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What's yours is mine.

this is a top down coop (can be played single player too) heist game - a modern comparison would be a stealthy hotline miami. you collect coins that are lying around, or in vaults, or being carried by people. get to an objective, via multiple floors, then escape.

you can only see stuff line of sight - but there is a period where a guard sees you his question mark above his head fills in, you're only spotted when its full, so the line of sight thing doesn't make it too easy to get spotted - also one of the guys ability lets you see guards positions.

you can pick between a number of guys to play as - each has a special ability, like the really useful one mentioned above. one can knock out guards, one can break walls, one can hack plug sockets to take out security, etc. playing in coop its interesting to see what abilities work well. i always go the guy that lets you see guard positions, but some of the others look really good too.

there's a variety of weapons you can pickup - shotgun, crossbow, emp, smoke grenade, health - these are refilled by picking up coins - 1 gunshot/item per 10 coins, so its hard to go on a killing spree. i like the crossbow for silently taking out annoyingly positioned guards.

at first it starts off pretty easy and you can play it a bit like pacman, collecting the coins as the guards chase you around - early guards can only punch - soon there are guards with guns, security cameras, lasers, etc to avoid so you have to play more propper like

i've played quite a bit in coop and on my own, i like it. the coop definitely needs some good coordination (which i don't really have) to do well, but its also good fun when it all goes wrong and all hell breaks loose as you're trying to hide/escape but blundering into more baddies and stuff in the process. and in single player, if you die you can respawn as another guy, so you get a few lives. in coop if everyone dies its game over, but you can revive allies.

so anyone else try it? tbh i probably would have waited for a sale if i didn't have loads of xbox points already, and P4A didn't arrive at the weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've been playing this quite a lot, but mainly single player at the moment - i think it's main attraction is multiplayer - not that i haven't been enjoying the single player because I have, it just seems to come alive in multiplayer. it'd probably be good for local coop too.

in single player if you die you respawn as one of the other dudes so it's not as hard doing it on your own as it might first seem. but to unlock new levels you need to get all the coins on a certain number of previous levels, which i'm finding tricky, progress is pretty slow and i don't seem to be anywhere near unlocking all the levels yet so it seems like a pretty big game. although you could probably do it faster in coop.

some of the later levels require tactics and everything, some laser guided missiles kept killing me before i could open a safe, but using the instant hack spanner thing got the job done. another one i was having trouble with till i realised i had some explosives that could be used to blow holes in the side of a vault for example.

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  • 1 month later...

Played some more in coop the other week and finished the first campaign, close to finishing the first campaign in single player too. Then there's the second more difficult campaign. I maintain that it's a good game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Me, Sly and Dread had a good run on co-op. Nearly finished the Locksmith's story.

I like it, we're not exactly subtle in our approach though. I've been mostly playing as the guy who knocks people out and doing a poor job of it, especially at the start when I didn't realise they had to be unsuspecting.

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Good game. If you've got access to PC gaming, I heartily recommend it. I can see it being one of those games that as you spend time with it you end up getting amazingly good at it because you can see what is going to happen.

It's quite amusing watching your best laid plans fall to shit really quickly. Especially when Hendo brings trouble directly to where you're hiding out waiting to make a move. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah good session there, a good laugh. It was my first time playing the game properly and I could see myself putting a lot of hours into the multiplayer.

I'm really good at it too, honestly I felt like I was carrying Sly and Hendo at times.

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  • 1 year later...

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