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Dante's retro thread


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Tip. Leave that egg the fuck alone. :finger:

I'm making a reasonable progress, I'm up to day 11 and I have half the items. I normally start a level and keep restarting it trying to get everything down as fast as possible with minimal casualties. Normally I managed 2 items a day which I think is pretty good going. I'm fucking fed up of those floating thing deflowering my Pikmin though, the hit in speed and power you take from having them get devolved back to leaves is really noticeable when you start tackling the harder monsters. Also, the yellow Pikmin are next to fucking useless. You only need a few of them at a time, it really isn't worth spending a lot of time bulking their numbers up.

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Well thats finished..

What a weird game. I'm still not sure if I liked it. It appears that Japan is full of weird people, especially the Yakuza who are the weirdest off them all. I had mission of men in nappies, immaculate conception and The Ring rip offs. Great facial animation, and the final battle went on and on and on. Lots of weird side missions and mini games, enjoyed the golf and the heat moves too. Is 3 worth going for?

I can't find some of my Gamecube leads Sly, I think they got moved when my gaming room became a nursery :facepalm: , so your have to save / maime the Pikmin on your own for a bit longer.

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So I put a big pile of PS2 games in front of the proverbial other half, and said " What shall I play next?"

So she chose State Of Emergency. :finger: And it's her game as well.

For those not in the know, published 2001 by Rockstar, it involves you rebelling against the corporation and to eventually overthrow the system. Stick it to the man!

In reality its a button mashing bore fest with no imagination, awful controls, and at best insulting AI. Apparently it caused a media storm when it released, probably due to it being so shit.

Only 4 lvls in the game. One down already.

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I remember my mates being well into State of Emergency. It was just some crap that they sold off the back of GTA3's success. Stuck 'from those that brought you GTA3' on the adverts and box and stuff.

I thought it was crap at the time, it must play like the worst bits from Dynasty Warriors and Dead Rising.

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So thats finished. I have nothing to say about it. In fact I'm trying to recreate Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind with it.

So Final Fantasy XII.

So far, so good. I like and quickly understood the battle system. The graphics are good but the lip-synch is awful. The lead Vaan, isn't to whiney yet, and I've done a few hunts. I'm about to go join the Sky Pirates. All in all a currently nice experience, which is good as I heard bad things about it.

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dont believe ondor's lies.

ive been busting snes games and 64 games recently. just dipping in, a few f-zero x gps here, a few levels of SMW there. i found a rom of an old game i had for my 64 back in the day, and i think im going to play it from start to finish. Mystical Ninja starring Goemon. anybody else play it?

it was a cool platformer with very zany japanese ideas. like its set in edo japan or some such period, but theres aliens invading, and they love opera, and sometimes goemon turns into a godzilla-sized robot to battle other godzilla-sized robots..

its just really colourful and funny, cant wait to play it again!

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I might play mystical ninja 2 as well, i was psyched to play it when i was a kid til i realised reading ONM or N64 magazine that it was a 2d platformer gameplay wise, seemed like a big step back in the brave new world of 3d. if it was now i probably wouldve got it anyway considering how much i enjoyed the first, but you had to choose carefully when you were a kid, didnt get many games!

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N64 is on my back catalogue but its only things like Zelda, Mario and Goldeneye.

broaden your horizons mate! :D

i enjoyed ff12, i thought the gambit system and the real time combat in general was cool, turn based combat isnt really my thing. i would say though, that the storyline is just star wars. shockingly so. like i can only imagine the guys that wrote it set out to rip it off. and if they didnt, how on earth did they not read back over a final draft before submitting it to square headhonchos and think 'fuck - guys - weve written star wars. back to the drawing board'. although i still enjoyed the gorgeous gfx (for a ps2, but lovely art design as any game goes), and a lot of the combat, and the wonderful fmvs, the story just being star wars really brought it down a few notches

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