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Apples To Apples [XBLA]

Tomahawk Rob

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I thought I'd give this it's own thread in the hope than some of you guys take the bait and are willing to give this a punt! :)

I bought the full version of this US exclusive XBLA game last night as it's currently half-price at 400 M$P in the THQ sale. I had to attach my PayPal account details to my US regioned gamertag to then allow me to add 400 points for $4.99, but it was well worth the fuss!

I really wouldn't bother with the single-player only trial, as it's shit and not really representative of how the game is supposed to be played... Luckily, I kinda knew in advance that multi-player (both online & local) would be where the fun is really at in this game...

Apples To Apples is based on the card-game of the same name for 3 to 6 players.

Each player is dealt a hand of 7 red apple cards on each of which is generally printed a noun or person (ie Armpits/Kermit The Frog/Pirates), though it can also be a phrase. One player is picked to be the judge, who draws a green apple card, on which is printed an adjective (ie Scary/Controversial/Untrustworthy). Each player (except the judge) then picks the red card from their hand that they think is the best match for the green card. Once each player has picked, the judge gets to see the choices, but is unaware of who picked which card. The judge chooses the red card that they feel is the best match, and the player who selected that red card gets awarded a point. As a new round starts, players draw a red card to topup their hand and the role of judge moves onto the next player. The winner is the first person to get a set number of points (usually 6-8).

I played several games in the space of an hour or so last night (mostly with a full lobby of 6), and despite not winning any games, there were more than a few genuinely funny moments, such as when 'Michael Jackson' was picked as being more 'Friendly' than 'Dolphins' due to the reasoning he was probably a bit overly-friendly, when 'Mel Gibson' was picked as being 'Embarrasing' or when I had to judge who was most 'Famous' out of 'Adolf Hitler', 'Spider-Man' & (again) 'Michael Jackson'...

There was a small amount of repetition with both types of card, but it seems that if the host owns either of the DLC packs, the extra cards in that pack are somehow available for all players to use.

There are also golden apple cards that are basically game-changing cards (ie 'get a new hand of red cards', 'steal a point from a player', 'all players play a random red card', etc), but I'm not too sure how exactly they get played yet as for starters, you need to unlock access to them by winning online games (or buying the DLC packs <_< ). However, it seems like the ability to play these cards can be turned off by the host, and there are a fair amount of other different options available when setting up the game.

It can be quite a random game at times, but that is kind of what adds to the entertainment... Looking forward to getting a few more games in tonight! I'm kinda tempted to invest in one of the DLCs too as it is also in the sale at the mo...

So why is the single-player shite? Because it basically consists of you guessing what word the computer player has picked by spelling out one of 3 or 4 words on a word-grid... And that is all it is... In comparison to the multi mode, it is uber-dull...

So, any takers?? ;)

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Just had a few games, struggled to get many people in but I guess America is going to bed about now.

I love it! There's been times when I've done really well out of the choices (one round I steam-rollered everyone else) and others where you just have to concede to your opponent, like any time someone answers with Charlie Sheen. He can be used for so many answers, it's untrue.

Also one description was "past it, no longer needed" and I struggled with my choice, my opponent shot in with Madonna. You can't argue with that really!

A few cards have popped up as "downloadable content" so it looks like you only need one person or maybe the host to use that if the others don't have it. If it's still on sale I might pick them up, but the store is blank on my main profile, I'd have to log in to my American account to buy the DLC I think.

Shame this wasn't released properly over here, it'd be good to get a load of us playing this every so often. :)

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Yeah, it does seem to struggle to get a full lobby, but I guess that's the same with most Arcade titles a month or so after release nowadays. Evenings seem pretty popular though - I was playing with 4 others on Friday, two of whom seem be regulars on it as I was playing with them earlier in the week... Anyway, they both added me as a 'friend' and combined with setting up a 'beacon' for it, I should be able to get into a few more games with them.

It's a shame that the 'golden apple' cards (and therefore the connected cheevos) are unlocked via wins over Live, but then I guess that's an attempt by the developer to extend the lifespan of the online game...

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And I'm not sure how to use them DLC packs. :unsure:

Me and Rob had some rounds with randoms. It could've been a dull session as the guy we joined as host was setting up short burst games only - 5 seconds to choose your card and only 1 point to win a round - so he was obviously whoring for achievement points.

Better when we did it properly I think.

I also had a brief pop in on the single player. I'm not sure how you could do the normal game in single player and this is some kind of attempt at doing something different, I guess, but it's still not great. Essentially means guessing what the sterotype before you would answer out of the 3 cards.

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