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Supagorgonizer last won the day on August 18 2012

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About Supagorgonizer

  • Birthday 13/11/1979

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    Crawley, UK

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  1. Hey everyone! Thought i'd pop on and dish out some more free death metal goodness for everyone!! our new EP is out now, available free from our bandcamp page you can even give us money for it if you really want too.. the choice is yours also got actual physical copies available from our bigcartel page anyway, if you can give it a listen, i'd really appreciate it! I know I only post in here from time to time, but i'm not seeing any other games forums behind your backs or anything... you're still my number 1!
  2. hey people, digging up this old thread as we're booking our first gigs and thought i'd post them here: 17 Nov Intrepid Fox LONDON 26 Nov The Pig in Paradise HASTINGS 28 Nov The Gaff Holloway Road LONDON 9 Dec Tommy Flynn's CAMDEN 19 Dec The Hydrant - BRIGHTON supporting Abadden at all london gigs, and Sa-da-ko for Hastings. anyone on here from the hastings area?
  3. hey people, my new band have recorded our Demo EP, and we've put it up for free download, you can grab a copy here we also have a video up on youtube if you want to check us out quickly video just so you've been warned, it's fairly heavy! enjoy!
  4. completed it today, alot longer than the original. did it on easy just to see the whole game, but it was tricky in places. however, now that I know how to deal with most of the enemies I don't think normal will be too bad. so if you do get this, i'd recommend easy first! put well over 100 hours on the original (imported it on n64, cost about £90, worth every penny, one of the greatest games ever imo) and can see that happening again controls are alot better than the original too, which was great once you got used to it, but put too many people off trying. this one everyone should be able to jump straight in
  5. I bought it today! it's excellent, very short and ends all of a sudden... but its great. looks fantastic and plays really well, although there's not really anything more than shooting and dodging. about 12 stages which can be completed in about 10 minutes, so its really one for the SHMUP/high score people I'm loving it, but i think if you didn't know what you were in for you may come away dissapointed
  6. I am, consider me downed seriosuly though, some good info in there cheers! hopefully mine will be here any day now! did play it on PS2 but that was many years ago so I can't remember alot about it (except that I thought it wasn't quite as good as Mushihimesama or dodonpachi, so I'd play those instead) didn't give it the attention it deserved then so i'm looking forward to playing it properly now!
  7. just completed this and loved every single second. only found a couple of bits hard, apart from that found it fairly easy going (though i did play the demo alot) saying that though, my ratings were pretty rubbish at the end of all levels. I really have nothing negative to say about it, even the QTE bits which i normally hate were ok. combat's definately ALOT deeper than it even appears when you've completed it once, there's quite a few different weapons to combine on set A or B, the all have their own combos. may have finally found a better action game than ninja gaiden black! loved all the little clover/platinum & sega references too, especially:
  8. stoobie, my tatsunoko is on pre order with play, it is on there!

  9. didn't seem to be a thread for this, so I thought i'd make one! I'd usually buy most survival horror games on release, but I'd lost faith in them this gen after how fiddly and annoying alone in the dark was, dead space and resi 5 being great but more shooters than horror, siren was ok, then the one game that was apparently fantastic (fatal frame 4) is never getting out of japan, and of course alan wake is never going to be released... back on topic, did pick this up for a tenner and my faith is restored! It won't sway anyone who's not into this type of game, and doesn't reach the greatness of eternal darkness but I'm really enjoying it. the mountain and villages make a great setting, it's very atmospheric and quite tense at times. the only problem I've found so far is that either I'm doing it wrong or the occasional motion-spell-thing doesn't seem to register anyone else given this a try?
  10. just scoring builds up your counter, but using the A button to deflect the shots drains it. use the right trigger shot to slow the bullets down, this doesnt use up your counter, you can then dodge around them easier, or if you get a bit stuck, use A to deflect. you can then build both meters up to the max (9999 i think it is) and use right trigger and A button to activate "fever" and take down bosses nice and easy!
  11. my eyes hurt! well they managed to make my favourite bullet-hell shmup even better so i'm very, very happy! thought i was quite good at the PS2 one, the leaderboards on this show me that i wasn't even close... ah well, having alot of fun, especially with the black label one. using the SF2 pad for this and it works really well, couldn't do anything with the 360 analog stick, found small movements impossible.
  12. my Mushihimesama arrived! no DLC card got the black label DLC from the uk marketplace no problem though!
  13. the other call of duty games bored me so I was never going to get it, but I blame MW2 for them pushing back the release of bayonetta so I dislike this one more than normal to be honest, even if i did like call of duty, i've still got left 4 dead 2, muramasa, new super mario bros and mushihimesama this month so probably wouldn't have time to play it anyway!
  14. got to agree with everyone, while some bits of the gameplay are very dull, the actual game itself is just so well done i can't help but love it. even the RTS (and i hate RTS) is ok to play through. not great, but ok. much prefer the quests and just drving around. if you think you're going to like it then you will, there's no surprises, but i think its brilliant. i've always said games these days just need more manowar...
  15. thats fantastic news, just ordered my copy! the PS2 version was always my favourite cave game, loved the art style especially.
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