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Everything posted by Metroid66

  1. I often hear that said about New Vegas but, although I love the game, I found a perk which reveals every location on the map. I uncovered every single one and spoke to every NPC attached to the locale looking for side content, and I still only got about 40 hours out of it.
  2. Mmm? But Bethesda RPGs are all about wondering off, having your own adventure, and making your own stories. Wonder off on a Starfield planet and you'll just keep wondering.....and wondering.....
  3. The more I think about that game the more I've come to dislike it. It's not a Bethesda RPG as far as I'm concerned.
  4. What an interesting gaming time I'm having at the mo, with FF6 fat pixelling up my telly, and then starting this last night with it's film quality backdrops and action game sensibilities. So this is a visual spectacular as far as I can see, like one of those Hollywood epics from years ago, with grand armies having at it, and magical creatures firing up the skies. Don't tell Och but, up to now (beyond the first boss) I love it.
  5. There's an excellent grind spot just outside Maranda, with big xp monsters. I'm tempted to power up my team and go back and have it out with that dragon behind the thieves town. Anyway I have Cyan, Setzer, Ceres, Edgar, Sabin, and I'm a bit concerned about Terra, whose not having it. I also know where Gau is, so if I don't get obsessed with taking down that dragon (such obsessions have happened before) that will be my next stop.
  6. I think I've just encountered an optional boss on my way to find Cyan, a windy dragon. Hits far too hard for my party at the mo. I look forward to coming back and kicking his arse. I don't usually bother with optional stuff in these games, but I remember leveling up like mad because I got obsessed with taking down this infuriating monster in FFX-2. Got so powerful I took the main story boss down in about 30 seconds.
  7. Och pestering phase one. This is an easy sell. I mean, how beautiful is that😍
  8. Yeah, finding Setzer seems to have made all the difference. The (ruined) world is once against my oyster😀
  9. I won't mind if it's a bit easy after being flatlined at least twice by a logic defying mollusc in 6.
  10. I was simply referring to the act cleaving an enemy by proper use of medieval weaponry. Filthy mind🧐
  11. Maf pestering phase 1. Fallout 76? Deathclaws, mutants and stimpaks? Let's just see what I'm offering here: Confirmed: Swords, sorcery, princesses, cleavage, dialogue written by the director's 3 year old niece. Probable: beautiful semi open world, incoherent plot, cleavage, great hair. Hopeful: Big explosions. Unreasonably large enemies who can't really fight, cleavage.
  12. I was never intending to do this, or even play the games back to back on my franchise run, but since I'm becoming a bit 'pixel blind' in my rather enjoyable playthru of FF6, I've decided to open up FF16 as a side game, then letting it take over when I've dealt with the pesky clown boy Kefka. Madness, you say? Perhaps. But it's basically an action game (I tested half an hour when I bought it) and so a completely different experience from 6 so it's what I'd normally do to keep a playthru of a long game like FF 6 fresh. Join in if you have the inclination.
  13. Update. Found Setzer!!
  14. I have to admit I'm completely stuck at the mo. I'm talking to every available NPC but I'm just not getting any clues on how to proceed. I'm not willing to use a guide to progress so I'll do another run around the surface area currently available to me and see if I've missed something. There's a hint of Cyan being in Maranda, but fuck knows where that is. Hey, this is old school rpg-ing and I'm not blaming the game.
  15. That console is a feckin legend. I'm glad it was my introduction to gaming - Resi 4, San Andreas, Ico, Shadow of the colossus, Prince of Persia, Ratchet, FF 10, 12, God of War, Jak, Okami... List goes on and on.
  16. That sort of nonsense is why I'll never have these older games in my favourites list. I mean, how are you supposed to know that? Guide book, I suppose. I'm glad gamers got wise to that scam.
  17. Actually, rescuing the first few has been my favourite part of the game so far. Although Tessa seems to have jibbed the team to become a nanny.
  18. I feel silly asking, but am I required to just go around the world looking for all my characters now?
  19. Don't you have to interact with other human beings to play that? 🤢🤢🤮
  20. I'm only playing 6 from the 2d entries. I wanted to try one at least but, although I'm enjoying the characters and the sheer history of the thing, I find myself being pressured by it in a weird way. There's just too much to worry about with all these characters, remembering what they do, the pressure of keeping them levelled, the knowledge that just around the corner may be some unassailable road block where lack of genre knowledge might end my game (as was close with that double boss on the way to the floating continent). My experience with FF is from 10 onwards, and it's always been a relaxed and magical experience. Remake was a bit of a slog at times but I never felt I could ever make a critical error and lose hours to grinding. My old school credentials are a bit wanting, but, luckily, the remaster has my back in some ways.
  21. 😀 Well my franchise playthru will concentrate initially on the ones I haven't played - 16, rebirth, 13, 8 and 9. Apart from 9 I can already see that list turning you green around the gills.
  22. Now that I've seen it I'd say there's not much point in doing it.
  23. Thought I was over leveled on my way to the floating continent. Not so. Major difficulty spike had me floundering against an unexpected I had to juggle my espers a bit for the first time and had an extremely satisfying win with Ceres, Sabin and Cyan. I also think that fight might have been the one @Maryokutaireferenced earlier in the thread about logic defying antagonists. Talk about a fish out of water😀
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