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Marvel Rivals

one-armed dwarf

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I can instalock Sue really easily cause I have a faster PC than everyone else mwahahaha


I played 2 matches of her in QP and it's hard to know what to make of it cause the first match we got near 0 elims, second one the other team was bad (maybe they were bots I dunno). The shield working the way it does makes me feel it should be allowed to not have to target anyone, just place it down somewhere


The E move seems like it would work well in coordinated groups, like use E to push them off ledges or pull them into something like a psylock ult or something like that


I was watching some guy play yesterday, dunno his name but his stream said 'number 1 C&D' or something like that. The faster form switching seems fairly massive cause she can support way harder now with the debuffs and cloaking

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There's something about the matches in this that feel really 'sloggy', I dunno. I logged on to do a 'fresh' bronze III match, meaning a bunch of us are seasonally demoted I would guess cause the level of play was pretty decent for bronze (on both sides). We lost the pushing the wagon thing by a few meters. It was a pretty hard match and we had a Cloak and Dagger hard carrying, using pings to prevent over extending and healing the fuck and debuffing everything, clearly on another level with that character. I got the sense they weren't happy with how I was pushing the frontline cause they were pushing forward a lot themselves (not being toxic about it or anything, just something I noticed).


I got fucked by some pretty bad lag in the last minute, my router is fucking around and I wish I could do something about that but I'm not doing the powerline adapter thing anymore cause it fucks other things around. But anyway, I don't find it super satisfying, but maybe that's the thing with Dr Strange, he's sort of a sloggy character. 


If I'm going to continue with the game I definitely want to see if I can make a DPS work but I'll have to spend a minute thinking of which one. I guess Namor or Starlord, cause they regularly get the teamup abilities given that Luna and Warlock+Mantis are quite popular online. It might be the new map, which isn't a map I love tbh, but I feel I'm lacking in some game sense with spending so much time on Strange. Might be time to give Sergeant Propaganda a go cause he got a couple buffs this patch.


edit here's the stats of that Cloak and Dagger, they got SVP.





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Had a match on the new map and at some point found myself behind the payload (I was defense). So instead of going past the entire enemy team I wanted to see how to get back to my side of the map and ended up getting completely lost during the third checkpoint and just flying around in some train station until the match was over. Granted, 'some' map unfamiliarity played into this as well, but I also feel like level design and UI guidance shouldn't allow this to happen. 


Thankfully it was a super one-sided match anyway and I think I was the only one who even had a couple of elims at that point, so nothing was lost really.


I have to take back my initial statement about the Storm changes though, I think the way they buffed her was pretty smart in the sense that they kept the character identity intact but made her more lethal in normal gameplay and less fragile when using her Ult, while still keeping unfavourable matchups against hitscan intact. She's absolutely a priority target now, which thankfully most players on Bronze haven't realised yet.

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I did a quickplay match on storm with someone on Sue, and they put the shield in the air as healing cover. That's a fun interaction


Otherwise I feel like a granny up there, I guess the way you avoid damage is just create a bunch of height when needed and hope someone kills the hitscan characters. Or go low and buff someone else


edit only just learned now that SPACE and CTRL control her ascent and descent so that should make her more intuitive and active to play as

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I've only played her for a total of maybe two hours so I'm hardly an expert, but I think her 3-axis mobility should mostly be used to have a certain freedom for attack angles and cover, not for free flight à la Iron-Man because she lacks the speed to get out of trouble if she gets focused. Plus you lose out on what is arguably her strongest tool in her damage buff aura when you move away too far from your team (it also has a vertical limit). I usually stick around somewhere between the tanks and the supports, hoping to have as many team members in my range and then pressure with damage from afar. I only fly up higher when I have to avoid grounded flankers/tanks or if another flyer forces me into a 1-on-1, even though someone like Iron-Man definitely has the advantage in that matchup.


I quite like her but I wonder how good she's in higher ranks. A permanent damage buff without a cooldown is extremely strong, but maybe higher level players are so good at shutting her down by abusing her low speed that you don't get much benefit from it.

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Yeah I know about the buff aura being sort of conical with the area it covers. I feel like almost every good team would have a histcan by default to beat Iron Man specifically so I'm not fully convinced yet she's amazing but that might be my skill issue and I only did QP with her. I find it a bit hard to know who to move with on there, especially as you often only have one healer on QP.


A trick to figure out for me is what buff to use, I'm using the lightning buff to help out when we're trying to poke from afar and speed buff when it's more of a brawl cause they get slowed, so tricky Psylocks and magics might be easier to nab. 


