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Battlefield 3


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got any tips on getting kills with the jet's minigun? i cant fly them for shit but i really want to unlock missiles and start using them more.

You don't need a great deal of points for missiles so the best way to build up the points at least is to go for tanks, and just on rush, mind. The miniguns on Conquest are so much weaker. I don't know why they went with that choice. Jets on conquest are largely useless. Before the update all it took was a full burst on rush to take out a tank. That's where I got most of my kills. But now you can still disable a tank and that's still 100 points and you may even get the kill if it has taken a few shells from elsewhere.

I know it's easy to fall into the trap of chasing enemy jets but try to avoid it unless there is nothing else to do. Keep that low priority as it's hard work to hit a fast mover and before you know it you've been flying around for 10 minutes and not got a point. Other fools will give chase but just try to be unexpected and lose them and get back to hitting ground units. I have a radar on my jet so and that really helps seeing exactly where they are and losing them is easy, unless they have a radar, too.

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So, I finally got around to trying this on PC.

It's a bit weird it launches through the browser, I totally forgot about that. It loads fast though, and within 30 seconds I as in a group of my mates friends. Obviously the coms were done on a separate server, I have no idea if the in game comes work the same. It runs really smooth and it doesn't feel like there is any control lag like I experienced with the console versions. The graphics are amazingly good, but then again what do you expect. The biggest difference is that it plays like old Battlefield, especially Conquest. As good as BC2 was, you shouldn't be able to lock out enemy teams on flags. The higher player count here means you are constantly trying to push the other team back and annex their flags, instead of just waltzing in, capturing a flag and then making back to a flag you just lost because of the massive expanse of the maps the people capturing the flags never see each other for conflict. The destruction still looks slightly messy though, a real step down from BC2.

The maps make a hell of a lot more sense with 64 players on, on one game we were fighting for control of a petrol station, and in the vicinity there was a chopper laying smack down on one of the flags we owned. As soon as we'd taken the position an AA tank showed up and picked some of us up, followed by a buggy. We were making our way to the flag the chopper was tearing up when the AA suddenly swatted the helicopter out of the sky. we got closer to the flag, only for 2 jets to fly over and destroy the AA, so we all jumped out and went on foot because it was harder for the jets to kill us. Just as we got to the control point, 2 fucking tanks showed up, it was a mad rush to dig ourselves in. Every bit of equipment we had got blown up en route to the flag, those jets really made it hard for any armour to progress, eventually someone in the game took to the skies in our jets which allowed one of the players in my squad to land a hit on one of them and bring them down while the were distracted. The remaining jets danced around the sky while we worked to remove the 2 tanks and infantry that had built up over the point. Somebody popped smoke all over the tanks so we pushed up and managed to cripple the tanks, then when they left them we got in them and used their own weaponry against them, that one battle must have had 30 people at it. It was fucking epic. I died like a million times, but the rush of working as a whole unit excited me in only the way Battlefield can. In the console versions because the player count is so low, 1 or 2 good players can really effect a game more so than they would in a 64 player game, simply because the objective they are chasing has more players around it. The way most of the maps are designed means that you need this high player count to make them work, at first I thought the maps were pretty crappy, but it isn't that at all, it's just that there needs to be more players on them to make them flow as they should.

Playing the PC version and then comparing it to the console version is like comparing a current gen game to a last gen game. I wasn't really looking forward to the next gen in all honesty, but if next gen consoles can pull off what DICE have pulled off with BF3, then I'm all for them.

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Look up the word 'irony' in the dictionary, and this is what you will find. Electronic Arts is currently suing one of the US army's biggest suppliers, Bell Helicopters, over the use of real Bell choppers V-22 Osprey and AH-1Z Viper in Battlefield 3.

What's more, EA's seeking a ruling from a federal court that will allow it to use images of modern weapons and vehicles without paying licensing fees. The publisher filed the pre-emptive lawsuit after Bell's parent company Textron sent demanded that it stop using its helicopters without permission. How do you respond to a Cease and Desist order? With a full-blown lawsuit apparently.

Trexton and Bell say that its aircraft is private trademark property, but EA argues that its video games "are protected by the First Amendment as a form of free speech," reports Stars and Stripes.

Due to legal precedents in this area, it's said that EA may well win in its lawsuit. But you never know. We'll be watching this one with great interest.

What a stupid argument.

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Another vote here for the PC version! I'm shitter at it - the PC gamers seem a lot better than anyone playing on the 360. however, now I only have to run a few yards before I'm killed, instead of running for 10 minutes without seeing a soul, as on the 360 version. 64 player maps are the way forward!

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  • 4 weeks later...

As I promised myself before, I gave the MP another go on 360. It's OK I suppose, the best thing about it is playing with friends, that's the aspect I really miss about Battlefield. The maps still feel deserted though, you were never more than 50ft from another gunfight on the PC version, I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on the map when playing BF3.

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It looks like the dedicated Battlefield community are showing a sign of no confidence towards EA and to some extent DICE.


