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Showing most liked content on 06/12/15 in all areas

  1. it's like an fps puzzle game, think portal, actually the game structure has a lot in common with portal. but the puzzling is a bit different, you use various items to open doors/activate/disable baddies/stuff, and lasers. lots of lasers. it's good. it's supposed to be really good, and it sort of is, but it outstayed its welcome a bit for me, steam says it took 17 hours, a lot of parts of puzzles are similar to other puzzles so it could have been cut down to a better length imo. i mean it's still really good, just a bit too long, i was really close to using a guide near the end but just managed to work out the last one i was stuck on before resorting to the guide. maybe there's more puzzles because of the extra puzzles to collect the stars which require . i got a few stars but not loads - maybe they unlock a super secret ending or something. the story is pretty cool too, maybe more so if you're into philosophy and stuff like that (which confused me a bit, but i think that's the point), although you sort of know what's happening at the end if you read the computer files. found a few hidden secret bits that were pretty odd/funny too.
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