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so i got this to play while watching the GP, it's pretty good, looks like it might play like trials but really doesn't, there's lots more (and occasionally confusing) controls, and it's all about doing tricks and combos and collecting stuff, rather than just keeping your bike from crashing.

each track has various objectives to win stars, such as finding hidden stars, collecting all the small stars, landing on all the targets, doing something in a time limit, comboing the whole level (not quite as hard as it sounds as wheeleing is easy and keeps the combo going, but still will require some heavy memorisation later on) etc.

there are checkpoints which help for some of the objectives and for learning the tracks but will be usless for others where you'll just need to start again (like keeping the combo), and there's multiple routes on some levels, where you have to press up/down on the stick/dpad at specific lane change points.

despite my moaning the controls are reasonably sensible its just you have to do a lot at the same time:
L2/R2 - back/forwards
L1/R1 - tricks
x - boost
square - duck/jump
up/down - change lanes
right/left - lean/spin forwards/backwards

one race i was having trouble winning because while doing tricks and wheeleing as much as possible to get boosts to stay ahead and jumping over obstacles i'd keep forgetting which button was accelerate (i'd be pressing right on the dpad or x when i should be pressing r2) unsure.gif

it's great fun boosting while wheeleing into a jump then spinning and doing tricks to charge the next boost while collecting stars and landing on a target then boosting off to the next ramp, but the stomp and spike obstacles have been annoying, especially the things that crush you just after a lane change where its hard to adjust your speed, and some targets it doesn't show you too well with the camera angle. so i've been quite enjoying it but i'm not completely sold yet, i need to get better at the controls.

this was quite hyped - did anyone else get it?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Why it's on on XBLA

In case you hadn't heard, Joe Danger is pretty terrific. It was made by Hello Games, a team comprised of only four members. Managing director Sean Murray -- speaking at Brighton's Develop Conference -- gave some insight into what putting a game on Xbox LIVE Arcade versus PlayStation Network is like.

First, why did they go with PSN? "It was the only way we could self-publish," says Murray. When initially looking for publishers, Hello Games received a few rather insane requests: "Can Joe be a monkey? We like monkeys."; "Name me one popular game with motorbikes."; and "We want games that are less about fun right now."

Seriously? That's frustrating. Thankfully, Joe Danger broke even on day one, and went on to sell 50,000 copies during its first week. See, publishers? We still like fun games, believe it or not.

Now, let's get into why the team passed on XBLA. It seems the competition is fierce, especially compared to PSN. "XBLA is kind of a slaughterhouse for smaller developers," Murray believes. "There are games that do amazingly well. But there's two titles released every week and a lot of those are falling in that 25,000 or less category."

During his talk, Murray gave some sales estimates. While they are not official figures, he believes them to be accurate. Here's the breakdown for self-published games on XBLA: 47 percent sold below 25,000 copies, 23 percent sold near 100,000 copies, 13 percent sold 200,000 copies, and 17 percent sold 200,000+.

What's the takeaway from this? Independent games are still struggling to keep up with publisher-backed properties in the digital distribution market for consoles. That always seemed like the case, but hey, now we have some first-hand corroboration.

Bolded for LOLS. Joe Danger had enough hype surrounding it for it to be a success on XBLA, the fact that it managed to break even on the first day on PSN proves that, I imagine it would of been the same on XBLA. Still something funny about that choice, if they just straight up said Sony paid them or whatever then you could close the case.

this was quite hyped - did anyone else get it?

A belated yes.

I thought it was great at first but as challenges get harder I do start to enjoy it less. I suspected as much but the colourful character drew me in. I'm not getting that "one more go" feeling that I think you''re supposed to get, I don't get it often and Bit. Trip Runner gave it a thorough scratch not so long a go.

A little voice in my head told me I wouldn't like it, I will never ignore it again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got it today as well and put in a few hours. Pretty much agree with DC and Spatular. Its good fun but gets pretty unforgiving later on. There is a noticeable spike in difficulty by about the 4th section. Its mainly down to longer levers having more objectives in. For example in one level you might have to:

Collect x amout of stars

Complete the level in one combo

Collect all the gold coins

Complete the level in a set time

Hit all targets in level

Collect all the DANGER letters

Find hidden stars

Which you don't have to do in one run (in fact thats not even possible) but the constant replying of levels gets a bit tiresome. You can move on to the next level and come back to it, but I can't do that, i just can't.

