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The Pinball Thread

Sly Reflex

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I had several goes at episode 1 and couldn't do shit. Same with episode 2. There was one part where I had to make a choice between 2 ramps where a zombie ball alternated between ramps which was pretty hard. The skillshot from launch is hard to hit. It's just a hard table, I doubt any of us will hit massive scores on it. On one of my goes I didn't even make it to 1m. That to me is crazy. I was expecting to score what Andy did in one ball, but he wasn't joking when he said it was a tough table.

I need to sit and read the instructions I think. Normally I don't bother as I just play and learn what works best, but I couldn't work shit out at all on TWD. Nothing seemed to happen much and when it did I wasn't clear on how I achieved it. Hitting the zombie near the trapdoor seemed to be a pretty random way of setting missions off. That other table is a proper mindfuck as well, the back to front flippers just screw with my brain as it's been hardwired to react that the way the flipper is sloped and not which side it's placed on.

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Aye,its the hardest table I've played yet. Fuck knows what it wants you to do each Episode. Or how I even got to that top table in the first place. Considering the source material,I thought this would be a good table. Not so much, though.

I did get that Venom table. Which is a lot more fun ?

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The far right orbit send you to the top table, although I think you need to make the shot once to change the switch on the rail so it guides the ball into the upper playing field on the 2nd orbit. Or maybe it's a mission related thing. I'm not entirely sure. I did figure out that lighting up the lanes sets up different missions from the ones that are named after TWD episodes. The football and sniper games aren't too difficult, I guess.

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OK, here's a proper score to aim for.


Also check out this bullshit physics.

I didn't actually abuse that, I can't say I'm keen that's possible though. For reference when you get up in that area, after you've dropped the targets the score for getting the ball increases from left to right. Hard to get it in the right as the hole is barred off and you need to hit it just right.

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Don't look at the dot matrix ever. Unless the table changes perspective to indicate that you're safe to do so, the only time you should be checking the display is if you've caught the ball and have it resting. If you're struggling with missions have runs where you get the mission started and then just catch the ball and read what you have to do for that particular objective, if you're having trouble seeing where you're supposed to be going.

One day I'm going to stream so you can watch and see how I play and how I make shots, because I have a feeling you're just whacking the flippers and hoping for the best. Once you have direct control pinball is a game of skill, you can clear tables no problems once you've masters a few skills if they are laid out nice.

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I had a quick gander back and compiled the cut off times into one post.

Walking Dead (Ends 12/8)

1. Sly 84.6m

2. Jim 26.8m

3. Andy 13.1m (not confirmed)

4. Mark Not submitted a score yet.

Guardians of the Galaxy (Ends 8/8)

1. Sly 81.m

2. Jim 40m+ (not confirmed? I might have seen a tweet but I couldn't find it in my timeline - sorry :()

3. Mark 11m

4. Andy 8m (not confirmed)

Portal (Ends 9/8)

1. Sly 183.5m

2. Jim 119m

3. Andy 10.2m (not confirmed)

I banged not confirmed on for scores I couldn't find proof of. Take a twitter snap if there's no screenshot feature and link to it just so that everything is above board. There's no arguing then and it makes compiling positions a bit easier.

Andy needs to beat Mark to extend GotG to give Jim more breathing space to take on my score. Come on Andy, you can do it. :P

Any suggestions for next table?

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Let Jim or Mark pick would be my suggestion. I have them all bar Ant Man, I don't mind buying it if others dive in. I wouldn't mind going for some of the standard tables or Star Wars stuff as that's the only place we've not been yet.

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If we go for tables that are part of a pack the other tables should also be played in the weeks after. If we have 4 tables active at any one time whenever one expires if the last one was a pack table then another from the pack should be chosen. Say something like Rome gets picked, the following tables would be Secrets of the Deep, Pasha and Biolab in a random order until they've all been played and another table is picked.

Boba Fett and Clone Wars would follow if we went with Empire Strikes Back. I've not played any of them, or if I have it's only been a few credits worth on 360/PC back when I originally got them.

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