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Rogue Legacy


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Put a good chunk of time into this today. For a 400mb download you might think it would run on anything but it seems to be one of the most demanding indie games I've played. It was unplayable using a laptop with only integrated graphics. I managed to get my own laptop going which also chugged at the game's default resolution but at lower resolutions it ran fine - except when your character has any weird traits like colour-blindness which slow the game down again. But that's not really a problem as you can mostly avoid those.

Performance issues aside, it's a cool game. The graphics and music are fine, nothing much to say. Basically you pick a hero, go into a Castlevania style dungeon, inevitably die, spend the coins you earned on stat and equipment upgrades, then go in again as a new hero. Dungeons are randomised but there is an NPC called the Architect who will "lock" a dungeon's design if you like. It's unforgiving but not in an overly unfair way, so it does have that Dark Souls fun/addiction factor. Initially you'll be dying after a few rooms but once you understand how the game's combat and movement works (and how the enemies behave) you'll start surviving for longer and reaching new areas.

Basically it feels like a natural enough evolution of traditional roguelikes.

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Played some more of this, it is a cool game. My character is level 21 now, my upgrades have pretty much been whatever I can afford at the time. I've unlocked some new classes like the Lich, Shinobi and the Miner. some stat and class upgrades, as well as the amazing benefit of having Charon take 94% of my gold instead of 100%.

I do seem to be earning more gold in general, often in the 500-1000 range which is good. One exploration tip I have discovered is when you see two grey floor tiles side by side, it you usually means you can fall through them.

As far as exploration goes I've visited the Maya and the Land of Darkness a few times, as well as encountered a few of the games minibosses. I've been ignoring the first boss so far, he's one of those giant eyeball things. But I might as well try to take him on. I think the biggest thing I've killed is called a "corrupt lord". Which incidentally, I'm selling the card of right now on steam marketplace, yours for only 9 cents. ;)

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8 hours put into this now, 7 achievements and my character is level 40 something. I've upgraded most of the classes including the Spelunker and Lich King, in fact every class I have unlocked is upgraded now. I've just seen a new square for the Spell Thief so I guess I'll be buying him in due course.

I beat the first boss which was piss simple really, especially using a Hokage. There isn't much I have left to do in Castle Harrison except take down the minibosses but they appear at random, if I'm playing as the Spelunker I might run around Castle Harrison to rake in easy cash but otherwise I guess I'll be braving the Forest Abkhazia.

It's a cool game, it's not batshit randomm but there is a nice level of surprise to it to keep you playing.

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Beat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia, really easy fight. The bosses are easier than regular enemies in this game (so far). Luckily I was playing as a Hokage when I fought him as well, that halved the battle time.

I love the music in the Maya. The enemies are only level 30ish so it doesn't seem like a step up from the Forest, I guess these two areas are equal in difficulty. I should probably continue to explore the Forest now and then though because I didn't open many treasure chests there. Equipment must be tied to location because I only ever get gold in Castle Harrison now (although fairy chests are still yielding runes every time).

I've unlocked the ability to re-roll my characters as well which is a nice bonus.

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What's a good recommendation in the upgrade path?

I haven't unlocked the Lich class yet though have tried the Shinobi and they're alright, though given the choice, I tend to favour Barbarian for the strength.

I've unlocked the first bit where Death only takes 94% of your gold, seems very expensive to follow down that path, is it worth it to pay the 2 grand to level it up?

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Might as well upgrade all the classes anyway since I'm sure they're all linked to other nodes in the castle.

I don't use the lich much. The hokage (upgraded shinboi) is a beast, fast movement and does double the normal damage. The assassin (upgraded something with a lame name) is excellent as well because you get frequent criticals.

The barbarian and paladin classes are both fairly decent, barbarian has a lot of hp which is useful. But still I'd prefer to play as an assassin/hokage or else a class like the spelunker for treasure hunting.

As far as upgrades go I've always just taken whatever I considered to the best I could afford at the time (although obviously with the aim of unlocking every node as well). I have the 12% discount from Charon which is fairly insignifcant. But I'm sure when you increase it more and combine that with the upgrade which increases your percentage gold, it will start to add up.

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I'm kind of sick of this now to be honest. Level 72 and my file is around 12 hours long. I think I'll leave it alone for a while.

It's the same old thing over and over again. I know the word fair doesn't come into the definition of roguelikes but let's face it, half the damage you take in the game comes from off-screen ememies whose projectiles you blindly leap into while avoiding some other enemy that's attacking you on the ground. It's a solid game but I don't know does it do anything particularly well.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm at about level 72 or so now, put a load if time into it as my game to play when listening to podcasts or just killing time.

I've got the guy that takes all your gold haggled down to a mere 60% now and I'm upgrading more or less after each run.

Might find a decent guide or wiki for which areas are best to do in order.

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I can't decide how best to upgrade.

I've been spreading stats out all across the board, because it seems to have opened up a whole load of extra things.

In hindsight, I think it probably would have been better to pump all of my cash into things that get me more cash.

either way, I've been enjoying playing loads on the vita. I've killed the giant eye, and I'm starting to explore other areas too.

I nearly killed the giant skull boss, but died with him only having a tiny chunk of health left. I looked up at the TV then looked back down at the vita, and didn't realise that I'd hit my 1% chance to death defy. I'd just been stood there doing nothing. oops!

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It was quite a close fight. It doesn't help those mini-skulls keep respawning constantly. Going Hokage won it for me, I tried as Barbarian King but even though he had higher health, his attacks weren't causing enough damage. Which meant as the fight went on, even more skulls spawned.

With Hokage, each hit on the boss did a small, but decent ammount of damage. As the boss itself doesn't do much, getting a few hits in each time then running away did the trick.

Not sure where to try next though. The dungeon area enemies absolutely batter me.

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