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Bloody Good Time


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Currently downloading the trial of this and I'm guaranteed to pay the mere 400 points for the full thing.

Anyone who's been keeping an eye on the new Assassin's Creed multiplayer will have the general idea. You're told which character you have to find and kill, meanwhile someone else is after you.

The previous game by the developer was The Ship which was the same idea and was PC only, also via Steam.

The dev has been shut down now and doesn't have many good things to say about Ubisoft, who published this.

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Who fancies a game?

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Given it a go offline and online. It feels very much like a Team Fortress 2 mod which maybe explains why it's cheap but you can have fun with it.

There's various modes that the director will shout out to you as the game goes on - there's simple deathmatches, go after your prey, infection "it/tag" games and one where you have to hold onto an Oscar statue for as long as possible, among others.

You also have 3 things to juggle, your tiredness, your hunger and your bottom.

Get sleepy and you'll have to find a bed or seat and have a nap, find some food or find a toilet.

There's also NPC guards and security cameras around and you can't be seen to be holding a weapon or killing innocent people so if you start killing people that you're not meant to then you will be punished.

Worth a look, and if anyone gets it we'll have to organise a game because there's not many playing it.

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I was always intrigued by The Ship so it's cool a game like that has hit the consoles, but if the community is dead then that isn't very appealing. I don't think I have quite enough spare points, anyway. The rebate that comes through will be for exporting RB2 songs to RB3.

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Saw this over the weekend and downloaded the trial, but haven't given it a go yet, but if it's only 400 points and is as fun as you say, I'm in...

It's certainly fun but I can see why it's cheap. Not sure how much you'll see from the trial as I just went straight for the full version but you can play offline with bots.

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It's not a normal deathmatch game, you don't go round killing everyone you see.

The sleep/hunger/poo breaks are to add a bit of depth to the play - you can't just camp somewhere for the whole game, basically.

The game modes will change as the round progresses, should be fairly obvious what you have to do.

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