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Edge 180 scores


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Courtesy of Janski over at Rllmuk. :)

COVER - Super Mario Galaxy

Heavenly Sword - 6

Bioshock - 8

Warhawk - 8

MOH Airborne - 7

Stuntman Ignition - 6

Fatal Interia - 6

MotoGP 07 - 7

Heroes of Mana - 6

Space Giraffe - 8

Glory Days 2 - 4

Wing Commander Arena - 4

Time extended - Xenogears

Not much of interest for me there, maybe Heavenly Sword for the PS3 which I've been playing the demo of.

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They've only given 10's to Gran Turismo, Super Mario 64, Half Life 2, Halo and Zelda OOT and I suppose you could argue that all of those games were pretty revolutionary, but there are definitely other games out there that have deserved it...

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aidanon wrote:

They've only given 10's to Gran Turismo, Super Mario 64, Half Life 2, Halo and Zelda OOT and I suppose you could argue that all of those games were pretty revolutionary, but there are definitely other games out there that have deserved it...

Revolutionary count

Gran Tourismo - NO!

Mario 64 - NO!

Half-Life 2 - NO!

Halo - HELL NO!

Zelda - NO!

None of them were revolutionary in any real way they are all good games but they are nothing new all had predecessors who did the same thing. BioShock is ace and the fact they gave it an 8 as good a score as it is I reckon they only gave it the lower score to get more people to buy the mag which is precisely why i only trust independant reviews.

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Centy wrote:

None of them were revolutionary in any real way they are all good games but they are nothing new all had predecessors who did the same thing.

Can't think of many 3d platformers that did the same thing as Mario 64. And there was nothing like Zelda OOT, surely the greatest game of all time deserves a 10.

As for the others, Half Life probably deserves a 10 more than the sequel because it revolutionised FPSs (more so than Goldeneye) and there were very few racing games better than Gran Turismo at the time.

But yes, Halo is overrated...

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Noize wrote:

aidanon wrote:

But yes, Halo is overrated...

Overrated is an understatement.

Halo was only a "revolution" to those people who never gamed on a PC.

Nail hit head on!

Mario 64 wasnt the first 3D platformer it was just the best (till Banjo Kazooie came along ;))

I'm not one of those people who think OOT was the greatest game ever made just a great game.

Also yeah HL2 wasnt a patch on the original for me I ot more excited over the Source engine than the game but even the original half life all it did was throw a better story into the FPS genre which arguably QuakeII.

Wolfenstien, Elite, Battlezone those were the revolutionary games.

But back on topic its odd to see a good score on Warhawk im sure the US official PS mag panned it and from what I've played Heroes score looks spot on.

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Woah hang on there guys!

Don't you remember our Nintendo-hating friend from another forum Centy? He had trouble knowing the difference between 'invented' and 'innovative'.

Likewise there's a difference between 'revolutionise' and 'unique'.

Mario 64 may not have been the first 3D platformer but it sure perfected the style. Halo may not have been big shakes in the PC shooter world, but it was for console shooters.

Sadly, it's not as black and white as "shooters are better on PC" as it's fairly down to preference. Some genres are better suited to certain control types (Guitar Hero on a pad is dumb, Donkey Konga on a pad is pointless) but I've played both types of shooter in equal ammounts and I just prefer the pad. It doesn't mean I'm wrong, just that it's my preference.

And the two are so different, it's as absurd as someone saying that a handheld isn't as good as a console - they're very different and do things differently. Or they should - you could argue that's largely why the PSP didn't do as well as expected, because it's a handheld console, rather than doing what a handheld should do.

On the subject of scores, I'd like to see the 10 point (and especially the 100 point) score system done away with. When an album, film or game gets the full 5 stars awarded no-one bats an eyelid except to say, "must be good, then", but when a game dares to be rated 10 for some reason it's outrageous. For me a 10 doesn't mean it's "perfect" or god forbid "unique/revolutionary" - it just means it's one of those games that makes you say "yes!".

For me that's Resident Evil 4, Paper Mario on teh Cube, Animal Crossing, etc.

I don't expect anyone to agree - those are just the games I deem to have the "yes!" quality.

As the GTM staff are want to say, "it's just a reviewer's opinion".

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I'd actually like to see the rating system changed to "yes", "no", "maybe".


How much easier would it be then? Mind you, it wouldn't stop arguments.

"You decided 'Sally and the Vampires of Oldham' was a 'yes' when clearly it's a 'maybe'."


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