The real issue with Battlefield 3 isn’t the game itself believe it or not. The great thing about a game is it can be patched, fixed, corrected and enhanced where needed… and whose job is that you wonder? DICE, the game developer and the people who should be running the Battlefield community, not some marketing/publisher powerhouse with nothing but dollar signs and stock projections in mind… why am I talking about this you may ask? It’s because the loyal, dedicated, veterans of this game know and understand that DICE is working their ass off to fix the game, and the issues we demand, but Electronic Arts worried about nothing but money. This community has been neglected since the launch of the game in October. No information on patches until release date, and no communication at all from the studio and developers on issues.

As a longtime battlefield player, community manager, and a person who knows what is going on with this community on a daily basis, I’m frustrated, you’re frustrated… Shouldn’t we expect better? At least acknowledge the existence of the issues we present, and have a very long list of things to work on. Yet... we know none of this information have that communication now do we? You wonder why I assume of course, why is it that the studio who developed the game, cannot communicate with the followers, fans, and community that the very game they built? The answer of course is Electronic Arts… We can’t get information, or even acknowledgement about the issues we raise, patching schedules, game updates, or even hints at Downloadable content. Electronic Arts is too concerned with releasing information based on their precious yet inaccurate numbers that calculate the best times to release game updates and DLC. Not the community, not you, and certainly not me.

DICE after all, is owned by EA… this isn’t all EA’s fault to be honest; some of the blame lies with DICE as well. Obviously there are some issues that are currently in the game that exist as problems because of the failure to QA said problems. (USAS-12, MAV Elevators, etc…) We can assume that a lot of these instances with weapons being so severely unbalanced and blatant issues with map glitches such as the MAV situation are because of the rush to push the game out to compete with Modern Warfare 3. Nevertheless, we’re kept in the dark with no patch schedule, no details, and not even direct responses from DICE, at all.

So… this is what we’re going to do… as a community. We’re going to give Electronic Arts until Friday, March 2nd to announce the next major patch and the fixes that they have made, or are currently making. SOME acknowledgement of the outcry about the issues that is currently wrong with the game right now, today… Or we’re going to black out the entire battlefield community for 1 day, 24 hours, no playing, no posting, and no tweeting. Silence fed right back into the mouths of those who have chosen to give us the very same silence. We’ll be waiting for you to give us our community back EA, and put it in the very capable hands of the people who developed, and made the game. Please, we beg you, allow us to communicate, get information, and answers from the game developers, not bullshit responses on twitter from @Battlefield telling them to contact a game advisor.

We’d just like to also clarify that we love and appreciate all the DICE developers, and enjoy very much interacting with them, sharing ideas and planning events with them. However, we are a community site, and we carry the voice and speak for the community, right now, the community needs your attention, communication, and a little more transparency as to what’s going on with the game.

Stay updated here, and across all our sites for motivation and movement to Black Out the entire Battlefield community should it come to that… Follow the @dontrevivemebro and @Battlefieldo twitters for more information on the #BF3Blackout , should it come to this… hopefully it does not.

It looks like this movement is starting to gain momentum with several Battlefield community sites throwing their hat into the ring.

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It might just be me, I'm unsure because of the way things are, but it constantly freezes with me now. though that may be because my 360 could be on the way out.

I'll never know until it dies proper. BF3 is the only game I play on the 360 really, I suppose when Mass Effect 3 hits I'll know.

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Done a bit of the campaign, very early on. Done the tutorial first bit and then the roof section, just killed a sniper with a rocket launcher.

It really is very Call of Duty, I preferred the style that Bad Company 2 had, but hey ho.

Done a lot more in the co-op mode which I think is completely different.

2 negative points:

1. No checkpoints so you can get right near the end of a mission, die, and then have to start over again.

2. No choice in who does what. Specifically I'm talking about the second mission where one pilots a helicopter and the other is the gunner. It's meant to be random at picking who does what but it always seemed to favour me and I hate piloting the chopper, just couldn't get the hang of it.

Who would've thought the host would get to pick or the game would see that I was constantly failing and switch over.

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At the moment due to limited hand control, I'm best sticking with the campaign or co-op, basically not going into the wild where I'll be expected to have mad skills when at the moment I have to take my time and my shooting is far worse than normal.

Or play multiplayer with a lot of people who know me and I can stay at the back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At least 3 more expansions on the way.

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters – In Battlefield 3: Close Quarters, players are dropped into a frantic, infantry-only theatre of war. Frostbite 2 high definition destruction makes the environment come alive as everything from furniture to plaster gets shot to pieces. Players will feel the intensity of the world exploding around them as rubble and broken pieces pile up on the floor, while tight level design and vertical gameplay create a highly competitive environment. Battlefield 3: Close Quarters also introduces new weapons, assignments and unique dog tags to bring back to the base game.

Battlefield 3: Armored Kill– Following the tight infantry gameplay of Battlefield 3: Close Quarters, DICE will release Battlefield 3: Armored Kill that ups the ante for vehicular mayhem as only Battlefield can do. Featuring new driveable tanks, ATVs, mobile artillery and more, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill also delivers huge battlefields for an all-out vehicle assault, including the biggest map in Battlefield history.

Battlefield 3: End Game – The fourth expansion pack will ship in the winter but details remain tightly guarded.

Who's biting?

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