My damage on her is pretty low but it's around average for QP at least, not taking this character into ranked anytime soon. Still not got a DPS I'm comfy on for that, Bucky I'm a bit too rubbish at his Nero grab attack and that's fundamental to his gameplay.

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I mostly use the damage buff, people are so uncoordinated and miss so many shots that you need to make them count. I usually go for speed to either help my team move away from certain Ults or to just save myself from enemy Starlords shouting at the top of their lungs. From my Overwatch experience, in higher ranks the inverse might be true, because people do land their shots and helping them move around quicker is more impactful because that's something they can't do on their own. But on baby ranks, damage is the way to go.


I had one game where I did a ridiculous amount of damage (at least from my perspective). I have no clue how, I think the stars just aligned when looking at my stats there:


Marvel Rivals-2025_01_11-22-48-19.png


Though looking at your screenshots those values seem to be commonplace on PC. Probably explains why your healing numbers are quite higher as well, everyone is just getting hit more consistently by both damaging and healing projectiles.

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I think the screenshot I posted was of an unusually sweaty match for bronze level cause probably some of those players were ranking up back to gold or something. I've not actually stepped back on ranked since cause 20 minutes is a hell of a long time to stay locked in like that. I'm not burnt out on the game but I am burnt out on Dr Strange ranked, I'm just finding him really boring now. Also I cannot use the portal correctly right now, I think you really need voice comms to make it work. I used it once in an interesting way in that match to deny line of sight of a healer on their tank but even that felt like a fumble. Also I think my team got confused by it too lol


I kinda wish for the tie breaker on Convoy they would just take whoever had the fastest time at the end but because of the way the game is designed, I understand that wouldn't be exactly fair cause of how healers will lock people down for ages.


edit also the thing with the movement buff is it also slows down the other team, I dunno I think this should be impactful. Like a jank ass way of doing Venom's right click to a group of players. 


edit 2 I got a QP SVP with Storm, I'm getting better at using different angles and trying to eliminate some flankers. The SVP match had a Loki tho, and they kept cloning me. He was better at ulting our healers than I was theirs

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Just had a 48 elims game with Storm, at some point our opponents realised I was a problem and focused me super hard with Scarlet Witch (manageable) and Hela (absolutely not manageable). We still won though, yay.


One thing that keeps messing me up is how the UI switches sides during the killcam. It's especially confusing on KotH maps if you're doing pretty poorly and get killed and then the UI looks like you're at 90% or something.


Also, I haven't played the game that much but it looks like it's still the same characters getting the seasonal buff? What is going on with that feature, it makes no sense.

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I think they actually debuffed the buffs a bit but they still exist, wonder how long if they don't keep it


It's funny how in week 1 people were like "Iron Fist is a problem" but he's threatening no tier lists these days. It's Luna who's the problem. Also Wolverine, occasionally

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Iron Fist's skill floor is roughly at the same level as the centre of the earth, that's probably why he felt strong early on in a game with uneven matchups. I think melee fighters in general feel a lot weaker than they did a month ago since everyone has become more familiar with the game. I guess it's a rather extreme scenario, but playing Storm I barely perceive them as a threat these days and just shoot them from above while they fling their limbs at our supports.


Will be a tough balancing act to make those guys competitive without resorting to cheap stuff like hour-long stuns à la Wolverine. Overwatch made it work by having smaller maps and flankers having huge damage fall-off, so they have to play closer where melee is strong, but Rivals in general just seems to favour mobility and range over anything else.


Edit: tried a few damage heroes in practice because I've actually never touched most of them. Didn't realise Winter Solider's gun was a projectile, makes him a bit weird to play but the interplay with his arm skills to reload quicker is interesting. Didn't even bother with Moon Knight after seeing how bloated his toolset is (one thing OW does better than this game IMO, keeping characters slick and streamlined). Iron-Man seems cool, probably a natural next step after Storm. And if I ever want to go for one of these melee guys I think I'm trying out Magik who doesn't seem to get much playtime overall, oddly enough.

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For some reason when learning Bucky I also thought he was hitscan until I actually looked closely and it obviously wasn't.


He feels very feast or famine, when he gets going he's insane but if you're fucking up his Nero grab then you're on a hiding to nothing and should play someone else. He's pretty dangerous if he manages to get line of sight on a careless backline. Or even the main tank. Just grab them and shyrouken them into the enemy backline. Loki players really like cloning him.