I would say that its worth picking up. Its probably the most fun I've had with a download title since trialsHD so no complaints here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

AAAAARRRGGGHHH :angry: this is making me really mad at the moment, near the end, like jimbo says its so annoying, on some levels you pretty much have to do the whole level perfectly in one go and quickly while collecting all the coins just to get one star, its also really addictive. some random elements like the ducking under stuff, after you've just jumped over something you might bounce a bit and hit what you are ducking under, and you have to do it really quickly so it just feels a bit lucky weather you get under it or not, especially annoying as its near the end of the level, it's not all bad though its more like love it/hate it thing you get with bit trip runner.

edit :lol: just did the one i was stuck on, hit the last set of spikes but my body rolled across the line without the motorbike and it counted it as being done :D

edit2 - just finished it, well got at least 1 star on all the main levels and the credits, but there's some more bonus levels and i'm only 60% complete, guess that means i have 60% of the stars or something.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone else pick up the Special Edition on XBLA? It's meant to be the same game as PSN version but with some more levels in "The Lab" and they've tweaked the difficulty on some old ones.

I like the variety of things to do in the levels and it really doesn't feel like Trials at all - more like Tony Hawks mixed with Sonic.

Will hopefully put some more time into this over the Christmas break.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I liked the trial but 1200 seems too much for this, i will get it once its 800.

There's a ton of content man, 1200 points isnt actually too bad a price.

Its a really good game but by fuck it gets hard. Evidence:


Thats The Lab Part 4, Final Level. I finally did it on attempt 131.


despite my moaning the controls are reasonably sensible its just you have to do a lot at the same time:

L2/R2 - back/forwards

L1/R1 - tricks

x - boost

square - duck/jump

up/down - change lanes

right/left - lean/spin forwards/backwards

This. It blows my fucking brain sometimes.

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  • 1 year later...

It's been a while, but Steam users can finally get their mits on Joe Danger and Joe Danger 2 on June 24th. Not sure if they are being sold in a bundle or as separate games. The Steam version will have playable version of TF2 mercs and  Player and Pigman from MineCraft. Joe Danger 2 level editor will allow you to create Minecraft environments too. 


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KbGmbEAx32Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




It’s become increasingly common to see indie characters crop up in each other’s games. Which does make you wonder if, like a TV spin off, this makes them part of a shared universal lore. If so, good luck to the guy in charge of keeping track of and writing it all down. Joe Danger has become the latest addition to this increasingly bizarre web of crossovers. His PC debut next Monday will be welcomed by the entire cast of Team Fortress 2, along with a selection of Minecraft characters and environments.


"Lately pretty much all of us have been playing on our PCs more than our consoles,” Hello Games’ Sean Murray tells us, “especially at lunch, and you know that means Team Fortress 2. Like, we’ve clocked up over 4000 hours in it between us and have so many hats.”


“Just for fun Aaron started adding TF2 characters into Joe Danger and I was in love with how good they looked. We completely had to make them happen for real, so we called Valve, and now it’s a real thing! Like, there aren’t many companies you can imagine saying yes to that.”


Not only will miniaturised versions of all nine mercenaries appear as playable characters in the game, but they’ll also crop up as opponents in Challenge mode.


For Minecraft, the team have not only added The Player and Pigman characters, but also created an environment set for the Joe Danger 2 editor. “We imagined how cool it would be to ride through Minecraft environments, so we talked to our friends at Mojang. And now that’s happening too – in Joe Danger you can build Minecraft levels. It started as an environment… then became props… then characters. Since we have an editor, all the cubes, and Steam Workshop – it means you can pretty much build anything too!”

As Murray asks, “Is this the first time Minecraft is on Steam? Is this legal? We haven’t shown Notch the TF2 chars tearing through the Minecraft world yet (he’s a big TF2 fan). Can’t wait :)


Joe Danger and Joe Danger 2: The Movie will releases on June 24th.


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So I've spent a big chunk of the weekend finishing Joe Danger 2 after I finally finished the Touch version last week.

I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I certainly struggled to stop playing it, that's for sure. It seems a little easier than the first and the variety in vehicals and locations and missions makes it a bit more interesting.

My mine gripe with it, is that the game screws you over unfaily sometimes, like not recognising a jump, or being spammed with cannon balls. I don't mind restarting a level if I've messed it up (although I did plenty of swearing) but restarting because the game has fucked me is annoying.

So, yeah it was good but I'm glad it's pretty much finished.

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