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Gears of War 3

Sly Reflex

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Well, that's Beast mode completed medal wise. I've seen some truly horrible games tonight. I'm sure sometimes people have no idea how to play at all. Saying that, I had a few stinkers myself. I saw an interesting bug where 3 guys quit out instantly after the game loaded, and before we got to pick it said "Wave 0 complete!", then gave us money for completing the wave.

Next weekends event is "Rifles Only" apparently. I already know it'll be better than that cluckshot shite that was on last week. If it isn't I'll be really surprised.

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Man, this 'Rifle Only' playlist is awesome. People actually play the game as a cover based shooter, it reminds me a lot of Rainbow 6, only really arcadey. Setting up crossfire and flanking manoeuvres never felt so good.

I also managed to get my first hate mail tonight after one game, ironically from a team mate accusing me of using a modded controller. He said he reported me too, which I found amusing. To be honest though, I had a seriously good night with the Hammerburst. Those fools were dropping like flies. I managed to down a Retro user at point blank range too, which was a nice feeling.

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Look at me posting in here

Been playing this as one of the big games I missed out on, and straight off the bat you'll be relieved to learn it's better than Resistance 3. And while it's a good game, one of the better games I've played this year, it is a little monotonous.

I could write a long post about the cause of it but in short it suffers because it artificially lengthens the game. Rather than have lots of story points that lead you through the game there's only a handful, and instead they're broken up with things getting in your way. For example, if you're trying to get to a new location you're going to need a vehicle, so you find that, but it's broken so you need parts, so you set off to get to them, only the lift is broken so you need to fix that, once you get the part you need to get it back, which means using a a machine to get it back, only that's tied up by something so you need to go and release it, now you can take the part back, but rather than that being the end you need to fight loads of enemies who've conveniently turned up.

Also the water section is fairly awful, the plot isn't very good, some sections are so stupid and cringe-worthy. But it is a good game, I've still got the last chapter to do tonight, but there's no doubting the shooting mechanic is as good as ever

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For example, if you're trying to get to a new location you're going to need a vehicle, so you find that, but it's broken so you need parts, so you set off to get to them, only the lift is broken so you need to fix that, once you get the part you need to get it back, which means using a a machine to get it back, only that's tied up by something so you need to go and release it, now you can take the part back, but rather than that being the end you need to fight loads of enemies who've conveniently turned up.

I never actually noticed any of this, I kind of followed the story but not the details that led you from place to place.

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You could say the same about any game though. Or film. Or book. It's just a vehicle used to progress. The story should make absolutely no sense to anyone who hasn't read the books. Pretty much every line in it refers back to the books, same as the collectable bio's.

Dizzy's line are horrible in campaign too, they feel really disjointed compared to the people he's talking to. It's like the person that did his lines did them alone whereas all the other people did there's where they had eye contact on the person they were conversing with. It's most noticeable on that sub section.

Still, Dizzy's voice actor made up for it with his "Awwwwwwwwwuuuaaggh, taaaaaaaaiiiikkkkke eeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!" soundbite.

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You could say the same about any game though. Or film. Or book. It's just a vehicle used to progress.

Too a point yeah, I think the other 2 media would be slated for it, I know Lost and 24 were. If I was going to do a blog post about it I'd say it was down to difficulty. When we were kids you expected to have to repeat the same sections over and over, which meant 2 things, first games were shorter, and second every time you got past a problem part you'd see something new. 5 ideas went a lot further in old games than they do now.

Gears 3 is as bad as many games I've played for doing it, reminds me of Bioshock. Case in point on the last level...

I had to take out the Maelstrom, which meant lots of little sub missions, but eventually led to backup and support. Only before I could get that I have to take out all the anti-air defences, and to do the first one I had to destroy the damn.

I'd rather just have it tell me that the beach we ended up on is miles away from Marcus' dad and we've got to fight our way there.

Another thing is the way the game tells you what you've got to do. There's a really early example of it where the boat is on fire and you have to activate the sprinklers. Marcus says "We need to activate 3 sprinklers", it's a bit too literal. Lots of characters do it all through the game, they'll tell you that you should pick up a weapon, open a door etc. It's just a bit clumsy compared to the rest of the game, especially as they've got better at not making rooms look like kill rooms. Helped that it's indoors I guess rather than caves, but the debris less often looks like it's been placed there just for you to use as cover.