Iron Man is insane with the Hulk teamup and lots of players out there are getting to grips with Hulk now. That's one thing tho where the teamup abilities feel like they could stagnate the game a bit, to me, cause if you have Iron Man well then you have to have Banner as well.

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Maybe rotating team actions instead of the weird seasonal buffs, that aren't seasonal, would have been a better way to nudge people towards trying something different (which I presume is why the buffs are there). Would have been more work, but also more in line with the game's DNA.


Played some Quick Play matches with Magik yesterday and I can kind of see why she's not particularly popular. In a vacuum she's pretty fun I think, and landing all her cooldowns on an enemy kills them rather quickly, the kind of burst damage you need in a game with such sustain. But on the other hand she herself needs that sustain and without a healer pumping you full of HP while you dive the backline you're not getting out of there alive. You could theoretically save some cooldowns as escape options, but without them she's not particularly lethal and if that's how she's meant to be played they need to finetune her quite a bit because right now it's not really a viable choice to make. Getting in and out without killing anyone in this game just means you gave enemy supports a chance to charge up their generally quite busted Ultimates.

Edit: though thinking about it, I could see her maybe being strong with proper coordination and multiple characters with similar playstyles. Dive in, get picks, and then overwhelm with numbers. But there's no way you're going to get that experience with randoms.


Might continue messing around with her in QP but absolutely not going to use her in Ranked. I did get her 3-kills-during-Ultimate achievement, so there's that at least. 10 points closer to that 200 point Storm recolour.

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She has a teamup with Psylocke I think, which gives the latter the Tracer rewind thing or something. She's definitely really annoying to deal with on the backline if the Magic player is competent but I heard people complain that her hitboxes don't make a lot of sense and don't connect in the way you'd expect


Speaking of Psylocke, my youtube results are very Marvel pilled currently cause of watching Rivals stuff and it showed me scenes from an Xmen film she was in. In it she was making laser whips out of energy and stuff like that, it doesn't quite feel like they translated that character into this game. Sorta just feels like they got Vergil and gave him boobs and a crossbow.

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Teaming up damage characters is so weird, but Magik and Psylocke at least sound like a duo that might synergise well. Though I find partner actions that don't add anything to one of the partners a bit weird to be honest. C&D has the same thing with Moon Knight where he becomes better but they get absolutely nothing.


Maf can probably say more on this but I don't think the Psylocke in this game is the same character. Movie Psylocke was the very base version of her but this is some multiverse stuff. Granted that's not a reason to not have the original in the game, but maybe they wanted the Ninja chick for widespread appeal.


Edit: so after my short, 2-3 week break and coming back to a slightly more mature state of the game I've noticed that certain support combinations can make a team feel almost immortal and looking around a bit that seems a rather common complaint these days.


I think the normal healing values are fine, but I do agree that some of those Ults are just a bit too much. Overwatch, smartly, only has a single support who can dish out high amount of HP/s during his Ult but it only lasts six seconds and is tied to a hero who otherwise has a rather low healing output. Rivals has four of those and they go on for significantly longer than just six seconds.


If I'm on Storm and the opponents have Luna and/or Sue, I pretty much can't use my Ult. Which is fair, that's the kind of counterplay and strategy that comes with it. But I also can't even use it to bait their Ults because they last so long that it not only allows them to get a defensive use out of it, but it can transition into an offensive push when I'm all done. Bit too much I think.


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Yeah I was doing QP with Storm and every time I used the ult it would draw out disco boogie time. So you have to play around it I guess but then good luck if there's a Loki in the squad also (tho the Loki I was fighting against copied my ult instead lol).


The counterplay appears to be iron man who deals the highest raw damage AOE in the entire game with his ult. But then they could have Punisher or Hela for that. So healers have to be on point helping out Iron Man, maybe with a Luna giving him the snowflake or Invis giving him a shield to cover behind. But then Iron Man has got to make sure Strange doesnt block it or Cloak doesnt hide from it


At diamond level players can ban heroes and Luna is popular as a ban. 


edit from reddit




Comparing this to my brief time in Overwatch the other week my viewpoint from the skill floor was I felt that the healers in that were a bit more brainy and a lot harder to play. If maf is still considering playing this game I would not recommend playing Spiderman at all and instead use a strategist to get into things cause you learn things quite easily and are incredibly powerful and dictate the flow of matches. So it's an easy role, but one that gives you all that power and responsibility.

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