireplace and then set them on fire. Build combos by combing certain objects together and you'll start unlocking more lists of stuff to buy. All in-game money, no IAP's as far as I'm aware.

It's oddly compelling but there isn't much point to it.

From Wired:

Little Inferno steals from games in the “touch things and wait” genre of videogames popularized by FarmVille and later exploited by the rest of the games industry. After ordering a product, you’ll have to wait for a timer to count down before it arrives. Early on in the game these timers only last 20 seconds or so. By the end, the wait can take up to five minutes. This should be familiar to anyone who has ever played a Zynga game.

The allusion to Zynga’s titles becomes outright explicit upon unlocking the game’s fourth catalog, which is almost entirely gaming-themed. One item, the “Casual Game,” bears the description: “If only winning was this easy in real life. You’re doing great!” Another self-aware item: the Gaming Tablet, “filled with ‘free’ games that will cost you thousands.”

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Most of them are quite easy if you just look through what's available to you. I think one of the earlier ones that still plagues me is the "Generations" one. I thought it was the spider egg and th family photo but that didn't work. I don't really want to look it up though, as that completely ruins the point of the game.

You should play with the pieces you get. I played with the tetrominoes and found a nice surprise that didn't relate to setting them on fire. See if you can find it too.

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  • 1 year later...

I played this today, expecting it would be rubbish and I would delete it. I ended up playing it for an hour. Nice presentation, nice music, strangely compelling gameplay. I think I need one more combination to unlock the third tier of items.

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