And as a personal annoyance, that I know is petty, someone else other than Marcus should be shouting that things need doing. There was a point where Marcus shouted that a bridge needed dropping, 2 of my squad were right next to it, but instead I, Marcus, had to walk over, get out of my suit thing and pull the switch myself

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The game mechanics make it fun to do though. It's the same as Halo, you are going from point A to B, but the way the game handles the actual shooting and moving about is fun. It can go wrong like you said, You didn't enjoy Resistance 3 (something which I couldn't comment on as I have not played it), because the shooting wasn't fun. I felt hampered playing Uncharted simply because you had all these unfun shooting sections. I didn't even enjoy the much lauded MP of Uncharted 2, as it felt really unresponsive and laboured, it reminded me a lot of Syphon Filter back in the 90's, which I didn't take to either. The core concept of the game has to be fun to experience, and I personally feel that Gears 3 does this.

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I never said I didn't like the shooting in Gears, Gears does that better than any other game I can think of. I like the shooting in Uncharted and Resistance 3 too, R3s problems were that its health and ammo system is stuck in the past (and some bad set-ups), and that it spends too much time diverting you from the core point

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Ah, I knew there was something you didn't like about R3, I thought it was the shooting. Now you mention about the point based health system I remember. I'm personally not a fan of point based health systems unless they fit the type of game. There's nothing worse than getting whittled away to a few points of health and then getting killed by something that wouldn't otherwise cause you any trouble. I don't mind it in team based games where you have someone whose job it is to keep you're HP topped up. It can fuck off from single player games that aren't RPG's. As you say it just slows the pace down.

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We're going way off topic :lol: But I don't mind those kind of retro fps games, but it needs to be one or the other. You can't build a game like Gears with bullets flying everywhere then restrict to health packs. Something like Serious Sam is fine, Resident Evil works, but Gears or Uncharted need you to soak up bullets

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Man, this 'Rifle Only' playlist is awesome. People actually play the game as a cover based shooter, it reminds me a lot of Rainbow 6, only really arcadey. Setting up crossfire and flanking manoeuvres never felt so good.

Is it meant to rotate the modes? Played early this morning (I'm guessing it'll be pulled sometime today) and all it was, was King of the Hill games. They seemed to cycle round the new maps only. I'm pretty sure there was no other option to choose, just "This is my Rifle" or whatever it's called.

I don't mind KotH, but I was hoping to play Team Deathmatch instead.

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I played a mix of TDM and Warzone. I actually like the idea of it doing a grab bag playlist, as long as it stays away from Wingman.

In other news, I finally got all the medals last night. I just have the Embry and Seriously to unlock now. That shit's a long way off. I've only got 13 Onyx medals towards the cause... :blink:

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This is the video I mentioned to Sly earlier - it's not massively funny but it's worth a watch.

<iframe src="http://www.funnyordie.com/embed/f0a74331b0" width="640" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:640px;"><a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/f0a74331b0/gears-of-war-3-careful-what-you-wish-for" title="from Carlos Ferro, Kumail Nanjiani, Erin Gibson, Funny Or Die, Seth Morris, Matt and Oz, Andrew Astor, Kat Bardot, Alex Richanbach, Josh Salzberg, and Elise Robertson">Gears of War 3: Careful What You Wish For</a> from <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/carlos_ferro">Carlos Ferro</a> <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?app_id=138711277798&href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.funnyordie.com%2Fvideos%2Ff0a74331b0%2Fgears-of-war-3-careful-what-you-wish-for&send=false&layout=button_count&width=150&show_faces=false&action=like&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:90px; height:21px; vertical-align:middle;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>


At least he looks a little bit like Dom. Baird on the other hand....


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Played through Act IV on Insane last night with one of my digital brethren and two randoms. It was truly epic. It was most definately hard and with the difficulty comes a sense of satisfaction. The bit at the end of Chapter 5 with the Armoured Kantus's, Theron Guards and those FUCKING Serapede's was intense, we died about 10 times but we finally got there.

Loving Insane. Dont worry H, im still game to go through it with you, i just wanna get it done before the 21st for the skin and then i can start Zelda.

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