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Everything posted by Maf

  1. The 2 rumours I keep seeing is that they will either recast Kang, or Dr Doom will takeover as the big bad from the upcoming Fantastic 4 film. I don’t care what they do, they just to find some focus again. Clearly trying to tell a cross-media, multiverse saga is more than they could handle. By the way I really loved Guardians 3. I actually think it’s the best of that trilogy
  2. I distinctly remember finishing the game, watching the credits roll, jumping in to this very thread and going to write something, and just sitting there like … It’s not even about not engaging with the thing. It just left me with nothing to engage with. The half way “twist” if you like, is a clever blend of gameplay and theme. But it doesn’t really matter if you’ve stopped caring about the thing by that point. It was just like, oh, I don’t really want to do this. But I will anyway because I’ve come this far (and didn’t expect it to just keep going) I could be wrong but my belief is TLoU 2 is the video game attempt at challenging cinema. Something that makes the viewer feel uncomfortable and pushed, or grinds against their world view and makes them see something they don’t want. But the thing about challenging cinema is it has to be making a point. But I don’t think TLoU 2 has a meaningful point. Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind and there’s 2 sides to every story. But we already know this. I know it goes on to other topics as well. In the back third I would say, wildly off-topic. I don’t hate the game, but I don’t think the emptiness the game ends on is the same empty I was left with. I wasn’t stuck for processing what happened. I was just stuck like ok…well, that went on too long
  3. Fair enough. Anyway the biggest retcon in X-Men is that Magneto’s helmet protects him from Professor X’s psychic attacks. I remember when I learned that was just a film thing and was never in the comics of cartoons and questioned everything I remembered about X-Men
  4. I can’t find it the bit where Xavier explains Phoenix to the team, but here is where he talks about her being power without restraint. I thought he found this side of her when she was young, and that’s why he put the limits on her mind because she too young for such awesome power. But then to survive the solar flares on the rocket she pushes past it and breaks the limits I’m sure there’s lots of retcons after which I don’t know about, but in the very original I thought this was the explanation behind the Phonex’s emergence
  5. The Phoenix Force itself is a retcon because when Jean first turned in to the Phoenix, it was because she broke Professor X’s limits he placed in her, and only when she was dying on the rocket pushed passed those limits to become the Phoenix. It’s only when they wanted to erase the fact Jean Grey killed a solar system and was racist to Storm, etc, they were like err, her psychic ability was stretched to the point she made contact with the Phoenix and she was effectively possessed.
  6. Sort of speaking of the black suit, and Spider-Man 2 on PS5 just coming out, etc. One thing I was thinking about is one of the biggest retcons of all time with Spider-Man is the symbiote makes Spider-Man evil. It never did that in the original comics. It kind of just got in the way of his life and fucked things up for him, then tried to permanently bond with him. The only reason the black suit went evil is because Peter rejected it twice. It then went on to Eddie, and Eddie’s hate for Spider-Man and the symbiote’s hate for Peter together turned in to Venom. Which is where he gets the name from. But every single adaptation I think I’ve ever seen portrayed the symbiote as making Peter bad. All the way from the 90’s cartoon, to the movies, to the latest game, even in certain comics, although some times comic writers remember that’s not what happens. i think it’s one of those things where it’s become excepted that’s what the suit does even though it never did. Spider-Man 2 spoiler I think that’s a reverse reference to what actually used to happen in the comics where Peter would wake up exhausted because the symbiote made him go out be Spider-Man. Not that I have a problem or anything with the idea that the suit makes Spidey evil, I was just thinking when playing the game that it’s not accurate at all, but this is easily the most common idea of how the suit works
  7. As much as I don’t think Hugh Jackman was ever especially good as Wolverine, I hope he didn’t come back for Deadpool 3 to ruin his legacy as the character. Just with the state of Marvel, and a movie so highly reliant on jokes, riffing and writing filmed during a writer’s strike, it doesn’t seem likely it will be good and it would suck for Jackman to spoil Logan with this. I mean, I suppose it’s not like he’s never been in a shitty X-Men film. It’s not a prestigious or clean legacy. But it is a long one, and Logan was a good send off. To undo that with a crappy, unfunny comedy would be pretty tragic. The costume looks sick, though, I’m glad they got that right in the end.
  8. Maf


