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Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise


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I've seen the credits roll so I think I've seen all the games. I just have the harder versions to do now which are exactly that.

It is just more of the same of the previous games. If you dunno what is it it's a rhythm game where you just use two buttons which gets surprisingly complex... well, complex isn't really the word, it just requires a good grasp of rhythm. It's all about rhythm, hence the title.

The mini games are as mad as ever but maybe I feel a bit more desensitised to it since the DS game. That was the first one I played and it was always surprising in its wacky-ness and I'm not quite getting that now. It is still weird and funny, mind. I did have a weird giggling fit on the game where you have to catch the sweets and slap away the spiders; I think it was just the animations and SFX going on.

So fun times were had. I say were because it'll just be frustration from now on.

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I prefer the Wario Ware approach to this sort of game (because I always hit a difficulty wall pretty early due to having no rhythm).

That said, I played this at Xmas as my brother imported it (From the US or "from the internets", I don't know which)

I hated the monkey clock and a couple of others that had a lot of off beat actions, but the Wrestler interview game is one of the best things ever.

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It's the offbeat stuff that's the most satisfying. Simple things.

I'm up to remix 9 and I'm getting the sense you have to hit quite a lot of things correctly to get an 'okay'. Actually, compared to the DS one I'm struggling to get a 'superb' rating on a lot of games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so frustrated by the final remix in this. I never got this far in the DS one, I remember there was a mini game I couldn't quite do in the harder versions, but here I'm so, so close.

It's not actaully that hard, it's just quite long, and you seem to have to hit a much higher percentage of beats than previous remixes to earn a pass. I do hit a lot but it just fails me.

I've just been going back and trying to get gold medals but having that final mix there incomplete is annoying me.

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  • 4 months later...

i got this when it was a tenner a while back but only just got round to playing it today...

the monkey clock game! as mentioned above, oh i'm so bad at it, the tutorial took what seemed like years as it only lets you continue when you get a bit right 3 times, i did actually pass the level in the end but it was some sort of massive fluke. then on the 2nd remix i'm really struggling too, so much so it let me skip it. i really like the game but could really do wih some sort of super easy mode.

multiple hats off to DC for getting so far.

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