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felt sure there'd be a thread for this, Radio Floyd is slipping

It's a badger simulator. I know what you're thinking, "why aren't there any badger simulators?", well now there are, this one. You play a mother badger and have to look after your cubs. Initially this is hunting down food, so digging up carrots, ramming trees to make apples fall, but later you're hunting animals, small things like frogs and rodents, before stalking foxes which are more of a meal (and I struggled with). It's very simplistic stuff, so maybe it's more that Badger arcade game you were after.

Eventually there ends up being threats in the environment to your cubs. There's eagles that will carry them off, unseen creatures in the dark, and strong currents that can wash them away while you're crossing streams.

Shelter isn't very long, and I probably didn't form the connection with the cubs I was supposed to, but I was pissed off when I lost a couple of them, but more because I'd fucked up as a gamer than a mother. Anyway, it's cool, I like it, and it's worth picking up in the Steam sale

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I liked the look too, but the problem I had with the graphics was that you kind of just walk through them. The long grass is just a raised lump that you pass through without affecting, I'm not expecting Far Cry 3 but the clipping isn't a good look

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