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Halo Reach


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OK - the guys with the spikes and the green charged up guns. How do you kill them?

I've just cleared some base and I have to cover some one while he does something to something (i wasnt really listening). There is a blue light lift thing and I get attacked by two of the spiky green firing men and two invisible men and I cant kill any of them.

I'm stuck :(

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Quote from Stoobie in the gaming week thread:

"I have no idea of the difference in the weapons, the enemies, the controls and it just kind of drops you in it."

yeah that's a good point about halo, the weapons have specific uses which aren't explained. i think in reach you can press back for a brief explanation of your current weapon but i'm not sure thay are that helpful.

some of the more obscure weapons that i understand a bit:

plasma pistol - useless unless charged - hold the trigger down to charge - a charged shot is one of the most useful things in the game, it'll take down the shields of the elites (and the jackels with the physical shields) completely so you can kill them with just a headshot (from a headshot weapon like the pistol/dmr/needler rifle) and and at closer range it locks on (when the cross hair goes red and gains 3 extra red bits), also temporarily disables vehicles so you can board or grenade them or something.

needler - this is an odd weapon, it sort of homes in and if you hit with a certain number of shots the baddie will explode, i'm not too up on this one myself as i tend to struggle to kill anything with it, although anything that's stood still will be an easy kill. i think reach might even have an aiming indicator for where you're supposed to aim with this and the plasma rifles as you're supposed to aim ahead of your target.

needle rifle - is a bit like a less powerful but more accurate DMR, but like the needler if you land a certain number of shots quickly enough the target explodes.

also the health system for both yourself and the elites is based on a shield and health, when you shoot the elites you can see a glow around them get brighter till it disapears - this is their shield poping, after a while their shield will recharge just like yours, so you need to try and get the kill while the shield is down. as a general rule plasma weapons take down shields faster and normal weapons take down health faster.

oh and about the hunters, like Sly says its

the orange bits on their neck and back you need to shoot, the armour on the back can be shot off to reveal more orange, they can be really hard to take out, if you're on an easier mode you could try and dance round them to shotgun them in the back, on a harder difficulty stay away, it can also help to split them up and they are quite easily confused by obstacles. on legendary i mostly just drew their fire so my AI buddies could take them out painfully slowly.

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my AI buddies could take them out

Yeah, Im pretty sure I didnt get the AI included in my game. Many a time i've found one of my team members stood facing the wrong way doing nothing while bullets are flying.

Thanks for the info btw - you too sly

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my AI buddies could take them out

Yeah, Im pretty sure I didnt get the AI included in my game. Many a time i've found one of my team members stood facing the wrong way doing nothing while bullets are flying.

ha, yeah they are so useless most of the time, i've seen them just stand there right next to a baddie and do nothing too, they're especially bad at driving. glad they were helping out during the hunter bits though (apart from one bit i had to run past). it's a hard balancing act though i guess as if they were any good there'd be nothing for you to do.

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I always thought the weapons were well explained tbh. Apart from the plasma orb thing. Here is my run down.

Pistol - You normally start with one of these. It's a good weapons despite it been a pistol, it can fire quite fast and is ideal as a side arm. It is pretty much useless against those things that look like birds who hold the circular shields. Unless you can shoot them in other areas not covered by the shield. If you are close to killing something, but have run out of clip, switch weapons and finish them off. Aim for the head and get it done quickly. This weapon needs reloading.

Plasma Pistol - Like Spatula said, this weapon is excellent at removing shields, this bird things shields can be removed with bursts of this pistol. Charging the pistol and hitting someone with a shield will totally remove it in most cases. Charging the pistol and hitting vehicles will cause them to seize up, ideal if you are planning on sneaking up on them and hijacking them. The general consensus is that the bigger the target, the more you charge. However, once you have a full charge aim and let it go. If you hold a charge the battery will deplete and you wont be able to shoot. Shooting a charged shot means you have to wait for a cool down, but it isn't that long.

Brute Spiker - This is like an automatic pistol with lots of ammo in the clip. The aiming reticule isn't that accurate, but the fire rate means you basically pay and spray with it.

Assault Rifle - You'll be using these a lot. 32 bullets in a clip, not very good at bringing shields down from the bird things (in fact, not of the live ammo types are good at this), but it makes light work of anything fleshy. Aim for the head.

Plasma Rifle - Purple looking thing. Fires automatic plasma fire until it over heats. You can get rid of the heat by reloading. Removes shields but isn't as good as live ammo for killing fleshy stuff. Use it to remove shields of for crowd control of grunts and those bird things.

DMR - The daddy. 15 rounds in a mag, aim for the head and fire every time the reticule is at its smallest. Drops pressy much everything you point it at. Even small vehicles can get fucked up with this bad boy.

Needler - Automatic pink needles fly towards the target, they sort of home in and will stick to anything that isn't a physical shield. Land enough and the needles explode killing the target. Needs to be reloaded.

Needle Rifle - Same as the above, although you have a damn site more accuracy with these. It's like the DMR crossed with the needler. For small targets you'll be fine just shooting a few times, for bigger targets keep landing needles until they explode.

Shotgun - I don't need to explain this.

Fuel Rod - Like a rapid fire rocket launcher. The shells arc as you fire them over long distances. Pretty much everything in the game hates to be shot at with these. You can find them carried by grunts mainly, they are yellow with green ammo packs sticking out the top. Needs to be reloaded.

Sniper Rifle - No need to explain this one either. When shit gets up in your face, don't be scared to no scope them. This weapon hits hard and can kill most things that don't have physical shielding.

Rocket Launcher - A two round rocket launcher that needs to be reloaded. You can lock on to certain enemies and vehicles. if you are using against infantry, jump and shoot it at the floor near their feet so they are killed in the blast radius.