    Ken Levine’s new game The weird thing to me about this was I thought years ago the reports were he was trying to make some kind of systemic, choice and consequence RPG. Sort of like the Sims meets Disco Elysium I wonder at what point someone said to him “you’re taking too long and we need the game to sell a lot” So, yo, Bioshock EDIT: Oh, my bad, not only did I post the wrong trailer @mmmark made a thread for this like a year, ago. Can the mods delete or merge, please?
  9. The first and last third of Death Stranding was the best parts. There is something heavy to the trudging back and forth (in a atmospheric and tone sense which, on the nose, fits great with the gameplay of having the world on the character’s shoulders) And by the the time you get zip lines and stuff it’s a nice evolution purely for the gameplay because after X hours I’d gotten all there was to get out of the challenge of the game It’s the middle third where you drive a truck up and down 1 road for X hours which was the worst part I don’t remember what the deal with was with the Beach and the whales and all that, but already this game looks like it has more focused narrative with a traditional antagonist, story direction, etc. There’s still obviously a lot of weirdness in it but it looks a bit more focused rather than the first game that had too many ideas with no connection (story wise) This trailer was also way more Metal Gear in it which is good The little doll thing was funny as well. I’m certainly no huge fan of the first Death Stranding. It’s unique and artistically interesting but it’s no way a whole experience Based off this 1 trailer it looks like DS2 could be more focused, which I think would help solve a lot of problems from the first game Anyway here’s my just woke up, 6:30am ramble about DS you’re welcome 😴
  10. The 3D stuff in Generations is great but the 2D stuff was never quite right. It was always the poorer half of the package. I was sorting of hoping they’d ‘fix’ it, but clearly not. Nice there’s new content with Shadow at least and it isn’t purely a reheated thing.
  11. I thought there was a general Sonic thread but couldn’t find it Anyway here’s the trailer. Apart from the game looking silky smooth I couldn’t see any graphical difference between this and the original. Not saying there isn’t, but I couldn’t see any It looks like they’re using Radical Highway and Final Rush from Sonic Adventure 2 (two of the best Sonic levels ever) with some Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 2006 shit I dunno. There’s one bit in the trailer where a crazy graphics things happens and it looks kind of sick. I’m really behind on Sonic. Not played Superstars or the iPad game. But this got me a bit hyped so maybe it’s time to catch up
  12. Maf

    Stellar Blade

    It got better the more it went on. Not sure why they spent the first half of the trailer explaining how to unlock skills, buy stuff and restore health. I also couldn’t shake the feeling of it being like Nier Automata but But the stabbing and graphics look good so that’s enough for me.
  13. I thought the show was good but nothing really popped. Sort of think it’s funny that Konami pissed around so much and cancelled PT just for 5 years later to put out another PT (Which almost definitely won’t be as good) I can’t remember what Death Stranding was about but the trailer to the second one looked really good! Looked more like Kojima finding a better mix of both the heavy and wild fun ridiculousness unlike the first game that felt like it tried to say piss grenade with a straight face.
  14. No, you have to turn it on and restart it. If you turn it off you get the same problem. Have you not learned anything I’ve taught you about computers, nag. Jeez.
  15. Mr Fancy Pants IT over here
  16. https://x.com/sony/status/1752714695662870803?s=46 ?? I still can’t remember how to do tweets
  17. Got him Even for @regemond that was easier than I thought it would be
  18. C’mon, @regemond you can tell me. I’ve very private, quiet and trust worthy I’m the perfect person to share secret information with Regemond don’t read the spoiler tag, it’s nothing
  19. I played Sonic Generations on PS3 and then a bit on Series X because it was one of the FPS boost titles. It worked really well except it fucked up a lot of the text (even the title screen logo, if I remember correctly) It was also the game that made me realise Xbox auto HDR is trash. So ugly. Probably my most unpopular opinion to date but I would rather a Sonic Unleashed remaster than Generations.
  20. Don’t get me wrong, I love the PC, and when it works it works amazingly. Even though having to turn it on then restart it is little effort and not really a big problem, it’s just not right and I’ve tested it all the ways they’ve recommended. Thanks for your help/advice btw
  21. Not slow start up, just bad performance. I was going to play AW2 again last night and it ran at 40fps. And a bad 40fps. Choppy as fuck. Restarted the machine it ran at 110+fps.
  22. Well, it was delivered with a bunch of polystyrene type packaging inside the PC, and when I got the 3080 it had like those air bags in it to fill in the gaps. I thought I do the same. But I phone them tomorrow and see how it works. It is mad expensive, which is why I’m not going to settle with a computer that needs to be turned on twice to work. That’s just not right. And I’ve tried all the advice, so. This the only option. They also haven’t told me not to take it apart or mentioned warranty or anything. That’s just my risk averse side. I don’t want to play that game. I ship it back and let them deal with it
  23. I still have my 3080 PC, but I don’t want to swap components in case I void some kind of warranty. I’d rather let the company go over it and figure it out, and not potentially get blamed for anything. If it takes time, that’s Ok. I’m in no rush. Why would you not like to RMA the entire PC? Why is that bad?
  24. Hooked my PC back up to my monitor last night and 😞 Games look wack again without OLED Also the company I bought my PC from said I could RMA my PC so they could try solve the bad performance issue. So now I got to buy a box and some kind of packing to keep the inside stable Least I won’t have to look at this IPS monitor and all it’s wackness 😞
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