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Peggle : Dual Shot


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i received a *cough cough* review copy of Peggle DS yesterday <_< (don't worry you can guarantee i'll be buying it retail when it comes out, i might as well set up a Direct Debit with Pop Cap..)

Its just as addictive as ever. The graphics aren't the best i've seen on the DS, in fact they are a slight disappointment. It almost seems lazy at first, with low rez blocky sprites, but then you start playing, and you never look back.

It's bascially the same as every other incarnation of Peggle, featuring all the Peggle and Peggle Nights levels. You aim with the stylus on the bottom bottom screen whilst the top is used for scoring etc etc. When you hold the stylus in the same positon for a few seconds, the top screen changes to a zoomed in version of the bottom screen so you can aim more accurately. They have mapped the controls perfectly to the DS.

Another new feature is a bonus game, this triggers once you hit four purple score boost pegs, then the new boost peg turns gold. Hit it and your into a diamond collecting bonus round. This works a little like pinball but with very little control over what happens. You tap the screen to shake the environment which in turn makes the ball bounce. They are ok and not game breaking, but feel a little tagged on, i guess its Q trying to put there stamp on it.

So far i'm still playing through the original Peggle, Night stays locked until you finish the first one. Also as you achieve certain criteria you unlock Q designed levels, i've unlocked about 5 so far, but haven't tried them out.

Basically, its just as fun and addictive as ever.

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The graphics on the DS version are absolute shite. I know gameplay is always the deciding factor, but this is Q Entertainment who worked on this game. They should be able to do better than this. As a comparison, the fireworks in Big Bang Mini are some of the best I've seen, and there's a hell of a lot more going on on-screen too. Why Peggle DS couldn't even come close to its graphics and animation is disappointing. It just looks half-arsed.

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