Grenade Launcher - A human weapon that needs to be reloaded after every shot. If the shot hits it explodes and generally kills whatever it hits unless they are heavily shielded. If you miss it bounces, and explodes there after. If you hold the trigger in after shooting, you can knock shields off and you can disable vehicles for a short while. You probably want to get rid of it for something more practical once you have used it for a bit, it isn't the most practical of weapons.

Gravity Hammer - It's a big hammer. Hit people with it.

Energy Sword - It's a big sword, stab people with it.

Concussion Rifle - This is like the alien version of the humans grenade launcher. Although you can fire many shots and there is no charge function. It can fuck vehicles and close knit infantry to pieces.

Focus Rifle - Like a laser rifle. I think its baws myself, but it is basically the alien version of the sniper rifle. Except shit.

Frag Grenades - large area of effect explosions. you get the gist of how to use these. Don't need to be precise, just throw them into crowds or into areas where they reds thing they have cover.

Plasma Grenade - Try to get these to hit the enemy. They stick and are usually fatal to whoever is unfortunate enough to be stuck. Be precise when throwing these. Don't throw them at the birds with the circular shields, as the shield just makes them bounce away. However, you can use this to your advantage as sometimes the gullible twat will bat away a plasma grenade into a group of his friends.

I think I covered all the weapons you get to use in the campaign there. Sorry if I missed any out.

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nice explanations sly :)

Pistol - You normally start with one of these. It's a good weapons despite it been a pistol, it can fire quite fast and is ideal as a side arm. It is pretty much useless against those things that look like birds who hold the circular shields. Unless you can shoot them in other areas not covered by the shield. If you are close to killing something, but have run out of clip, switch weapons and finish them off. Aim for the head and get it done quickly. This weapon needs reloading.

yeah the pistol is awesome, interestingly, or maybe not so interestingly, for the shield dudes if you shoot the cut out section of the shield to hit their hand they drop the shield so you can headshot them. i use the pistol on thoes guys all the time.

also with the DMR (and most other weapons i think) headshots/bodyshots don't make any difference against shielded enemies till the shield is down, then it does make a difference.

edit - just had a look round the forge world map in forge, it's massive, and the ability to put stuff where you want (and inside other stuff) is on its own a massive improvement over the old forge.

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I got past the bit I was stuck on - I turned round from my start position and there was a rocket launcher there :angry: I picked it up and turned round and the invisible dudes had wandered into my start position with their back to me. Two rockets later and they were dead. I then danced around the two green rocket firers jumping lots and running away and hiding lots and finally managed to kill them.

I'm stuck again now tho. :lol:

I love the Horde Firefight online game where you have the rockets :)

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Beat the ma-funker on Legendary Solo last night (325G pop - score). It was far from easy but its definately do-able. Just keep plowing on.


I'm probably gonna give it a try after I've picked up the campaign achievements I'm missing.

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Some stats from the first week of release.

* 31,000,000 games have been played since launch

* 98,000,000 player games have been recorded

* 8,214,338 Daily Challenges have been completed

* 255,996 Weekly Challenges have been completed

* 78,499,560,895 total credits have been earned

* 953 man-years have been spent in matchmade games

* 1365 man-years have been spent in campaign

* 854,107 files have been uploaded

* 577,804 recommendations have been sent to friends

* 4,619,455 files have been downloaded

and up to date:

* 70 million+ games have been played

* 235 million+ player games have been played

* 2 million+ files have been uploaded to File Shares

* 5,901 man-years have been spent in online Reach games

* 20 million Daily Challenges have been completed

* 709,840 Weekly Challenges have been completed

* 165 billion credits have been earned

New updates:

Playlist Changes

* SWAT Playlist added (SWAT removed from Big Team Battle and Team Slayer)

* Campaign Matchmaking (live on 10/15 – You will be required to have earned the Grade “Corporal” to enter this Playlist)

* Team Slayer rebalanced to highlight default Slayer game variants and include new offerings

* Classic Slayer removed

* Removed “Pro” game variants from the Arena Playlist

* Removed Boardwalk from Arena Team Doubles Playlist

* Added “Return to Battlefield” volume to Space on Zealot in the Arena Playlist

Game Variant Additions

* King of the Hill (multiple Playlists, including Arena*)

* Rocket Race

* Juggernaut (Rumble Pit Playlist)

* *King of the Hill not included in Arena

General Housekeeping

* Sudden Death will be added to all Assault game variants, including Invasion

* Team Objective will now feature the map Powerhouse

* Replacing Drop Shield with Evade for King of the Hill, Territories, and Oddball

* Replacing Hologram with Evade in Oddball, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Stockpile

* Replacing the Scorpion on Hemorrhage with Wraiths (Hemorrhage Heavies variant, TBD)

Plus 250 more achievement points soon, probs with DLC


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That the one where you have to leap off a cliff and hope for the best? Yeah took longer than I hoped it would. Wasn't massively annoying as I read in advance that it was a bit glitchy or pedantic about whether you're falling or running.

I got the space one next where you have to do a mission in 3 minutes or less - I can't even get to that bit!

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That the one where you have to leap off a cliff and hope for the best? Yeah took longer than I hoped it would. Wasn't massively annoying as I read in advance that it was a bit glitchy or pedantic about whether you're falling or running.

At least 300 trys and i still havent got it.

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I've just finished the

flying round in a spaceship


Really enjoyed it :)

I've worked out now if I ever get stuck, I just need to have a bit of a search round and can normally find a weapon exactly suited to solve the problem. I am enjoying it much more now and I think my aim is even improving :)

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I hate the friendly AI in this game. Retards.

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