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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3


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Been playing this in drips and drabs over the past month and am about 18 hours in so far and am definetly still enjoying it.

It's technically two games in one, one of those Japanese Socialising games the majority of the time, mostly whilst at School, then in the evening you can go and do a bit of dungeon crawling. Its incredibly linear though, but so far this hasn't been a problem as I'm enjoying being taken on the ride its willing me along and the only reason I haven't played more of it is because of it not being wholly suitable for me to play whilst my daughters around and because the missus normally finds something she wants to watch on TV... bah women ;)

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I did end up buying this but I had this niggling feeling I wouldn't get into it. But that wasn't the case, I clocked up over 8 hours the weekend after I got it. It is linear but if you don't fancy doing the dungeon crawling then there is the socialising round the school which I normally would find dull, but I don't. Persona 3 has just struck a cord with me and I love it.

I'm currently up to floor 25, lvl 12 with a lvl 11 persona and the track club leader wants my body. I'd say I'm not doing that badly.

It's strange, I came here to start a thread about this just now too. :blink: .................... :ph34r:

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I'm upto floor Fourty-something, can't remember my levels, but that track club captains rather cute, but then so is Yukari and Mitsuru is just damn hot! :lol:

Its an odd game though thats for sure, when talking about it, its contents sounds like its a very poor example of a JRPG, but it really isn't. I've not enjoyed a JRPG this much since Final Fantasy IX!

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Mitsuru does have that Head Girl from St. Trinians thing going, but enough about Japenese school girls (for now). I've found that this has put some life back into JRPG's, for me atleast. Lost Odyssey is of a high standerd but it's only as good as the games its inspired by. It's just a pity that it's very rough around the edges. As much as I love the style and as much I keep telling me it doesn't matter I have to admit the graphics are poor for a game released so late in the PS2's life.

I would of liked some more freedom throughout the school day rather than the game picking a time of day for you for the events to happen, it keeps the pace going but I found the sections outside of Tarturus to be relaxing to play through in an Animal Crossing kind of way, when you were sick of that there is all that dungeon crawling to do but since there's no random battle's fighting only takes place when you want it to so you don't feel like throwing the controller when the screen explodes to indicate a fight when your nearly dead. It has a good battle system too, getting used to not being able to directly control your companions is strange but mastering the indirect commands is where it's at.

Essentially, a game that's rough, interesting but more importantly, fun. :D

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Got to Floor 57 last night and found the best way to approach Tarturus is to fly through the floors ignoring everything until you get to the floor the boss is on, use the warp gate thing there to go back and save, then jump back to the previous boss floor and begin levelling. By the time you reach the floor with the boss you're yet to fight on, you should be strong enough to fight it, or at least scrape a win.

I do love its "weakness" system though, something I liked about Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 too, really gives you the upper hand in battle if you use it correctly (although it can be used against you too).

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I tried that little tip you suggested and I've got up to floor 59. Havn't taken on the boss on the floor yet but I plan too soon. I put the increase in progess down to Mitsuru joining the frontline. I'm struggling to fuse good Personas at the moment, especially since I had a fallout with Kenji because I sacked him off one weekend and then a powerful magic Persona became unavailable. Time for some arse kissing I think.

I've never played any Digital Devil Saga game before. I might have to check them out now because this is fantastic.

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I'm trying to get into this but it is really slow to start. I've been playing for probably two hours so far and I have only really had maybe four battles in it! I can see the potential of it I just wish it would get a move on!

I love the style of it tho - its no great shakes in the graphics department but it is all very nicely designed - as usual with Atlus games the static graphics are the best. My other half sat and watched me play it which is unusual - usually moans that he wants to watch TV.

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did one or two every get a western release? I've got to admit i'd not even heard of them before 3.

Me neither. I don't think they did, I'm sure they were both PS1 titles and more niche than this. They don't follow on a'la Final Fantasy so you don't need to play them to know whats going on.

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I know, double post.

I've been sitting on persona 3 for a while but only just started playing it yesterday. I love the style of it, but the pace is irritating me at the moment, too slow, but I guess it'll get better after I get a few more hours in

I also found that, I started again when I bought the FES edition and I couldn't believe that I'd been playing it for over 90 minutes and still wasn't aloud off the leash. There is a point where it just clicks and does become (in my oppinion) the finest JRPG on the PS2.

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did one or two every get a western release? I've got to admit i'd not even heard of them before 3.

I think they had limited US releases but not sure about that, the first Shin Megami game to be released here though was Lucifer's Call which is supposed to be pretty good (I've got it, but not played it yet)

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I've got Lucifers Call, i enjoyed it for a couple of days but then it wore me down. A mistake with it imo, though it's a crux of the gameplay, is that you build a team then have to destroy them to combine them and improve you team, making them more suitable for whatever you're fighting. I mich preferred it when I was allowed to play it like pokemon and get attached to my characters. It was also bastard fucking hard at points, and after fighting death for the 3rd/4th time I gave up :(

I liked the bleakness of it though, reminded me of anime like X or something

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