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Days Gone


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I'd rescued a 2nd person for Tucker, they didn't want to come back. It sorted itself eventually. I got back to Copeland's camp, as I was pulling up Deacon calls her and says he's rescued the girl and she's on her way back, Tucker shouts at him. Then, when I was off trying to trigger something and getting shot off a speeding motorbike by the worlds greatest sniper, she starts talking to me again and gives me another mission



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Played a couple of flashbacks in this earlier and they were really weird. It felt like they were meant to be played (I even had camera control for a bit of it) but it was just the cutscenes and the way they were edited together was like someone had uploaded a video on YouTube of just the cinematics. It felt really awkward, either they didn't have time to add gameplay into those parts, or someone put the kibosh on it due to how similar it would have been to The Last of Us intro. 


I can understand Deacon a bit better since I replaced my PS4 but I still really struggle to stay engaged with the story and the majority of the time I have no idea why I'm doing anything. Just follow the markers and murder. 

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It's a Daryl Dixon simulator... just be angry and murder everyone, it's the only way.


I'm still really enjoying it to be honest, it has a few performance problems but when certain other games get a free pass on those I'm not gonna hold it against this one.

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Still putting time into this, I've actually taken out three hordes in my time with it today which was cool. Used a mixture of attracters, pipe bombs and hiding in a bush like a little girl... The last one I went all Rambo on them when there were about a quarter left, it was ace.


I bemoan the PS4 trophy screen shot thing quite a lot (mainly because it's shit) but it did capture this earlier today...

PS Communities_20190512_144431.jpg

Take that fucked, Mr Breaker!

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I've opened up more of the map to the south and done a few missions there. The gameplay loop is the gameplay loop, and it isn't going to change, I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer but I did hear some chatter about a new type of infected that's ultra strong and more or less bullet proof, so that's fun


One of the things the game does that is getting on my nerves is spawn in enemies. I've had it happen in a few ways, sometimes it's the odd freaker crawling out from somewhere they couldn't fit (or just wouldn't be, like under a car, why?), sometime's they appear out of no where, others, like with the rippers, it will bring in a new wave. I had 2 rippers to kill in a camp, one of them heard me blink or something, this brought another 6 in from a direction I know there weren't any enemies located. It happens with the freakers too, you'll mark them with your binoculars, then start stealth picking them off, and as you do it will spawn in more to replace them. I assume this is an engine thing, it can only hold so many in memory, more than it wants to have in an area, and you should eventually kill them all but until you do there's going to be a lot of them.


The more annoying one, and this has happened a couple of times now, a horde has appeared out of nowhere. I posted about it last time it happened, but that I could excuse because I at least had my back to them. This time I was looking to my left as I pulled up on a mission zone, I was looking right down the road they apparently came from, there was no place for a huge horde to hide, but as I stopped and got off the bike I heard them, turned and had to sprint away hoping they wouldn't track me and I could just wait it out, I should have just saved myself 3 minutes and reloaded, which is what I ended up doing

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I've been playing this pretty solidly for two weeks and I've only just noticed that the bike on the start screen changes to reflect how you've modded it in game...??

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Something that I really like about this game is the separate currency for each camp. I hate buying an upgrade, then getting to a new place and finding one better immediately afterwards. This is a great way to get around that and it actually feels like it fits into the world. 


I just took out my first horde, I saw them spawn out of nowhere and thought why not. Chucked a couple of pipe bombs at them, then kited what was left, turning round every now and then to pop them in the face. It was okay, not super exciting and far from what we saw when the game was announced and there was an endless tide of the things. 


I'm starting to enjoy the story more, a few characters have been introduced that are more interesting and the story hasn't just been delivered over radio calls recently. That old cunt at the slave camp looks almost identical to one of my aunties that I don't especially like. So hoping I get to kill her. 

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I think Days Gone might be too long for it's own good. Even at the point where I thought the game was coming too the end it was probably a bit long, but another third of the map opens up. 


It looks, based on the loyalty points needed, like it's a truncated section, but it does mean you're starting the loop again, being introduced to characters and being led to other camps where you pick up busy work and bounties.


I've already started to use quick travel in that area because there's no benefit to making the journey yourself. They've made the world more dangerous as it goes along rather than rewarding you 

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I'm pretty shocked at how big the game is too, when Devs say their games are around 30 to 40 hours you can usually shave a good chunk of that off but that seems conservative with this one. I'm still really enjoying it though so as far as I'm concerned that's a bonus.


Had some story beats today that could be seen coming a mile away but I honestly don't care, I think it's well done anyway... I'm a sucker for an apocalypse in any case.


Some of this late game hordes are fucking huge too, I came across one sleeping in a cave up in the mountains and botched up setting proximity bombs, the fucking things just kept emerging from the cave... had no choice but to leg it in the end.


I think the story may be coming to a head in my game, there's a couple of characters I just know are gonna turn in to cunts.

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I've joined the army, done some stuff for them... the last mission I did took me back to where Sarah worked, got the "It's getting cold outside" trophy straight after.



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I'm getting an Apocalypse Now vibe from the colonel and that guy who has Deacons ring looks dodgy. Something's going to kick off with one or the other.


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one of the issues I have with the game, not that it's ruining things or anything, is that the characters come across as a bit split personality, at least one of those is a prime example



The commander and the scientist guy (I can't remember their names, the two black guys), they both come across as decent people until very specific cutscenes


I gave Boozer a call, then as I was close I did a couple of bounties. They finally got me the fire arrows but I've dropped my crossbow for a high powered sniper rifle and made sure I've got a silencer.


I'm now off to find a specific newt. The mission was set up like things are coming to a head but I doubt it, and I've put hours in today. This mission is likely one of the last for Sarah, but then we still need to either kill all the infected or escape the compound depending on where the story goes. And to do that the story with the colonel, the scientist, and the guy who still has the ring needs to be tied up


Then I can see it throwing another 10 hours at the Nero storyline


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I think I might be right near the end and I think you're going to have a lot less trouble with it than I have 



I've not actually fought a horde yet, whenever I've had to it's either ended up with me getting slaughtered or it's been enough of a ballache I've just reloaded. 


My plan for it seems decent enough. I've laid bombs near a gap in a fence, then going in to a garage, between a truck and so on, lobbing some napalm when I get the chance. 3 attempts so far and the controls have let me down twice, the other time my own stupidity (I was stood near a bomb, didn't see some coming round the side that triggered it 


It seems doable, not sure I'm going to enjoy it, and it'll have to wait for another time 


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It depends, does it start off alerted to your presence?... All of the ones I've beaten so far I've been able to thin out massively before even firing a shot.

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